Turn into an omega

1982 Words
Ava. In the dungeon. I try to move, but I can’t. I’ve never felt so helpless. Fear locks me up, paralyzing me temporarily. Screams and shouts surround me, dead bodies litter the floor, and the stench of death fills the air. It’s pitch dark, and it smells rotten. It’s the pack vault, every wolf’s nightmare, meant for torturing rogues. It serves as a warning and maintains the pack’s power and dominance. It is a reminder of how savage the pack can be, and how their rules must be followed, or else. [The pack’s dominance is closely tied to its ability to enforce its rules, which are designed to ensure the safety of the pack as well as its members. By punishing or even executing rogues, the pack is able to assert its authority and serve as a deterrent to other rogues who may be considering challenging the pack’s power.] The brutality of the punishments reminds pack members of the consequences of disobeying laws. I never thought I’d end up here. Unbelievably, I’m here right now. This is totally unacceptable. As soon as someone enters my cell, demanding my presence to meet with Alpha, it finally hits me where I’m at. Still weak and in constant pain, but determined to get out of here alive. “Alpha wants to see you now. Move!” a voice orders. I obey, following to the Alpha’s office, hiding my pain. He knocks on the door as soon as we arrive at Alpha’s office. “Yes, please come in,” he says from behind the closed door. He opens it and drags me inside with him before bowing his head in respect. “Alpha, the female rogue is here,” the unknown guy announces. “Okay, you can take your leave,” he says. He bows his head again and leaves both of us alone. Observing him in his seat, engrossed in his work, I keep standing. Standing there before, he looks up at me. “Who are you?” he asks. “You don’t smell like a normal rogue.” “I’m Ava Hansley, daughter of Alpha Richard and Luna Kerah Hansley, of the Blood Red Pack,” I reply. “I’m not a rogue.” Surprised, he narrows his eyes. “You’re the Alpha’s daughter?” “Yes, Alpha,” I respond. “Then, if you’re the daughter of one of the strongest and greatest packs, what are you doing here in my territory?” He questions me, looking at me with wariness. He is suspicious of me, likely because I am in his territory and he is unfamiliar with me. His expression and body language suggest he is wary and protective, not wanting to let an outsider into his domain. “Rogues attacked my pack with the help of a powerful witch. They slaughtered every member of my pack and destroyed everything my father had built. I am the only survivor. I was able to flee from the attack, and I’m being chased by the rogues. I found myself stepping into your territory. It was not intentional. I am sorry,” I explain. “Oh, I understand now, and I am sorry for what your family went through. It must have been a terrifying experience for you, being chased and having no safe place to go,” he says. “Yes, Alpha," I reply humbly. “You must be feeling very alone and desperate. I want to offer you my protection so that you can feel safe again. Since you have Alpha blood in you, you are fated to be an Alpha. I won’t be able to make you one of my pack members or my warriors, because there can only be one Alpha in my territory, and that is me. As a result of saving your life, I can only make you an omega," he explains. “What do you think, Ava?” I’m shocked. He’s afraid I’ll challenge his position. Omegas are the lowest rank in the pack and usually serve as servants and messengers. They are not allowed to challenge the Alpha for dominance or to form their own pack. Being an Omega grants you protection from other wolves, and you will be provided with food and shelter in exchange for your loyalty. (Omegas are typically the lowest-ranking members of a pack and are not allowed to challenge the Alpha for dominance or to form their own pack. This is because the Alpha needs to maintain a certain level of control to ensure the pack’s survival and protection. Thus, the Alpha fears that allowing an Omega to challenge them would compromise their control and leadership.) “I appreciate your kindness, Alpha. Since you are willing to keep my life as an omega, I accept your kind gesture, Alpha,” I murmur with a bow. “I am grateful for your mercy.” I shall seek my revenge when I become stronger (Ava’s mind thinking). “Good. I will make sure they treat you right in the pack,” he asserts. “You don’t have to worry about anything. My people are nice and kind.” “Okay, thank you, Alpha, for your mercy.” I am not happy about being turned into an omega, as I am an Alpha offspring. However, I have no other choice but to submit, or I will be murdered by the Alpha. I have to accept his offer in order to keep my life. When I am stronger, I will seek my revenge. ********* TWO YEARS AFTER. It’s been two years since the rogue attack that wiped out my pack. Revenge fuels me. I won’t forget the pain and trauma. Everywhere is covered in blood – the blood of my beloved, my family, and pack members. I have been haunted by terrible nightmares about that day. At times, I have felt the urge to end my life, but the desire for revenge gives me strength. I must avenge their deaths. I will never forget the pain of that day and the trauma of seeing my loved ones dead. I am now consumed by a need for justice and to make those responsible pay for their crimes. This drive keeps me going, even when I feel despair and my nightmares haunt me. I must get my revenge on every one of the rogues and the witch’s clan. I still recall my mother’s last words: ‘I love you; remember, we die protecting you.’ At eighteen, I’ve grown into a strong woman, with long golden hair, blue eyes, full lips, and fair skin. I have a curvaceous figure that many envy, including Luna. Despite being an omega, I am still in excellent shape. I pray and hope to meet my destiny mate soon. Alpha Jerry’s attention worries me. He has been showing a lot of interest in me lately. His motives seem suspicious, especially since I turned eighteen. I am beginning to fear that Alpha Jerry is only interested in me because I recently turned eighteen and do not have a mate. It seems like he is looking for an easy target. His personality has changed since I became an attractive girl. One night, he comes to my room. I am not really treated like an Omega, so I have my own personal room. He comes to my room in the middle of the night and tells me he wants to have s*x with me. He also expresses how much he wants me more than his Luna. He promises to make me his mistress, second only to Luna. I disagree, telling him that I am saving my first time for my destined mate. “I want you, and you dare reject my offer,” he whispers lowly, not wanting anyone to hear him. “How dare you? You should be happy that I want you as my mistress.” “I’m sorry, alpha. I don’t want to be your mistress,” I reply. “No one deserves to be a mistress when I have a mate who will cherish and love me.” “I’ll make you regret your decision, b***h,” he growl at me. “You’ll suffer.” “I don’t care. Even if you threathen me, I will never let you touch me.” “Okay, we shall see who laughs last, Ava," he threatens before opening the door and leaving. Since then, he has changed. He no longer comes to my room, and he is distant when I’m around. I keep my distance, but I’m still wary of him. I’m thankful that I stand my ground and protect myself. Truth to his threathen, Alpha Jerry started allowing every pack member to bully me and has reduced my rank to the lowest and dirtiest Omega. I am asked to do dirty jobs, and I am not allowed to have any food except what Luna approves. I am treated worse than a dog in the pack house and have been turned into a slave. Even though I have managed to avoid him, I still have to deal with the consequences of his actions. I am forced to stay in the pack house and endure the bullying and mistreatment from the other members. I have no autonomy or control over my own life. “b***h, you can’t do anything right,” one of his pack members yells at me, before hitting me in my stomach. I groan and moan in pain. “Are you stupid? How dare you show me that look?” “I’m sorry,” I says, as I try to stand on my feet. “Sorry my ass,” he howls, slamming me against the wall. I hear the sound of my bone cracks. It hurts like hell. “Hahaha?” The rest mock me. They mock my pain. “Get here before I make you lose your eyes now,” he commands. Still in pain, I crawl to where he is standing. “Get up.” I try to stand on my feet, but the more I try, the more he hits me. “Tss! What a loser,” Marcus says. He is one of my bullies. “Enough of bullying her.” The Beta stand up for me. “Let her be and f**k off.” “You’re here again. I wonder if you are her mate,” he sneers. “Or are you her bed mate?” I feel angry. How dare he say that. “Shut you,” I yells. “That b***h finally speaks up when she sees her f**k mate,” he groans, mocking me. “Will you shut up, or do you want me to help you, Marcus?” The beta emits a dangerous aura, and Marcus immediately backs out. “I’ll see you soon, b***h,” he says before running away.” “Are you okay?'“ he asks. “Yes, I'm." I smile, trying to hide my pain. That bastard, he hits me so hard. “Are you sure?” he asks again.” “Yes, i’m. Thank you." “Okay. I willn't push further. I hope you will be fine,” he say as I stand on my feet. I wonder when I will be able to find my mate. I keep searching for him, but he is nowhere to be found in the pack house or among one of its members. I guess he is not from this pack. I guess he is from a different pack or even a different species. I have to keep looking and hope that I will find him one day. I never smell like an omega because I am not one. My strength is not that of a weak she-wolf. My wolf is strong, and I am an alpha female. In my blood, I have alpha lineage. My wolf is an Alpha, and I’m the white wolf.
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