Ray Foe, Sophia

1209 Words
Chester. I’m in the office, buried in paperwork. My hand weaves through my hair as exhaustion weighs heavily on me. It’s so tedious. Paperwork can be tiresome and time-consuming, requiring attention to detail and skill. It’s also tough to stay focused and motivated, especially on the same task for a long time. As Alpha King of the Blood Moon Pack, I lead over 1,000 members, making us one of the world’s strongest and largest packs. I rule solo, without a queen, and am known for my firm leadership style. My decisions are final, and I enforce them firmly, earning me the reputation of a ruthless leader. Despite others’ perceptions, I prioritize the pack’s well-being and refuse to compromise my principles. Yet, I still seek my true mate, someone loyal and trustworthy, to share my life with. I keep companions within the pack for pleasure, but that doesn’t make them my queen. I enjoy intimacy with Sophia the most because she’s skilled. She’s devoted but desires to be a queen. Despite her loyalty, I can’t grant her that title. She remains important to me, but I won’t respect her as I would my queen. ‘What will our mate think if she finds out about this?’ Ray laments, pestering me about his mate. My wolf, Ray, dislikes Sophia and her desire to be queen. He yearns for our true mate, wanting control to eliminate Sophia. He’s unhappy with my decision regarding her. “I swear I’ll stop having s*x with her right away if I get to meet our mate. Our partner will be our priority.” ‘Really?’ he asks. ‘Yes,’ I affirm, relieved as he agrees. Ray seems hesitant, but eventually agrees. I am relieved. ‘I hope she won’t despise us,’ Ray remarks. “Trust me and just let it pass. She won’t hate us,” I utter. **** I sit in my office, exhausted from the day’s work, when a knock at the door breaks the silence. “Yes, please come in,” I say, but when I look up, I see that it’s my wolf enemy, Sophia. She’s standing in my office, trying to seduce me with her charm. “Hello, Chester,” she purrs, and I know she’s up to no good. I can already feel my wolf, Ray, growling in my head. ’This slut. She’s trying to seduce you again!’ Ray roars. ‘What the heck is wrong with this woman?’ I take a deep breath and channel my inner Alpha. “It’s Alpha Chester for you,” I say in a tone that leaves no room for doubt. I can feel my wolf straining to break free. I know that I have to remain in control, for both our sakes. Sophia quickly understands that I’m not going to be taken in by her tactics, and she backs away. I take another breath and take a moment to remind myself not to lose control of Ray. I can only imagine what will happen if I lose control of my wolf. Taking a final look at Sophia, I return to my paperwork. “My apologies, Alpha,” she murmurs, still shaking. I take a deep breath as I try to get my composure back. “It’s alright. What can I do for you, then?” Despite the fact that I’m obviously still irritated, my tone remains polite. She pauses for a moment before finally speaking up. “I figured you’ve been working hard all day, and I want to make you happy. I’m here to help you relax and boost your spirits, Alpha.” She’s still attentively trying to woo me. “Thanks, but I’m not in the mood to spend time with you. I’ve got more important things to take care of than pleasures. So, can you please go now?” I say to her. “But Alpha, I will make you feel good,” she purrs, moving closer to me. “Do you wish to die?” I roar. “How dare you disobey my order?” “I’m sorry, Alpha,” she says, bowing her head. What the heck! I am trying to save her head from my angry wolf. “Don’t push your luck, Sophia. You’re just my slut, not my queen. I will call you anytime I need you,” I muttered. “Am I clear?” “Yes, sir,” she says, making a quick exit from my office. 'Good. That woman is finally gone,’ my wolf growls. 'I still don’t understand why you have such a strong hatred for her,' I state. 'Why should I like someone who isn’t my true mate? What reason do I have to be interested in your so-called companion?’ He shouts back at me. ‘I hate her so much.’ “Oops, it seems that I hit your bad side. I am sorry. My bad.” I apologize. ’If not because you are not giving me control of your body, that woman won’t have the chance to stay alive with me here,’ Ray nags. “Ray, I hate it when you keep nagging me,” I yell, frustrated. ‘Do the right thing, and stop playing around with your companions.’ Running my fingers through my hair, I lean back in my chair. All this paperwork in front of me is killing me. It is always our top priority to keep every pack member safe and keep out rogues or trespassers. They are to be dealt with on the spot, and thanks to my fearsome reputation, no rogue dares step onto my territory without knowing what they’re getting themselves into. To ensure this, I’m relentless when it comes to patrolling and enforcing our rules - no exceptions. Taking a break from the paperwork on my desk, I get up and stretch my tired muscles. I’ve been at it all day, and it’s so stressful. I grab the documents that need to be sent out and turn towards the door, only for Kelly, my beta, to step in before I can reach for them. “Great to have you here, Kelly. These documents must be sent out, so please make sure to attend to them.’ “I will do that, sir,” Kelly responds, collecting the files from me. “Good. I’m heading out for a run. Let me know if you need anything. It will be a long run,” I say to my beta, Kelly. “Okay, my king.” My apartment is on the fifth floor of the pack house - it’s soundproof. My office is located at the end of the hallway. I have a brother, Ashley, and a younger sister named Mia. My brother Ashley and his mate Joy live on the first floor, while my sister is on the second floor and still looking for her mate. My brother has been completely enamored with his mate ever since he found her, and he never wants to leave her side. They show immense affection for one another, and I’ve been trying to comprehend how she has captivated him in such a way that he stops running with me. I guess I won’t be able to understand until I find my mate. I am still someone without a mate.
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