
Me & Mr. CEO

opposites attract

Ali Dream is a sweet, innocent, independent, young woman living in New York.She will treat you kindly, but if you push her, she will bite your head off. (Not physically of course.) 'Treating others as you would want to be treated.' That was the motto her mother and father inscribed into her brain ever since she was small. She still lives by it today and always tried her best to follow it. She has always lived by that motto until she met Matthew.

Matthew Day is the C.E.O of Lexon Corp. He is and always will be an arrogant, cold hearted, conceded, selfish, hot and sexy womanizer. He doesn't care how he treats people. The way he sees things is that 'Others are blessed to be in his presence.' It never matters what they want.

He comes first and always will. The only thing that matters to him, is that he gets what he wants. It's his way or no way. Matthew doesn't do Love. The word "Love" was always his version of a "bad word". Not once has he ever said it to anyone...including family!

So Imagine the outrageous and craziest things he will do, to get a girls attention, once he meets the Independent and sweet woman, that is Ali Dream.

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Kill Them With Kindness
ALIS P.O.V Late. Im going to be late! I can't believe this! It's seven in the morning and I have a job interview in one hour with the multi billion dollar Lexon Corp C.E.O and I still haven't eaten breakfast yet. After hailing for a cab in one minute, which felt like an hour, in the streets of New York City, I was finally feeling like my day was possibly going to get better. Maybe...  Just as I was about to get in... "That's mine." said a demanding voice. Are you serious!? I knew it was too good to be true. Of course something bad would happened. I rolled my eyes and turned to my left to see a tall, sexy and handsome man with the most gorgeous dark brown hair and green eyes, I have ever seen in a suit. I bet its Armani.  How Cliché This man cannot be real, he's too perfect, and obviously no one is too perfect. I almost want to touch him just to see if he's an angel. I wonder how his abs- "See anything you like?" said the man raising an eyebrow. I feel like a kid caught red handed with the cookie jar. I blushed and watched as he smirked right back at me. "Listen, as long as I would love to stand here all day and let you admire me, I really cant stay. I have somewhere important to be. So be a good girl and listen to me, when I say, that cab is mine. So move." said the man. How rude! I bet he's one of those rich hot guys, that preys on women and doesn't show love, care and respect towards anyone. My parents always taught me to treat others with respect. No matter how disrespectful they are. My mother always said to "Kill them with kindness." I can honestly say that it didn't ALWAYS work, but I still tried to keep 'Killing them with kindness' because at least sometimes it worked. "No, Its not, its mine. I called it first, and therefore Its mine." I replied. I could tell by the way his face reacted to those words that he was angry and most defenently was not the kind of person to take "No" for an answer. I wonder If he's always like this, or did his day start off bad, just like mine... He let out a scoff and said "Okay, fine... Lets make a deal. If you let me have this cab, I'll go on a date with you." I let out a gasp and anger just automatically consumes me. Im not mad that he used a corny line on me, No! Im mad because he thinks that his reason to have the cab is way better than mines (even though I don't know where he's going.) Also I don't like the fact that he believes I'm one of those love sick girls that would easily give up something so simple as a cab, because we want attention from a handsome guy. Ugh! Hes such a dumb nut! Ha! Yeah, thats what I'll call him. "Mr. Dumb nut." I look inside the cab and see the cab driver obviously annoyed then glanced at my watch and see that its 7:20! I only have fourty minuets left!!! Okay! Screw the whole 'Kill them with Kindness.' at least for now. I turned to the man with a smile and said "Okay." Then shut the door as quickly as I could, when I got in. "Where to Mam?" said the cab driver with an amused face. "Lexon Corp! And step on it!" I looked at the man in the suit through the window, and started bursting out into laughter. I have to admit, that I felt a little bad... but still...his face was priceless! He was still at the spot, I last saw him and was obviously shocked. When I stopped laughing, my stomach growled and I was immediately reminded that I didn't eat breakfast. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was...7:40!? As much as I would love to have breakfast right now, I cannot afford to waste anymore time. Matthews P.O.V I am Matthew Day for goodness sake! Americas #1 Sexy Billionaire and C.E.O of Lexon Corp. I shouldn't be taking a taxi to work! I know you're wondering why I don't have my driver, take me to work. It's because the driver my family and I have been using for years, is sick, and my supposedly 'best friend' Mikey. Real name Michael Collin; couldn't drop me off at work, because he had 'business' to attend to. I honestly doubt thats true! I know I heard a woman moan on the phone in the background. I let out a chuckle, and shouted "Taxi!" Praise God, a miracle happened! I got one. I walked to the cab, and saw a woman in a white blouse and pencil skirt walking to the same cab. She was stunning! Her long dark brown hair was shimmered in the sunlight. That skirt hugged her body in all the right places and those creme heels she had on, definitely made her legs look longer. If this were any normal day, I would have made a move on this lady and simply would have taken her back up to my suite and had my way with her. Unfortunately today, I cant. Because I have to go interview strangers and decide which one I want as my new P.A. Father fired my last P.A because he caught me and my P.A 'exploring each others bodies' in my office, when he came by to visit. My P.A was so ashamed, I didn't defend her when he fired her, I just gave her a nod and she left. Obviously she didn't leave that easy, I got a slap from her and the normal name calling insults. Before she left, she called me a d**k, and I couldn't help but laugh in front of my father because not to long ago, she was begging for it. Women. For today, beauty or no beauty, I would have to force myself to keep it in my pants till tomorrow. Walking up to the lady I said "This is mine." She rolled her eyes and the way she was looking at me made it obvious that she was checking me out. No one can blame her because, lets face it, Im the perfect man. Distracting her from her thoughts, I wiggled my eyebrows and said "See anything you like?" Her reaction was like a deer caught in the headlights. Her cheeks were red, and it was so adorable, seeing her blush. I smirked and said "Listen, as long as I would love to stand here all day and let you admire me, I really cant stay. I have somewhere important to be. So be a good girl and listen to me, when I say, that this cab is mine. So move." In the most calmest tone, she said "No, its not, its mine. I called it first, and therefore Its mine." What!? Did this lady seriously just tell me NO? No one, and I mean NO ONE tells Matthew Day NO! Does she not know who I am!? Clearly there is something wrong with this lady. This is the FIRST TIME a lady has denied me of what I want. Then again... hearing that word from her alone, turned me on. I let out a scoff and said "Okay, fine... Lets make a deal. If you let me have this cab, I'll go on a date with you." When she gasped, I knew that saying that was a bad idea. She looked at the cab driver and then glanced at her watch. After she turned to me and smiled, I knew I had won. But did I really!? No! Because the next thing she did was steal the cab! Thief! Because after she looked at the cab driver, she smiled and turned to me. Then said "Okay" and got into the cab as quickly as she could and told the cab driver her destination. I couldn't really hear, where she told him to take her, but I could have sworn I heard "Lexon Corp" somewhere in her reply. I couldn't move. My mouth literally hung open and I was just to stunned to really believe that just happened. Did she really just do that? I wonder who this lady is and I cant help but to admit, that Im wishing I'll be able to see her again someday. Even though she stole my cab.                        

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