
Desired By My Alpha and the Dragon King


Felita had her entire life planned out in her head. She just knew that the future alpha of their pack, Vallin would be her mate. Everyone in the pack was waiting for them to turn eighteen to find out if they were fated for each other. She was over the moon when the day finally arrived, but it also brought the arrival of a sexy but dangerous new stranger. Thorin is the future Dragon King, and he has waited hundreds of years to find his mate. One night he feels the pull of the mate bond and follows it to a werewolf pack. He is thrilled to find Felita is his mate and lavishes her with affection. He is determined to show her that he is the better mate for her. Felita couldn’t believe she was fated to two mates! Why would the Goddess do this to her? Which one is she supposed to choose, her first love or the exciting new one?

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Chapter 1
Felita stood in front of the full-length mirror attached to her closet door. Her hair was piled into a mass of curls on top of her head and little ringlets framed her face and tickled her neck. She didn’t wear any jewelry other than a pair of gold star-shaped studs that Vallin had given her last year for her birthday. She lined her gray eyes with black liner and added mascara before stepping back. She wore tight jeans that hugged her full hips and an emerald, green satin corset top pushed her boobs out for attention. “What do you think? The black or silver heels,” she asked Rue. Her best friend eyed her choice of shoes. “You really want to wear heels all night?” Felita nodded, “Hell yeah. I want to be sexy. I plan on claiming my mate tonight.” Rue chuckled, “Okay, slow down girl. I would wear the black ones. They look more comfortable. Felita agreed, “They are. I think that’s a good idea.” She sat on her bed and slipped the shoes onto her feet before standing and dabbing perfume behind her ears. “I think I’m ready. Let me look at you.” Rue spun to show off her outfit. She wore a short red dress with sandals. “Nice. I may be jealous of those shoes by the end of the night.” Rue checked her short pixie cut in the mirror, “Maybe I should do something different with my hair.” Felita ran into her bathroom and came out with a pair of bobby pins with red stones. “Here use these. They go perfectly with your dress.” Rue pulled her hair back on one side and slipped the pins into her hair. “Great. I think we are ready just in time. I can’t believe you convinced the Luna to host a party this late.” Felita shrugged, “I’m sure everyone will enjoy a night run and it’s not like we hang out late anyway. This time we are just getting started a little later than normal. My parents are already there. They helped Luna set everything up. Vallin will be here any second to get us. I told him I was not walking to the pack house tonight. These shoes are not meant for walking too much.” She tucked her lipstick into her pocket and followed Rue downstairs to the living room. Vallin knocked just as they were getting comfortable on the couch. Rue opened the door, “Hey, we’re ready to go. Are we picking up anyone else?” Vallin waited for them to leave the house and followed them to his truck. “Nope, everyone else will be coming separately.” Rue slipped into the back seat as Felita climbed into the passenger seat. “You look beautiful tonight,” he whispered to Felita. She grinned at him, “Thanks. You look very handsome too. We will be quite the pair tonight.” Her eyes roamed his handsome face. All the girls in the pack envied her for dating him. He was several inches taller than her and well-built. Having his arms around her always made her feel safe and delicate. He had blond hair and expressive brown eyes. She loved being able to read his feelings just from his facial expressions. He had a thin nose and perfectly bowed lips. Tonight, he had on a light blue button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khaki slacks. He looked ready to play golf or something while she looked like she was ready to go to the club. She didn’t mind though, she didn’t get a chance to dress like this often, and the outfit made her feel confident. They held hands as they made the short drive to the pack house. When they arrived, Rue jumped out first. “You guys take a minute for yourselves. I’m going to go find everyone else.” Felita blushed lightly, “She acts like we can’t keep our hands off each other or something.” Vallin laughed, “She knows us well enough to know I’m dying to kiss you.” He gripped her wrist lightly and used it to pull her closer to him. She sank into his arms, tilting her chin up for him to drop a kiss on her lips. When she felt the velvety softness of his mouth on hers, she parted her lips and invited him to deepen the kiss. His tongue caressed hers as he gripped her hip with one hand and her shoulder with the other. When they finally pulled back for air, her lipstick was smudged, and he was wearing more of it than she was. She laughed as she wiped it off his mouth, “I think this color looks better on me than you.” Vallin nodded, “I think so too. You better fix yours too before we join the rest of the party. They’re going to sing happy birthday to us at midnight. I think this is going to be the most memorable party we’ve ever had.” Felita fixed her lipstick and took his hand, leading him to the pack house. The entire pack was there, as well as many visitors from neighboring packs. There was a big bonfire burning in the fire ring, and a crowd was gathered to talk and make smores. There was a ton of food spread across several tables on the back side of the house and more tables were set up in rows for everyone to sit and eat. A small stage was set up and a DJ blasted music. A large group of teenagers hung out near the music, but not many were on the dance floor. “Do you want to dance,” Vallin asked her? She shook her head, “Not right now. Let’s just work through the crowds. I want to say hi to everyone. I’m too excited to do much else. Maybe after they sing happy birthday.” Vallin followed her around the party, talking to everyone and anxiously waiting for the countdown to midnight. “Oh, my Goddess! Felita, your outfit is hot. My mom would never let me wear that top,” one of the girls in a class beneath them was talking and Vallin tuned out the girl talk. Dreven finally came to drag him away from Felita. “Hey dude, come chill with us. The girls have been talking nonstop and I think I’m losing brain cells listening to them talk about clothes, hair, and makeup.” Vallin let go of Felita’s hand, “I’m going to go sit with Dreven and the other guys. Come find me when you’re done talking,” he whispered in her ear. Felita nodded in agreement as she continued her conversation. Vallin checked the time on his phone. “Fifteen more minutes, and we will officially know if Felita is my mate. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I haven’t been able to think about anything else all day.” Dreven clapped him on the back. “Hey, everyone knows you two are meant for each other. That’s why none of the other guys even try to get her attention. Tonight will just confirm what we already know.” They walked to a table where a small group of their friends sat, and Vallin took the seat at the end. They talked and munched on nachos until his dad, drew their attention to the stage. “Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate with us tonight. We have a lot to be thankful for. Vallin and Felita both turn eighteen tonight. I’m sure everyone here will agree that they have been best friends since birth. That grew into a beautiful relationship now that they are older. If the Goddess has blessed them, as we all anticipate, tonight they will know if they are fated mates. We are going to sing happy birthday just before midnight. Then I would like to give them a few minutes alone. If they are mated, they will be overwhelmed with the draw of the mate bond, but if they are not, they will need a few minutes to process that too. So, I invite you to enjoy a special firework display we have arranged. Now, Felita and Vallin, if you will come over here to the dance floor, it is almost time to sing.” Vallin took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. He had arranged for the DJ to play their song as the fireworks began. He wanted everything to be perfect as they had their first moments together. His parents, Alpha Parker and Luna Willow, beamed at them as they stood in the center of the dance floor. Felita’s parents wheeled out a huge three-tiered cake, parking the cart a few feet in front of them. “Thank you, Lucretia, and Saul for the amazing cake,” Luna said as they moved to the side of the dance floor. “Now, the moment we have all waited for.” The pack joined in singing to them, “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Vallin and Felita. Happy Birthday to you!” The crowd cheered and clapped as the music drifted from the speakers and fireworks exploded in the air.

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