
1232 Words
Even in moments of fear and horror, love is stronger. Our first instinct is often to flee and protect ourselves, but our parents’ last words linger and offer comfort. Even when the worst has happened, their love still stands strong, offering us strength and courage to keep going in the face of danger. Though it may be hard to accept, death can be the ultimate form of protection and one of the greatest demonstrations of love. When our beloved mothers, fathers, and other family members pass away, we may be forced to grapple with intense grief and sadness, yet at the same time, we can allow ourselves to be comforted by the knowledge that they gave their lives to protect us. We may never forget the moments of fear and horror that arose when we finally said goodbye, but we can also remember our beloved parents and family members who, despite the difficult circumstances, still had the courage to express their love and dedication to us, even in their last moments. When we recall these tender, powerful moments, we can take solace in the fact that their passion and devotion never fade, no matter how far apart we may be. This strength of love prevails, and we can recall it in moments of despair, knowing that our parents and family members are still there with us in spirit. *** Ava. I’m frightened and horrified. I can see the dark shadow from where I am, sucking my beautiful mother’s life away. She mind-links me to run as fast as I can with her last breath. “Keep in mind that we die to protect you,” she enunciates weakly. “Remember, Ava, that we will always love you forever, myself and your father. So run. Run as fast as you possibly can.” This is her last word before taking her final breath. She finally gives up the ghost. Her final words are meant to be a message of love and support for her daughter, to encourage her to keep going and make the most of her life despite the tragedy that has just happened. Her words are a way to show her daughter that she will always be with her in spirit. On the run. Ava. I run away from the pack. I know I have to find a way to get away from them. I start running as fast as I can. My heart is pounding in my chest. I don’t know where I am going. I just know that I have to keep running. The bright moon shines down on my golden, long hair. I can feel some rogues following me. “You need to run fast,” my wolf, Amanda, articulates. “Let me take over. We must survive.” I feel my blood move. My bones shift as my wolf takes over my body, and soon I am on my four paws. I turn around once more to see my pack for the last time before I rush through the forest behind the pack at a treacherous speed. The stars guide me. I can feel the wind pushing against my fur as I race through the trees. My senses are sharpened as my wolf takes over. I can smell the scent of the pack behind me, and I can feel the earth beneath my paws. I am propelled forward by the knowledge that I must reach any destination if I want to survive. The moon gives me light, and the huge trees that touch the sky offer me shelter. While running as fast as my wolf can, my paws dig into the mud. After 3 hours of running, I finally stop to grab some air to breathe, but I tense up when I sniff the air. I am getting closer to the pack’s territory. Then I hear a powerful growl behind me. s**t, they are here. I can’t get some rest yet; they are still running after me. I can feel energy and fear rising in me as I run faster and faster. I know I am getting closer to a pack. This is terrible. I will be seen as a rogue, and that can get me killed. I have no choice but to step into their territory, since the rogues are still behind me, chasing after me. Taking a deep breath, I sprint across the border despite my fears. I turn my back to see the rogue stop, not daring to cross the border with me. Without minding them, I keep running. I have no idea how big this pack’s land is. I have come so far that I can’t turn back now. Suddenly, there is a deep, annoying, loud growl behind me. That is it. This is the end, I know. They will surely kill me. I turn slowly to face the wolf. He is very large, but not as large as mine. He is black with a little brown stain on his claws. His brown eyes are bowed into mine as he stares at me. He is staring at me, filled with wrath. I can feel his rage directed at me. I can see the hatred in his eyes. I take a deep breath and prepare to face him. He carefully watches every step I take. I bare my teeth and emit a thunderous growl. The wolf lunges at me. I sidestep him, and he growls and runs towards me at full speed. I lunge the other way, and he slowly turns to face me. I watch him, waiting for his next move. He stares back at me, seeming to size me up. “Stop playing with me, pup!” he bellows. “I’ll kill you.” I am not intimidated, and I continue to back him into a corner. I must save my ass. “I won’t stay still for you to kill me,” I howl. “I won’t let you kill me.” I am determined not to be his victim. I show no fear, and I stand my ground, ready to defend myself if I have to. The wolf seems to sense my determination. He is a very powerful wolf. He lunges at me again, his sharp canines biting down on my shoulder. I whimper in pain. I refuse to give in, and I use all of my strength to push him away. The wolf stumbles back. I try to run away, only to fall on the chest of yet another powerful wolf. I know he is the Alpha because of the aura he is giving off. He growls and snarls, his fur standing on end. His eyes are piercing into mine. I can see hunger and anger in them. I can feel my heart racing and my body trembling, but I manage to stay still and hold my ground. I refuse to show any signs of weakness, and I keep staring into the wolf’s eyes, hoping that he can understand that I am not his enemy. I wait for what feels like an eternity, and I realize I could die. s**t, I am dead. No one can save me. My vision grows dark. While I try my best to stay out of the slammer. I am unable to keep myself from falling into it. All I hear before I faint is. “Now you are in for it, pup.”
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