I am a Candidate

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Lunchtime the twins and I went to the teachers' office to formally settle things. As I entered I heard different voices and it seems they are running in the election as. I saw Skylia together with Vermilion and some other students. I just passed by them and pretended that I didn't even see them. Then I heard Vermilion is running for presidency "Look who finally decided to show up" Ms. De Villa greeted "Did you know this would happen?" I asked Looks like another physicist. Take about bad luck "I am here to apply for my candidacy as president" I said as I slam her table Just as I expected, I will surely grab the attention of the other students "Well the candidacy is only for the top twenty in the personal ranking" "But your from the lowest section surely you're not qualified for this" Ms. De Villa said "So why tell us to run in the first place" I raised my voice Then the twins started pinching me "Sorry Ma'am but our friend here ranked first on the entrance exam he even passed the scholarship exam" "Why not check if for yourself Ma'am" the twins said Ms. De Villa then pulled out a small notebook. Inside is the personal student rankings. I took a peek and I saw my name in the top spot "Okay he is qualified but is he going to run alone surely he has a political party to begin with" Ms. De Villa asked "Who needs them if I can do it myself. I run as an independent party" I said The other students and teachers seemed surprised. Haven't they heard of independent party before, well they do now Ms. De Villa hands out a piece of paper containing everything about my candidacy. I signed it and we went on our way "To easy" I said as we pass by Vermilion We head down to the cafeteria and snatch someone else's table. I opened the huge container and it smells heavenly. "Wow is this all for us?" They asked "No I have my share in that container as well" I said "What! Why didn't you separate your shares? Are you planning on kissing us cause it won't work?" Cherry Lyn raised her voice I was surprised to hear her reaction "And where did you get that idea?" I asked "Sorry Ramon she just watches a lot of late night shows lately and maybe she saw soon kissing while eating pasta" Darryl Lyn said "Okay I will just place my share at this lid so your sister won't over react" I said then I smiled I grabbed my fork and started transferring my share on the lid. We started eating. Then Skylia and their group pass by, looks like she wanted a taste but she hesitated to ask. After we finished eating we head back to the room "Guys I am running for president" I announced They gave me a warm round of applause "Now that's done I do need a campaign manager, some staves, a mob and sponsor" I requested "You don't need to worry Ramon we'll take it from here just make sure you will secure the top spot" my classmates said "Thank you guys" I gave Elena a call "Guess who's running for president" "I am" I informed her "Good for you, if you win the election you will have a chance to earn grade incentives" Elena said "So my classmate was right" a thought in my mind "I do need a little favor to ask you" I said "And what is that?" She asked "I need your help because I seriously don't know what I applied for" I said "Drop by my office later and we will discuss it here. Bring us a cup of coffee while your at it" she said "Okay bye" I said then hang up After class I immediately exited the room. I ran in the hallway then I saw Skylia walking alone. Now is my chance to talk to her. I approached her I hold her shoulder then she turn around "It's you hi Ramon" she greeted "Can I walk with you?" I asked "Sure, why not" she said We started walking together "Looks like you and Vermilion are running for the election. What did you sign up for?" I asked "Well to tell you honestly I don't want too but Vermilion instead me to do so" she seems unhappy "Why didn't you tell him?" I said "Because he wanted me to do so no questions asked" she said "Hey where is that Vermilion guy anyway. Why isn't he walking with you?" I asked "He has some errands to do" she said "About last night can we still meet at the terrace? If you have the time I know your busy" I asked "I would love to. Let's say every night before going to bed" she said "I have a question: why did you run away last night? You look pretty terrified." "Morning I was going to school I saw Vermilion coming out of your room. Why?" I asked "Hey Ramon did you cook that pasta earlier? It smells heavenly" she said Looks like she is evading my question "Yeah do you want some I would be happy to cook for you. How about dinner at my place?" I asked "I would love too but I can't" "Bye Ramon my ride is here" she said then enters her car I grabbed my bike and went on my way. As soon as I arrived at my room I immediately prepared my perfect coffee. While waiting I checked my Instaglam account and I have tons of new messages. I opened my inbox and check it out I gave a long sigh. It was just from our group chat then there's this message request. I wonder if you sent it. I immediately checked it out and it's from Katarina Greyhound "This is the student council president and I would to talk to you regarding your campaign" "Meet me at our office tomorrow lunch" The coffee was done and I immediately went to the main building. I immediately went to Elena's office. As I opened the door I heard different voices. The moment I entered the room Vermilion and his party was there staring at me "You look busy I'll go on my way see yah" I said to Elena "Wait right there. They are just about to leave" Elena said Lorna assisted me to the couch. I hand over her coffee "What are they talking about?" I curiously asked Lorna in a whispering manner "Well about their campaign. They want Ms. Paterson's referral" Lorna answered in a whispering manner Vermilion and his party went on their way and they all looked upset. As soon as they all exited I sat down on the chair in front of Elena "Looks like someone's offer was turned down" I said Elena then gave me a glare "Chill I didn't go here to argue. I went here because I need your help in my campaign I seriously know nothing about politics" I said as I hand over the coffee "That's why I turned them down because I am going to help you win your campaign" "That will benefit us both. The board will be proud of me by finding a great talent and you will have a grade incentive as high as ten percent" Elena seems glad "About my campaign I just received a message from Katarina Greyhound" I showed her the message "Does it ring a bell?" I asked "I know her, she ask for my referral for their campaign and they won by landslide" "I think you should go see her" she requested She gives back my phone and I replied on Katarina's message "see yeah tomorrow" "Tell me Elena how does your referral help the candidates win the election?" I curiously asked "I am well known here of course so if I refer you, you will have a higher chance in gaining supporters but in your case Vermilion has a pretty great reputation so as his party. The chances of you winning the election isn't high at all or you don't have a chance in winning" Elena said "Is he really that tough of an opponent?" I asked "You don't have a name yet so how do you expect the public to believe in you. Vermilion's clan here is one of the best performing clans surely they have numerous supporters in all the year levels" "I suggest that you should start building up your status so you can garner supporters. How about offering something to the public that will surely grabbed their attention" Elena said "Okay Elena I am on it" I said as I stood up "See yah" I said and I went on my way "Ms. Paterson" a voice said "Yes Madam" Elena said "Are you seriously referring to him?" "Are you aware of the possible consequences of your action?" Madam said "Yes Madam I am aware but I can't just let my talent go to waste right besides the board told me to do anything necessary just to balance out the grade distribution" Elena said "I warned you Ms. Paterson" Madam said I went straight to my room and relax for awhile until I dozed off
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