Chapter 2 : Awkward mornings

1008 Words
Hailey glanced up at the sky. Dark swirling clouds obscured the moon and the stars. The white signs of the crosswalk stood out starkly in this pitch black night. Tentatively, she took a step forward. She stopped and looked around her, it was still completely dark and silent. Facing forward, she began walking again. The faint breeze causing the fabric of her dress to stick to her leg as she moved. She tried to calm down but out of nowhere came a loud roar and as she turned, she found a pair of bright lights coming right at her. Her head started spinning as the wind suddenly swirled around her, making everything blurry. The roaring sound kept getting closer and closer and soon turn into a screeching warning cry. A burning sensation crept onto her skin as the smell of blood and death filled the air. She closed her eyes and waited. She jerked up from the bed, her heart beating frantically. For some painful seconds, she remained still, her hands clutching the satin sheets tightly. Her body felt too hot and her throat burned. Gingerly, she lifted her hand and brushed it. Her fingers became moist, coated in her own sweat. Beside her, Sebastian groaned and shifted. Had she scream? She could not remember. She looked down to Sebastian as he gently pulled at the sheets. It was just a nightmare she told her herself as he watched his chest rise and fall. A wave of relief swept through her. She was safe, but her scalp was itching and her whole body felt sticky. Slowly she climbed of the bed and made her way to the bathroom. The cold water felt good against her skin. She closed her eyes and pushed all thoughts away. However, a part of her kept wondering what Sebastian meant. "Maybe he believes I talked my parents into getting me married to him" She thought. " But this misunderstanding can be cleared". A little relieved and very hopeful she stepped out of the shower, wrapped her tiny body in a pink towel and padded to the bedroom. She pushed the door open and cursed internally at what followed. The wooden door opened only half way before banging right into Sebastian’s face. The latter took a step back and groaned. Hailey watched stunned as he rubbed his face. “He looks a little bit disoriented” She thought. Of course he will ‘Her brain was screaming “You just wacked him in the face!” Slowly she let go of the door knob, eyes still fixed on Sebastian. He blinked a few times then raised an eyebrow, eyes trained on Hailey. “Really?!” ‘I’m s-sorry’ Stuttered Hailey. As Sebastian continued staring at her, she felt her cheeks heating up “ Ggood morning” Sebastian scoffed, his words dripped with sarcasm “ You don’t say!” He rolled his eyes as he brushed past Hailey and walked out. Seated on the plush red chair, Hailey stared back at her reflection, a bitter smile adorning her lips. She wore a floral maxi dress that despite being size XS, hung loose on her body. Her emerald eyes traveled to the red marks on her neck. She considered changing into something less revealing. Looking up again, she pursed her lips. Five years ago, who would have thought that the most promising model would end up where she was today. That those same legs that mastered such an enticing walk that she was begged by almost every fashion brand to model for them, would be covered in deep red marks scratched all over one any messily. Hailey indeed had a hard time believing her parents when they told her about her past job. However, even after watching countless videos of her past self, it still seems a little fake. She sighed. There was no point bringing all these back. Modelling was just one of the many pieces of forgotten past. Jack Blunt, her past agent had made it crystal clear that she no longer had her place in this industry. Her porcelain skin looked a little too pale now. Her once slender figure far too skinny now. Jack words still rings clearly in her mind “God it’s so stupid you for even a second thought you could go back on the catwalk when you can’t even walk normally. He had shaken his head “It’s so stupid it’s funny” A bitter chuckle escaped as she stared at herself “Stupid indeed” She thought. Her eyes sparkled with tears, recovering had been painful and although she still felt broken, she knew she had to be strong. This was her reality now, as harsh as it was, she knew she had no choice but to accept it. But it felt strange how she was not really mad at what happened to her but more at the pity of others at her fate. In some twisted ways, they forced her to believe she was different, inferior. Angrily, she brushed the tears that rolled on her cheeks and as she did so the door sprung open. In walked Sebastian, his wet hair covering his eyes and partially his eyes too. “Look you better hu- “His eyes landed on Hailey. Whatever he had to say vanished into thin air and he stopped dead in his tracks. “What’s wrong? “He enquired. He meant to say it coldly but Hailey caught the underlying concern. She pretended to brush her hair in an attempt to hide the bloodshot eyes “ N-nothing. Did you shower?” She asked in a lame attempt to change the conversation. She internally cringed at the awkwardness. “Yes?” Sebastian replied while his facial expression screamed "Isn’t it obvious"? He cleared his throat. “Anyway Lilliana will be here in less than thirty minutes. Get ready. We’re going to the beach"
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