
DEATH HILLS: San Deamonia

another world
enimies to lovers

Dave Herbert, son of Lord Daniel Herbert the richest Lord in San Francisco owning multiple shipping fleets, was a new graduate from the Shaolin college in China Town America. He was the best graduating student the year he graduated. He was trained to be the most ruthlessly effective spy master the Shaolin college have ever produced.He moved down to San Deamonia hoping to have an easy life but finds out that life would never going to be easy for someone with that much power. He is seldom self-indulgent but will he be able to save those he love.

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Nothing was as binding as the good smell that indicated where sea meets land. There Lord Herbert had built a lot of offices to accommodate his many ships, cause he owned multiple shipping fleets. Dave Herbert sat in one of his father's offices just beside the sea gazing openly at nothing in particular, he looked down at the paperwork in front of him hoping that it would just go away. He sat crouching on the paperwork on the table, pretending to know what he was doing but he couldn't help but drift off. He stood up and walked slowly away from his table, running his fingers on the expensive cocobolo wood as he moved. He wondered why his father would spend that much on woods, he had wondered whether his mother's death was a huge factor in his father's extravagance. He wore a cobalt blue jeans trousers and a gray shirt which match his grey eyes and his long coffee black hair and well carved beards which enhanced his masculine jawline. He stepped out of his office and headed towards his father secretary's office. He had spent a number of days getting acquainted with all the staffs in his father's office, especially Mrs. Gladys the secretary an ageing woman almost the age of his father but her unique physic still sprung like she was in her youth, She still had her great curves and her sky blue eyes hadn't turn gray. She wouldn't hesitate to flaunt her elegance when given the opportunity. "Good evening Ms. Gladys, I was hoping I'd find you here." She looked up from where she sat and saw Dave smiling at her. She sat up on seeing him. "Good morning young master Dave. Please come in". He stood there amazed at how elegant a woman her age looked, he remembered asking his dad to marry her when he was younger, his father had laughed it off, he knew his father had feelings for her but he wouldn't let it go more than that, since his mother died his father had become a shadow of his former self, probably because he was wrongly accused of uxoricide. He spent redundantly and would crawl into his shell every other night. He pitied him and was hoping that someday he would find happiness, and maybe someone that will love him the way his late wife did. He entered the office and sat on the couch that stayed just at the right side of the office facing the other end "I was hoping to catch you less busy, but I know how rare it is to catch you that way". He smiled at her and placed a hand on the couch just before him, tapping it slightly. "Please come sit by me I want to have a little chat with you, I promise I won't take all of your time". he said with a little smirk on his face. She stood up and walked to the couch in front of him and sat. "I hope that you wouldn't, my time is indeed priceless" "Ok, but I was going to start by showering you with praises on how fascinating your choice of outfit today was, but knowing that your time is priceless, as you said, I'd go straight to the point" He paused and caught her quick smile. She always enjoyed his praises, and anytime he was in her office it reminded her of his father who she had always loved and even after loosing his wife he still barely looked at her, she was hoping that someday he would. She was not one to disrepute herself for anyone, male or female. "Alright then get to the point, I'm running out of time to sit around doing nothing" "Okay okay.... I'd just go straight to the point so you won't sit around doing nothing... I've worked here in this office for, let me say, two weeks and I'm sick and tired of it, no offense but I am not the office type please. I was hoping you'd see how bad my work have been and report me to my dad, but you wouldn't. So now I'm begging you please send a message to my father of my misconduct. I really want out". "On the contrary you have been sublime, so much that I won't want to lose you so instead I would tell your father to install you permanently". "Uhm I think you misunderstood me. I said I want out, talk to my dad on my behalf please" "Ok I'd try but I still think you should stay, it's your father's company and someday you'd take over cause you are his only family" "That would be sometime later in my life, besides I'd love to go to college and sharpen my life, you know, make something out of myself." "It's your choice to make, so I'd do my best to convince your father on your behalf". "I knew I could count on you. Thank you" "I said I'd do my best to convince him, it's still not definite" "You just do your thing and let me worry about how definite your answer is, besides I still have my ways of talking to my father about things like this." He said as he stood up immediately and headed towards the door then he stopped and looked back at her with a look that showed his gratitude which was complemented with a nod. "I'd still Be counting on you though" Then he stepped out and headed back to his office knowing his days of working in his father's company were numbered. He looked at his watch and it was just time for his break. Break time was the only time he had for himself and he wouldn't shy away from spending it. He walked straight to the elevator and went down to the ground floor. As he got to the cafeteria, he made his orders and went back to the office waiting for what he ordered to arrive. He sat in his office going through his phone until his food arrived.

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