
Alpha Daryl Reeds


He was feared by everyone

She was loved by everyone

He was cruel

She was kind

He was feared by most

She was loving to most

He destroys everything he touched

She was the light everyone needed


Daryl Reedus was the most powerful Alpha there was in small town Ashville, Joyce Dyer was shy and quiet, sassy when needed, but loved by almost everyone in her pack.

When an attack brings Daryl to her pack she does everything to help fight him away, little does she know that he'll end up her mate.

And little does he know he'll make his life hell if she doesn't get what she wants.

Can Daryl make her fall for him? Will Joyce find it in her heart to love the monster everyone thinks he is?

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Chapter 1
Author's note; Hi guys, thanks for giving this book chance.  I also am not a writer, I'm just trying so please try not to judge my books because I'm not trying to be a writer I just sometimes have a lot of thoughts that I turn into stuff like this and just want to see if you'll read it :/ I know my grammar sucks, my spelling sucks, and I don't make any sense, I'm not actually trying just giving myself something to do so if your going to judge and say rude things to me, I'll block ya. Thanks  ***************** "Wake up!" My seven year old little sister yells as she jumps on me. "Santa came!" I groan as I slowly sit up in bed looking at the clock. "Ashley, it's four in the morning." I tell her. "Santa came through! Don't you want to see what he got you?" She explained. I sigh, I rub my eyes knowing she won't leave me alone until I do what she wants. "Alright, alright I'm coming." I tell her, getting out of bed. "Yay!" She squeals Don't get me wrong I love my baby sister, but at times like this, I really hate her. Walking down stairs I begin to make a lot of coffee knowing it'll be a long day. Footsteps on the stairs pull me away from the coffee maker. "Oh, look it's the four marketeers." I remarked looking at my four older brothers my parents had two sets of twins. Axel and Jake were the oldest, and Fred and Harry were the second oldest then there was me in the middle and first born girl last but these was Ashley the youngest and hopefully the last but no one says it out loud. Jake smirks at me. "Don't be jealous. We got twins and you don't." He says. I roll my eyes and go back to the coffee maker. "Yeah like I wanted to share my birthday with someone else." I tell him.  "That just means more presents for us," Fred says. Fred had a point I guess but I didn't tell him that just kept my back to him. Our parents walk into the room. We aren't your typical normal neighbors we were a family of werewolves, half this town was ruled by packs, in the middle of nowhere is a small village called Asheville. We were a family of second commands the Betas that meant if the Alpha was away on a business trip or was sick - which getting sick never happen to werewolves it was just another saying if he died - the oldest in the family or the father would take his place for how long he was away for if there wasn't an oldest or someone in the Alpha's family who couldn't take his place the Beta's would. Beta's are the second in commands which also meant we had a say in how the pack was ran. "Momma, Daddy!" Ashley yells. "Come on, come on!" Mom smiled at her and began following her into the living room where our Christmas tree was. Dad laughs at the look Mom gives gives him. "She's something else isn't she?" Dad says to no one in particular. I pray this won't become a habit Fred was really close to spilling the beans last year when she woke everyone up at another unholy hour. It's been the 2rd year she's done this, since she was old enough to know who Santa was. "Look!" Ashley says. "Santa, got me the doll house I wanted." I try hiding my smile, I had gotten her the doll house, she has been looking at it in the town's window all year. I even put some little dolls in it so she had those to go along with the house. "Jake!" Ashley says "there's one for you." This time I don't even bother trying to hide the smile that made its way onto my face.I knew it'd make a fun morning. "I think I'll save this one for later." He says seeing my face. "No, you have to open it now!" Jake sighs but begin opening it. Ashley lets out a deep breath as Jake picks up the lump of coal that I had given him for Christmas. "Oooo Jake got coal, he's been bad this year." Ashley says. Jake gives me a 'I'll get you back for this' look. I only smile innocently at him. Everyone laughs as Ashley hits him on the shoulder. Fred and Harry open their presents that turn out to be a few video games that they've been wanting for a while. Axel got a Wii and a few games for it. After all the presents have been open, I go outside to collect some more wood for fireplace, there was snow on the ground and heavy clouds in the sky looking as if we might expect some more snowfall today. I guess you can call it a white Christmas, the cold air burned my skin and made my cheeks a rosy red, as I was walking back home the Alpha's daughter came up to me. In many cases the Beta and the Alphas children were usually friends in this case we weren't I hated the Alpha's daughter she thought she was better than everyone else just because she held a higher rank, and she thought she could boss everyone else around. Kinda like her dad, her mother wasn't any better thinking she's sooo get as Luna because she mated with an Alpha but she wasn't didn't do anything for the pack. "Why aren't your stupid brothers at training? It started twenty minutes ago" She says coldly. "It's Christmas Riley." I say, I knew my brothers wouldn't mind training if I told them they were needed, but it was only 7 in the morning plus Christmas. "Plus why is everyone training so early? I thought most training's didn't start until 8 anyways." "Don't you think I know that? No cares there's training just because it's the holidays does it mean they get a break." she says. "And training starts early from now on because we've been seeing a lot of Rogues and because I've heard rumors of an attack soon." My jaw drops open I can't believe she just said that it was the holidays everyone deserves to be home with their families or mates. Who cared about an attack on Christmas? What mad man would attack on a holiday? "Don't you think these people deserve to be home with their families for Christmas? After all it is a special day." "So what just because they have families to watch after doesn't mean they have anything better to do but train." " Riley!" Alpha Daniel's yells "Yes, Daddy?" Riley says turning to face him. I made a face behind her back, it was laughable that she an 18 year still called her dad; daddy. I would if I was scared or if he was dying but never just for the hell of it. "Why are all these men training?" "Oh, because Joyce thought it would be a great idea. I was just listening to her." I glared at her, I couldn't believe she was lying to her father and blaming me for this. " I'm sorry sweetheart I got a little angry at this. All men dismiss!" Alpha Daniel's says as Riley and Alpha Daniels walks away Riley turns around and gives me a dirty look. I resist the urge to flip her; the bird. Alpha Daniel just suddenly stops and turns around turn into me he says. "Joyce, can I talk to you for a second?" Oh boy, this isn't good. "Yes, Alpha Daniels?" I say sweetly. "Look, you're the Beta of this pack not the Alpha, stop trying to get my daughter to do the dirty work, this behavior is very unacceptable and I will no longer tolerate it." "Please Alpha Daniels you have to understand that I did not say anything to your daughter about these training sessions on Christmas I was telling her that was a horrible idea." He just nods his head and walks away following after Riley he always believed that I was starting the conflicts between us, but I never was but Riley was always thinking she was better than me and always trying to get me in trouble with her father. Just because I didn't want to be friends with her in the 5th grade. My house wasn't far from where I was standing, but as I was walking slowly home with the wood that I was carrying afraid of dropping it I begin to fill an easy like I was being watched. I stopped and looked around but all I saw was a few trees, and the snow floored ground that was untouched, no footprints. The closer I got to the house a small little village house like the rest of the pack houses and Asheville I begin the smell a different scent, werewolves had a stronger sense of smell than humans it smelt like another person an unfamiliar scent something I couldn't place but I have smelled before. Minelink Jake the see if he knew anything another special ability all werewolves had. 'Jake, will you come and meet me outside?' ' Sure, little sis what's up?' 'There is an unfamiliar sent in the area I can't quite put my finger on it but I have definitely smoked it before' 'It's probably Rouges.' Ah, Rouges werewolves who either left their pack got kicked out of their pack or didn't want to be in a pack that lived in the forest they usually peaceful creatures don't mess with a lot of people but occasionally sometimes they want to cross our pack to go live in the human world instead of with the rest of us. After cutting off the mindlink I was suddenly ambushed by a couple of wolves each one has the color of gold eyes all ground fiercely at me, they surrounded me I looked every way to escape but I didn't know how I could. 'Fred!' I called through the mindlink 'Joyce! Where are you?' I didn't get enough time to explain as one of the wolves around me pounced on me. I through myself left as fast as I could the wolf missed me by inches while all the other wolves were distracted trying to figure out what happened I ran off trying to get home as fast as I could. A loud siren noise, went off people running around and screaming mothers and children were trying to find a safe place to hide all the men of our pack fought for their lives. Great ways to spend Christmas I think to myself sarcastically. A sudden and bushel everyone was at home taking them date nice and easy I only know one person who would do that . . . . Daryl Reedus Alpha Daryl what's the most feared man in our town, he was powerful, heartless, and killed many without mercy. He was known for attacking packs after weakest moment for example today we had let our guard down enjoying the holidays, and he was able to attack us. I was so stupid of course he of all people who attack on Christmas a day everyone would want to be with their families. I made it to my front door and quickly opened it running into the house I can already tell Ashley and my mother were down in the cellar Axel, Harry, Fred, and Jake were probably already out fighting alongside our father I didn't want to go down to the sellers and hide like a coward while the men fought but I knew without the proper training i would be of no use. So I did the best that I could go to the kitchen I grab the biggest knife I could while grabbing a couple of the smaller ones and stuffing them into my pockets on my jacket I went back outside, all around me I could see wolves fighting for each other's lives some laid in a pool of blood I couldn't tell if it was the enemy or if it was for my pack but at this point I didn't care I took off towards the woods. And as soon as I got there I could see more wolves waiting to attack Daryl must have set it up the attack in waves. By sending 10 warriors from his pack at first then 20 of them and then more until we either die or until he calls off the attack. I stood by a tree and watched as the people I grew up with around me died or killed someone else. I feared for my family's life I couldn't tell who was who I didn't even know where my brothers were aware my father was I sent a quick prayer praying that they were alive as selfish as it sounds to me but I did not want to lose any of them. The growl came from behind me, I quickly turned around to see a big brownish wolf behind me. Gripping the knife tiger in my hands I charge that the wolf it goes to pounce on me and I fell on my back hitting the ground hard and knocked the breath out of me but I held onto the knife the wolf jumps over me and I jammed my knife into its stomach it lets out a whimper of pain. I don't stick around to see if it dies I take off deeper into the woods. I hear a wolf follow after me as I climb a tree as fast as I could hide in it. After a while I begin to smell the most wonderful scent as I hear footsteps, I knew that the Wolves had turned back into their human form because I could hear low mumbling. "Are you sure she ran this way?" "Yes, Alpha she's stabbed Jacob and then took off this way." He sighed. "Find her and bring her to me I cannot let my mate run." My wolf howls as the two men walk closer to the trees that I had perch myself in. One of the men (I couldn't tell who from how high I was ) began to sniff the air the smell that I had smelled earlier got a lot stronger. And I knew then that I was destined to be the mate of a monster.

Dreame-Editor's pick


Falling For The Alpha


Her Men


His Invisible Mate


Hating My Mate


Alpha's Hybrid Mate


Resisting The Alpha


Alpha Meets His Match


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