

friends to lovers


This book contains violent and uncomfortable events that might be unpleasant. Please try to skip the parts or get prepared. Thank you for your understanding.


"You are born to serve your husband as a wife and mother. You do not need anything else or have to know how the world works. Don't get greedy or you will get hurt" my mother yelled in my face when I questioned her.

I was not allowed the life of my own, I was born to serve him and I had no say. Nothing in my life is owned by me. I was born to serve a man.


Ella Bello was raised all her life to live for her husband whom she was given in exchange for partnership with her royal in-laws. She accepted this fact and lived that way not knowing that she was going to face the devil in her husband and the Prince of the pack, Bayo Briggs, his family and her own family. She became a pawn on their chessboard and suffered greatly for it until she was broken to pieces before she stood up for herself after losing something precious to her. She got a second chance and didn't seize to grab the opportunity of being herself and also experiencing love like every other human would when she met Edmund Hopkins, the rival of her husband in the business world and the Alpha of another pack who had lacked respect and support from his pack’s elders simply for being a hybrid. He gave her the freedom she craved so bad and she supported him in sealing his throne in return.

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|Ella| It was an extremely busy and sunny day for me as I moved from one place to the other trying to prepare a special meal for my husband, whose birthday was that very day. It was the sixteenth of August, his birthday, and the third birthday we were celebrating together. We got married three years ago, and I have had my own share of every emotion in the marriage. I had been trained that I was created and given birth strictly to serve my husband, Alpha Prince Bayo Briggs, so I grew up living my life learning everything about being a wife and mother in order to support my husband and be a good wife. Our house help, Maria, commented out of concern that I was heavily pregnant, and it was not advisable to do this much work at this stage, but I dared not comply. The Prince will be home soon and his food not getting ready would be a death sentence. My beautiful slim face had taken a turn ever since I got pregnant, it started getting puffy at about three months and got worse in the sixth month. I was looking bloated and dark beyond recognition. I was grateful for the fact that I didn’t have to leave the house. If I needed anything, the house help was there to get it for me. The Briggs house had become a prison for me ever since I stepped inside. I never knew what was happening outside the house in the world and I didn’t care because I was raised to live that way. “It’s okay, we can still do it. It’s my husband’s favorite”, I told her with a short smile, even though I was dying slowly inside. Thick beads of sweat arranged themselves on my forehead and no matter how I cleaned them, they appeared again within seconds. I was sweating crazily, and it was starting to get me tired. I would have left it for the house help to finish it off, but he would never eat any food not prepared by me and I dared not add the barbecue to the meal. He had specially requested it before leaving for work, and I was not ready to have another heat session in the house because of non-ending complaints and grumblings. “You might collapse at this rate. You haven’t even eaten anything today”, she continued with a worried look, I paused to take a breather and cleaned the sweat for the hundredth time. I motioned to her to just get me a glass of cold water, which I gulped down within seconds and decided to take a rest before I continued the cooking. Just as I stood up to resume, the horn of his car blared at the gate and the sound of the gate crawling on its hook filled the entire compound. Fear gripped me. The house would be shaking and piping hot with a series of rage and complaint once again. His car’s horn was always a symbol of danger. There was never a day that I wouldn’t get lashed at, pushed or punched. It was constant, and I dared not mutter anything in return. No one cared about my welfare, not even my family. I was left in the hellhole to survive by myself and what everyone expected from me was a male child to become the next Prince, since Prince Bayo would soon take over the throne as an Alpha of the pack. We both looked at ourselves in horror. There were still many dishes to prepare. That was not even his usual closing time from work so we both didn’t expect him to be at home by that time. “What should we do? Nothing is ready” I panicked as I kept opening the pots on fire one after the other. “Gosh!” a lid dropped from my hand and I rushed to place my hand under the runny water in order to ease the burn. I didn’t realize that the pot was so hot to that extent because of the tension, and I ended up hurting myself. “Can you please just calm down? We will explain things to him” she chipped in but my head shook continuously. We both knew that would never work. He would never listen or take the excuse and rushed back to the counter where I started adding the necessary ingredients and finishing touches to the foods on fire. The door beeped at that moment and my legs froze. Another hell would come down on the house today, and I wasn’t even prepared for it. One of the things he hated was his food not waiting for him by the time he came back from the office. He had once yelled at me, called me useless and lazy and threw my food away one night when I didn’t serve him early. The only prayer I had in mind was for him not to get livid today, since it was his birthday. He might at least let it slide. “Start dishing out the food. We need to set the table as fast as we can”, I called out to Maria, our househelp and she didn’t waste any time before she pushed the cart containing the plates and utensils to the dining area. We hadn’t gotten far when he stepped inside the house. His eyes were as red as hot coal. He wasn’t even smiling, which was not new, but this time, he came with a guest. “Weldone baby. How was work today?” I smiled at him, trying to hide my fear and tiredness, but he just ignored me and walked to the room while his guest trailed behind him inside the huge sitting room. It was nothing new. There were days he wouldn’t talk to me for three days in the house without me offending him. I just took it like every other day and continued with what I was doing. Within ten minutes, the table was set and the only thing remaining was the barbecue, which was almost done. “That was terrifying” Maria muttered and held her hand to her chest to cool her racing heart before disappearing into the house to get other things done. I just continued with what I was doing in silence before his descending steps filled the house, and he sat at the table. I left the kitchen to serve him myself as usual and when I was done, his hands connected to the table, making me jolt in fear. “Woman! Enough of this and bring me the barbecue. Am I going to wait all day before you bring it?” he growled, and my heart flew to my mouth. “I.. ehmm. It will soon.. it is almost” I blabbered and another yell from him made me step back in fear My gaze flickered between him and his guest. She was dressed in an extremely short red gown and almost half of her breasts were out in display while the other half was hiding under her sleek wavy blonde hair. Her bold red lipstick covered her entire thick lips as her eyelashes moved heavily every time she blinked. Needless to say, she was the one to serve him for the night. It had always been like that. I was not allowed in his bed. My room was situated at the far end of the house, there was nothing in common as a couple. He would be having s*x with them and make them scream into my hearing. Sometimes, he would even take them to the sitting room, right where I was doing some chores before bed, and he would have s*x with them for me to see. I had cried several times because of his rude and insulting behavior and disregard for me, but there was nothing I could do about it. I was given the due honor of being the Prince’s wife anytime we attended a family occasion, but that was it. Nothing more. Those who envied me for bagging myself such a handsome, wealthy and respectable Prince didn’t know the humiliations I pass through every single hour. Nothing was happy about the marriage. I should have known that I was the only one excited about the wedding. No one was smiling properly on the wedding day, but I didn’t take their seriousness as a warning. He finally touched me after two years of our marriage when he got drunk at the mini-party he held with his friends in the house. He was heavily drunk that night and barged into my room to rape me. My first s*x experience was nothing to write home about. I had always looked forward to having a romantic night with my mate, but that night became a memory I never wanted to remember. The next morning, he treated me like total trash. He refused to speak to me for days and would call me a w***e at any given chance. My abuse had no end and I had come to live with it because there was no way out for me. It was my fate and there was nothing I could do about it. “You suddenly don’t know how to speak clearly? Did you not prepare it? You wanted to see what I would do?” he yelled harder, and I closed my eyes to avoid contact with his “I am preparing it of course, it is just not ready. Give me a few minutes”. I finally was able to tell him, but I only added fuel to the fire. The plate of food in front of him was smashed against the wall, shattering the ceramic pieces everywhere. A gasp left my mouth. I was not expecting him to react that way. It wasn’t my fault after all. “You were the one who came back earlier than expected. All other dishes are ready, and the barbecue is almost done. You didn’t have to smash the plate” I didn’t know where the words came from, but my mouth just poured them out. I was tired of his childish display and stressed beyond normal. He was not a hormonal teenager that I had to put up with every time. The stress of the pregnancy was getting to me and I couldn’t entertain his ruckus that very day. “Just enjoy the other dishes while you wait for your barbecue. Today is your birthday for goodness’ sake. You can keep it cool today”, I added, and proceeded to the kitchen before what I never expected happened. I was pulled back by a strong hand and a heavy slap landed on my right cheek. My life flashed right in front of me as white spots filled the darkness that covered my eyes. It was so sudden. “You b***h! How dare you raise your voice at me? Have you forgotten that I am your husband and a Prince?” he shouted at me, but I couldn’t hear him well, only the echo of his voice filled my head. His claws were out before I could blink, and his body was covered with furs. His voice became deeper with each growl as he snarled right at me, heaving up and down. His bluish eyes piercing deep into my soul, it felt like he was ready to eat me alive. I wasn’t fazed by his appearance anymore, he had intimidated me enough, so I just managed to push him away and turned back to continue my walk, tears streaming down my face, but he wasn’t done. He yanked me back the second time, his claws bruising my neck as it dug deep into my skin, but I fought back this time and slapped his hand away. My wolf was acting up in a way I didn’t except, she had had enough of the humiliation and wouldn’t even let me do the thinking. It took over completely. “I forbid you from shifting. You are dead today” he growled deeply, his alpha voice raking through my body and forcing my wolf back inside with full force. Just then, he pushed me against the wall with his huge paws and my huge stomach connected with the hard wall. I bounced back to him as the back of my head connected against the pillar of the house. Everything went silent at that moment. I couldn’t see anything properly, my sight was blurry. My wolf was trying to shift once again, but I stopped it with all my might because it was bad for the baby. I wanted my child to live more than anything. It was the only symbol of joy I had in my entire life. Even when life was seeping out of me, he didn’t care and went to the guest he brought home. “Let’s go upstairs. This b***h annoys the f**k out of me”, he told her and they both left giggling, hand in hand. The last thing I heard before I passed out completely was the scream of Maria, who rushed to my side to prevent my head from hitting the floor, but it was too late.

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