

realistic earth

Her whole family shatters because of a betrayal and she loses her best friend. Feeling wronged and robbed of her youthful life, Maia has sworn to make her offenders pay.

Focused on revenge, she does everything she can to make sure the Kamenev's pay. Making wrong decisions and killing become part of her life.

Throw in a baby, love and friendship. Will she have the heart to carry out her plans after she forms attachments or will she break her promise.

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Grief is a most peculiar thing; we're so helpless in the face of it. It's like a window that'll simply open of its own accord. The room grows cold, and we can do nothing but shiver. But it opens a little less each time, and a little less; and one day we wonder what has become of it. - ARTHUR GOLDEN. Grief was etched on my face. The painful feeling of loss, too much for me to handle. Papa held mama tightly as her grief was weighing her down. If not for his support, she would have been worse. The priest read the final rites and the casket was lowered into the ground. I thought it had been bad but now it was terrible. Mama wanted to go into the ground with her. I stifled my sobs as I tried to be the strong one. I had not only lost a friend but a sister. Papa walked mama to the car and I followed behind them. Madam Kathleen handed over the wailing baby to me as papa started the engine. The fussy baby kept wailing, her face red and eyes swollen. I didn't know how to handle a weeping baby. "Shut that thing up" mama said angrily from the front. I pulled the baby into my chest, rubbing her back and soothing her until her wails died down. I realised that life would be tough for the little one. She wouldn't get the love she deserved and will suffer for things beyond her control. I swore then to protect her, she was the last thing she left behind and I wouldn't let her get hurt. I kept patting her back and humming a tune as I stared out of the window with determination. I was going to make them pay. All of them. I packed my hair and twisted it into a knot. I put on my maid frock of black and white with stockings and low heels. I walked out of the room and down the hallway smiling at the select few I spoke to. When I got to the kitchen, the rest of the elite maids were waiting there. Yes, elite. It consists of the choicest among the maids. It takes years of practice and a certain amount of class to belong there. I had put in three years of my life working hard to be able to attain this status. I bottled up my emotions and always kept a straight face, lost my bubbly personality and became cold just to be here and all those years of work had paid off. I was one step closer to achieving my dreams. Even amongst maids, there was a hierarchy and we weren't at the bottom of the food chain. We were the royals among the maids, attending directly to the master and his family. The family had been abroad for a couple of years and were going to return that day. They are originally from Russia but they reside here in New York. The Kamenev family is the prime mob family in the world with the oldest son as the head. The expensive cars pulled into the driveway and the security guards stepped out to open the doors for them. The first to step out was Ksenia Kamenev, the second daughter and fourth child of the family. Sweet as she could be, always minding her business and different from the rest of the family. The second to step out was Agnia Kamenev, last daughter and last child. She was a spoilt little brat used to having her way and a daddy's girl although her father was dead, she liked up to the oldest as a father. The next person was Faddei Kamenev, the second son and third child of his family. As his name implied, he was bold and brave. Always ready to help those in need. Lada Kamenev, lady of the house and wife to the late mob boss stepped down next. An elegant woman with an expensive taste and an obsession with jewelries. Always looking her best and a model to the rich women in her circle. The last people to step down were the newest couple. Ekaterina Kamenev, the first daughter and the second child with her husband, Colton Finch. Ekaterina was a mommy's girl, used to getting what she wanted not caring who got in the way. And her husband, a selfish bastard who only thought of himself. The old nanny of the family, Agrafena ran to the family and hugged them. They greeted and smiled at her. We bowed our heads down as they passed us. I lifted my head and caught Colton's eye as he passed. Recognition flashed on his face and he turned away quickly. I smiled, at least he remembered my face. We turned and followed Agrafena into the house. It was time to be assigned to a Kamenev. We stood in a line as Agrafena inspected us to see who will suit which Kamenev. She picked from the far end until she got to me. She looked me up and down and walked away. We stood in line waiting until she came back with a piece of paper. "Kristal. Chalee. Githa. Lyndsay. Maia. Germain. Step forward" I stepped out of the line and so did the other girls that were called. "Lyndsay you're assigned to Ksenia." She moved behind Agrafena. "Githa you're for Agnia" she joined Lyndsay. "Chalee. For Faddei" "Kristal. For Ekaterina and her husband" Damn. I was really hoping to serve Ekaterina and her sleazy husband. Kristal sashayed to were the rest stood. "Maia. You're for Lady Kamenev" I followed the others to were they stood. I had not gotten exactly what I wanted but, this was the next best thing. "Germain. You're for Don Adrik. He'll be returning in a few days time. Until then you're to learn how to behave around him." She nodded and joined us where we stood. Vladimir Kamenev. The golden heir of the Kamenev. He is the current mob boss of his family and the worst of them all. He took on the name Adrik because of his dark persona. Ruthless and deadly, heading the family with an iron fist. I was glad I wasn't assigned to him. His ever watchful eye was going to catch me before I achieved my goal. The plan was to avoid him. At all costs. Given that he and his mother rarely talked, I was sure to be far away from him. As we walked away back to our room, I had a wide smile on my face. I was one one step closer to getting what I wanted.

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