

body exchange
opposites attract

Eyes as dark as the night sky without stars, will as strong as that of a thousand men, Heart as cold as ice and rage as powerful as the flames of hell, He is Vyxen Valkov the ultimate Alpha in the chaotic world of Wolves.

"It isn't fair that I am not allowed to have you because of him" He whispered, leaning impossibly closer until his warm lips touched her ear lobe, she breathed in harshly feeling her body burn with anticipation.

She felt him move and almost moaned in content when his warm breath fanned her neck "Maybe I should make you mine" he growled lowly, pressing his lips to her flesh.

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Prologue 18 years earlier Beta Renae Marin location : Valkov Moon Pack Renae sighed, plopping her pregnant self into the pastel print couch in her living room after an argument with her thirteen year old son, Jeremy. The door slammed forcefully causing Renae to cradle her head, the boy was getting hot-headed she realized, ever since the death of his father. It was hard to get through, even eight months after his passing there was still a fierce burning in her chest at the thought of it like it only happened a second ago. She knew she was dying, but she refused to bend to the call of death, Phillip would've wanted her to stay strong for their children. Phillip would've wanted her to survive. Now the position of Beta was to be passed on to her son, her only son, hence the reason for their recent brawl, she couldn't bear the thought of losing her child to his Beta duties like she did her husband, they were second in command to an entire pack of supernatural beings called Werewolves and it was a lot to take on. Her pack, the Valkov Moon and the Blood Konstavus were at war and she just needed her children to stay safe until they were old enough to fend for themselves, so she could finally be with her beloved Phillip. She stood, with great effort her almost nine months pregnant frame keeping her off balance, it wasn't a time for her to be stressed, it was really close to her due date and she worried gravely. Anita, her live-in nurse rushed to her side "Oh, beta Ren you should be resting" she scolded trying to get the stubborn woman to sit. Renae shook her head at the blonde "I need to speak to the Alphas men" It was a short walk from the living quarters of the pack house to the Alphas office. The private wing of the pack house was understandably quiet, but she knew if she were to leave the brick walls of this mansion she'd enter a community void of any warmth, just broken homes, broken souls and broken people, Her pack was on lockdown, this war was getting even more disastrous as the months dragged by and she worried not even the Alpha and more than half the warriors could do anything to stop it. The Alpha had forced her to live in the pack house after the death of her mate and his best friend, it was normal for a mate to go mad after the death of their other half and she understood the Alpha's concern for her but he did not have to worry, the minute she found out about her husband, she also found out about her unborn child-Arisa. Now, she found herself trying to cope with the fact that Jeremy believed he was the one who caused his Fathers' death. Renae understood the reason her son wanted to accept the Beta call, he wanted to make things right, to show his worth, that, however, didn't make the situation any easier to accept, he was just too young. The thing that scared her the most when they had had their argument wasn't the aching pain she saw in the grey of his eyes, No, it was the bone-crippling presence of revenge. He was hell-bent on revenge. Stepping into the Alphas office she gave Anita a weak smile as the young girl scurried away, probably to look after her newborn. An average height silhouette stood in front of the black panel window of a lavished style office, Renae cleared her throat "Yes, Mrs. Marin," He said, his voice sending a shudder down her spine, she resisted the urge to flinch at the name, she was no longer Mrs. Marin, she was just Renae. The Alphas son stood transfixed behind the leather seat, staring through the window, A few months ago she would've thought Alpha Kris crazy for leaving his barely seven-year-old son in charge of an entire pack- The same boy she held in her arms nearly three years ago shivering from the cold crying for his mother- While he went to seek out her Husbands' murderers. Now though as she stared at the small boy, she could feel the Alpha power radiating off him, even though he was not yet given the position. She felt a pang in her heart, the boy was not supposed to be exposed to the hardships of life just yet, he should be laughing and enjoying his youth, instead he was as hard as stone, she'd noticed that the night after he bawled his eyes out clinging to her, his eyes held nothing but coldness and she accepted the fact- after countless attempts at trying to Mother him- that she was not the one to melt his ice-cold demeanor. "I'm here to speak about my son" she informed him stepping further into the office "I know" came his soft reply, the boy turned to her, the glow of the silver moon making his silhouette more defined, Fedrick, one of the Alpha's closest men spoke up "And what do you suggest Mrs. Marin?" he questioned, Vyxen tilted only the slightest causing his midnight black hair to fall in his cool dark gaze, it was as if someone much older was in charge of the boys body. She resisted the urge to cringe at the title, the ever-present reminder of what she no longer had- of what she lost. His gaze landed on her stomach for a nanosecond before the creek of the door got his attention, her son stepped through, surprise clear on his face along with two of the most trusted men. "Momma, what are you doing here?" Jeremy asked walking towards Vyxen, He had an aura around him that was not there before and she frowned. "I came to speak with the people in charge of this pack" She proclaimed, eyeing her son Vyxen sighed and Fedrick gestured towards the seat "well since you're here" He doesn't act his age, she thought feeling a knot form in her stomach. "Let's just tell her" Jeremy glared at the young boy who in turn kept his cold gaze on her "It's unavoidable," Fedrick said, getting in between the two young men Her son huffed turning toward his mother his features softened as he said slowly. "Momma, we've decided it's best if you leave pack territory" Her heart froze and so did her mind as she stared into her sons grey eyes . . . so much like his fathers. When the gears finally began to turn again she sputtered "Excu- wha-what?" "It's for the best Momma, you have a baby girl on the way, the Blood Konstavus have declared war and with Alpha Kris being unavailable with more than half our warriors we're currently vulnerable" Was this her son? she searched his eyes, but all she saw was utter determination, was she losing him already? her heart broke at the prospect. Jeremy stepped towards her "We need to get you to safety Mom-" "Don't bullshit me Jeremy Marin" she spat "I am not leaving, I am not losing you like Phil-" "Mother!" Jeremy roared, the utter power in his voice shook her to the core sending her stumbling back. "Jer-Jeremy you-" she gasped cover her mouth to stop the sobs "You didn't" she whispered, guilt washed over the features of her son, but as soon as it came it left- he stood taller, easily towering over her 5'4 frame, her dazed and almost pleading-like state shifted quickly to one of fury. "I told you to wait!" she roared, gaining on him with each step she took "You accepted your father's position behind my back!?" her brown eyes glazed over burning pure gold. Her wolf broke through the barrier she had always kept up as a way to control her more feral side, her maternal instincts overrode her predatory genes but now she wanted nothing more than to tear this place apart. "Momma calm down" Jeremy pleaded, holding up both hands, Renae could feel the prickling signaling the arrival of her wolfs fur "Mom stop! You might harm Arisa!" The mention of her unborn child made her snap back to reality and allowed her to reign in her wolf, she couldn't harm her children, if she had attempted to shift it would've ultimately killed Arisa and maybe even herself. "You have Arisa to think of, that's why I am making arrangements to keep you safe, you need to keep Arisa sa-" "She's not my only child!" The irate mother snapped tears sliding down her cheeks "I am a big boy mo-" "You're barely fourteen!" "Stop using that against me!" "I use whatever I see fit against you, I am the mother here!" She hollered, silence descended upon the room and all that could be heard was the pregnant woman's harsh breathing. "I am sorry mother, but you will be leaving" she hated the new tone he acquired, she was never use to taking orders from anyone but her Alpha, Phillip would have never used his authority against her, it was hard for her to accept that she was not Beta anymore, even harder to deal with the fact that her mate is dead and she's carrying his child. But, her wolf had accepted it, it was a slow and agonizing process to lose one's wolf and as a high ranking Lycan, Renae could easily feel hers slipping away, she'd soon lose her wolf completely, but she was a strong-willed woman and wouldn't leave this earth until she knew her pups were safe and sound. " No I will not!" she gritted through clenched teeth, allowing her wolf to take a step to the forefront, the effect she once had as Beta was gone and she knew it as the men in the room stood unfazed. Her Son spoke up "Yes you will" "Why!?" she whined, stomping her feet like a child, she refused to leave Jeremy and her pack at this time, they were in serious danger and they wasted their time now on trying to make her leave? "Because you're our weakness" All heads snapped to the Alphas son, he was seated in a brown leather couch, just staring at the pregnant woman like a puzzle needed to be solved Renae's heart hammered in her chest, her? she was their weak- Before she could utter a question Fedrick, always the voice of reason stepped forward " We need you to understand renae, If any harm comes to you both the Alpha and our Beta will be unstable and if they're unstable all of the Alpha's limited amount of men would soon follow along with the pack" her gaze never left the alpha's son, and again he was staring at her protruding tummy. "Your well-being will set off a domino effect, Alpha Kris believes the child you carry will be our savior, Mrs. Marin" he offered standing, his soft boyish features hardened by the glow of the moon, he never called the Alpha father, and she wondered for a brief moment why. Just then, before anyone could say anything, before she could even object a splitting headache rippled through her skull as she grabbed her head with a screech, for the briefest of moments she thought her overload of stress had affected Arisa until she heard a chain of hallowed howls, that only meant . . "Alpha Kris is dead" Vyxen announced, rising from his crouched position, red flooding his dark eyes, Renae frowned at it, Wolves eyes normally turned gold when they were angry but Vyxen he . . . Before she could finish her thought someone interrupted her "We're out of time" one of the men spoke up for the first and before Renae could react she felt a needle pierce the skin of her neck, she turned to see Fedrick, his brown eyes apologetic as he held her "I'm sorry Be- Renae" he muttered as a wave of nausea swept through her making her sag in his arms "I'm sorry, Momma, I only want to keep you safe" The face of her son filled her blurry vision and she tried to reach out for him, tell him it was okay, that she loved him but her arms felt numb and her vision averted from the beautiful face of her son to a dark and endless abyss.

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