
That one moment

Writing Challenge
YA Fiction Writing Contest
first love

Ellies life has been tough since her little brother died 10 months ago. She isnt your typical 16 year old beauty, she is a plus size girl who hates every detail about herself. she is the schools social reject and is hated by everyone. She keeps to herself and tries to not let it bother her when deep down inside she just wants to cry. That is untill the first day of school when bad boy Nick is captivated by her. He does everything he can to befriend her and shows her how to love herself. Alicia, the popular girl in school has her sights on nick and does everything in her power to keep these two apart

This may be a sensitvie story for some readers, it has alot of bullying involved and issues relating around weight and mental health issues, this is also a story of love and romance and how to accept who you are and how to love yourself.

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Chapter 1
The sound of the front door slamming makes me jump. "Laila? Lucas?" I call out seeing if it's my children? I get no response but I hear footsteps making their way upstairs. I put down my laptop and leave it on the side with my coffee while I investigate who is in my house. I make my way upstairs and hear sniffling coming from my daughter's bedroom. I make my way over to her door and gently open it. I see her lying face down on her bed crying. Her body shaking as the tears pour out of her eyes. This sight in front of me takes me back 20 odd years ago. When she use to cry into her pillow. "Laila, sweetheart, are you ok?" I ask already knowing that she's not. "Just leave" she mumbles out in-between her sobs. It breaks my heart seeing her like this. I make my way over to her and sit on her bed. Running my fingers through her hair. She has such beautiful soft black hair just like her mother. "Sweetie you know you can talk to me about anything and everything. I wont ever judge you." I say softly to her, she rolls on her side wiping her tears away. "Dad, you'll never understand your a boy, you don't know what life is like for a teenage girl." She states with a frown. We stare in silence at each other, I'm trying to think of the right words but when I look at her, I see her mother, I smile softly at her and she breaks the silence.  "Dad... do you think boys will ever think I'm beautiful?" She asks looking down playing with her thumbs. I lift her chin up "Any boy would be lucky to call you his. You just don't know how beautiful you are." I tell her while pushing hair out of her damp face. "Now are you going to tell me what happened at school?" I ask raising an eye brow to her. She takes a deep sigh. "Dad you'll never understand" she whines. "How about I tell you a story of a girl I use to know." I ask. She sits up leaning against her head board looking at me intently. I smile at my self as I remember my life 20 years ago. I lean back resting against her wall "Well it all started about 20 years ago her name was Ellie." I start. This is my story of how one moment, how one person can change your life for either better or worse. This story may be a trigger for some it has a lot of bully, eating disorder and other sensitive issues.  20 years agoEllies pov Waking up on a Monday morning, 5th of September the first day of school. What a joy, the only good thing is one more year done and I'm now in year 11. I only have to get through this year in this hell hole, I call a school. I know no teenager likes school but I hate school with every bone in my body. It's a constant reminder of how I'll never be accepted with my peers how I'm an outcast. If I could change anything about me I would change everything. I wouldn't keep one thing the same. The beeping on my alarm brings me back to reality. Well, better get this day started, hopefully I can be invisible today but with my s**t luck I doubt it. I grab my iPod connect it to my speakers and play my playlist as I get ready. JLS one shot plays through my speakers making me think no body in the world knows me, I'm not even sure my mother does. Not really anyway. It's recently just become me and my mother, my little brother Eddie died 10months ago, he had a brain tumour and sadly he just wasn't saveable, he was only 10 years old. How is life fair? I haven't been the same since his death, I turn to food as a comfort because I have no friends. My stepdad, Max (Eddie's dad) left us when Eddie was 1. I had just turned 6, he was in my life for about 2 years and is all I have even known as a father figure. He wasn't horrible to me but he didn't particularly like me either. So now its just me and my mum. I've never met my dad, he left while my mum was still pregnant with me, telling her a child will only hold him down and he's not ready for that kind of responsibility. My mum has never lied to me when I ask about him. I've only ever asked why he never stayed, I have no interest in who he is or where he is, although she tells me the truth she always reassures me I'm not the reason he left us. She said they have always had problems, I do wonder if that's true. Regardless she tells me I'm the best thing to ever happen to her and she would always pick me over anyone. That always makes me smile. However since I've started secondary school in one of the small villages in Cambridge I have changed. It's probably due to my hellish life there. I make my way to the shower and start washing myself wondering what the first day back at school will bring me. Hopefully not like last year when I came home with a black eye. My mum works 2 jobs so she's rarely at home so no questions asked from her. I get out and towel dry my hair. I have long black hair that comes to the middle of my back. I sit in front of my vanity mirror and look at the little make up I have. I stare at my reflection wondering why I cant be beautiful. Why does someone like me have to be born. I sigh as I grab my mascara gently swiping it over my lashes. After I look in the mirror the thickness and blackness of my lashes make my green eyes pop, actually I change my mind about my earlier comment, I would like to keep my eye colour. It's the only thing I like. When I bring myself back to reality I hear usher you got it bad playing. I finish my make up off which just consists of a small amount of blusher and Chapstick, I wonder if I'll ever find a guy that will want me. I take my hair out of the towel and run a hairbrush through my long locks. Its naturally curly which I hate as it makes my face look fatter than it already is. I brush the curls out so its relatively straight. I grab my hair tie and place it in a high ponytail. As I stare at my self in the mirror a tear slips down my cheek. I wipe it away and stand up. I listen to the chorus of the song and wish that a guy would have it bad for me, where all he can think about is me, he calls me in the middle of the night just to hear my voice. I smile at the thought. I grab my basic black bra and black 'granny pants' as the means girls of the school call them. I don't see the point in wearing a small piece of fabric that just sits up my arse all day, its not like I need to be sexy for anyone not one person looks my way. I grab a black top and my black jeans and look in my full length mirror that hangs on the door of my wardrobe. As my eyes scan my body I just wish I could be skinny like everyone else. I'm a plus size girl. With thick things and a chubby tummy that's got stretch marks. I look at myself in disgust "I hate you" I tell my reflection. "I wish you were beautiful." I grab my school bag turn my iPod off putting it in my pocket and grab my head phones. I make my way down stairs where my mum is preparing my favourite breakfast which she always does on my first day of school. I see the chocolate waffles on the table and my mum walking out the kitchen with a smile. "Morning honey. How are you today?" She asks in her usual chirpy self. I take a seat beside her giving her a fake smile. "I'm ok thanks mum. How are you? You working today?" I ask. She nods as she pours some chocolate sauces on to her breakfast. "Yeah Its a late one today too. I'm at the hospital till 4 then doing the night shift at the supermarket, I'll be home at about 3am so no waiting up for me" she says firmly before breaking out in a smile. As we finish she rushes off to work giving me a kiss on the head and leaving. I sigh as I take the plates into the kitchen, cleaning them off and placing them in the drying rack, once I'm done I walk to the door ready to leave for school. I put my bag over my shoulders grab my iPod and put my headphones in as I start my 20 minute walk to school. I get to school and take a deep breath, I can already feel the fear consuming me. I move to the side out of peoples eye sight and drop to my knees. My hands are shaking and I feel a panic attack coming, I grab the small bottle of anxiety pills in my bag and take 2 tablets swallowing it down with the bottle of water also in my bag. I put my pills back and water and rest against the tree that's beside me. "I will get through today" I tell myself with zero confidence. I get to my feet, still feeling a little wobbly and anxious but I pull my bag back over my shoulders and walk to my first class. History. I enjoy history and English. I love being consumed by love stories wondering if I will ever be someone's princess. As I walk through the halls I hear laughter from friendship groups hugging and talking about their summers, as a lot of people go on holiday over the summer holidays, I've never been on holiday we just have never been able to afford it. I pull my hoody up covering my face and pull my sleeves down coving my hands. The less they see of me the better. I make it to history without being punched or picked on which is a relief but the day has only just begun. The tables are set up in rows. There are 4 tables per row which holds 8 kids there are 4 rows in total. I make my way to the back row right hand corner. Other students file in and no one sits next to me, they even manoeuvre chairs around so no ones near me. It use to bother me but not so much now I guess I'm just use to it. I see Tori walk in with Alicia and her click, me and Tori use to be friends until about a year ago when Alicia and her became friends the only condition was she couldn't be my friend anymore, she only hesitated for a moment before agreeing. It was heart breaking to watch your best friend of 10 years disregard you as if you were nothing. I've learnt my lesson and I decided on having no friends it would be better for me, not that anyone is wanting to be my friend anyway. I lower my head so I don't make eye contact with them. Its 9am and in walks Mr Hunter. Our history teacher. He's so kind to me always looking out for me with the other kids. "Morning class" he says and everyone just groans in response. "Today we are going to work in pairs I have a series of questions that you will work on together." He says as everyone starts looking at their partners. I usually work alone. "Ellie you can work with a couple I will allow one group of 3" "Well I'm not working with her" the whole class groans out. I lower my head with embarrassment. The door is open and principle White is just standing, listening. She's ok not overly kind but not a complete b***h either she does have preference and I'm not one of them. Behind her walks this Greek god. I slightly raise my head and our eyes lock. He has these deep blue eyes it's like looking into a clear blue shy. He has thick black hair that's short at the sides and a little longer on top, it's messy but in a hot way. We still look at each other until I pry my eyes away, I glance around where I hear Alicia telling Tori to partner with me so she can partner with the new guy. "Ill partner with her" he says. I assume he's talking about Alicia but when I notice him walking towards me and sitting next to me I turn to him with a confused expression. No one has willingly wanted to partner with me. "Well class it looks like we have a new student please make Mr...." Mr Hunter pauses looking at the new guy. "Nick Marshal, sir." he replies. "Yes, well please make sure you make Mr Marshal feels welcomed class." Mr Hunter finished. I feel eyes on me and see Alicia's staring daggers at me making me wish I was at least 6 feet under. "Hi I'm Nick" He says holding his hand out to me. I ignore his hand gesture and turn back to the front of the class, Mr Hunter is writing some stuff on the white board. "Are you from England?" He asks making me scrunch my nose up confused. "Erm… Yeah." I reply. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just where I come from when one party introduces themselves the second party usually reciprocates and introduces themselves too." He says sarcastically. I give a small smile and turn to him "Hi I'm Ellie" I turn back around and Mr. Hunter is handing out work sheets he grins looking between me and Nick while passing me the paper.... well that's weird. I move the paper between me and Nick. "Question one." I begin, I still feel his eyes on me making me feel uncomfortable.  After a while he decided to help. I got the first question wrong so I let Nick answer them, he is really smart I feel so stupid next to him. We finish first and he tries to make small talk to me but I shrug it off. The bell rings and I stand holding my books and slinging my bag over my shoulder I walk past Alicia and her friends and nearly make it to the door but trip over someone's foot and I go flying hitting the floor dropping all my books. The whole class laughs at me except Nick. "I'm shocked she didn't bounce back considering she's so fat." I hear a boy in the front row shout. "Ellie the elephant is so clumsy." Alicia says. I see Nick rushing to me but I jump up and bolt out the door not looking back. I run to the nearest bathroom and lock myself in the stall not stopping the tears. I hate myself. Why cant I be skinny and beautiful. What's wrong with me is all I can ask myself. I pull myself together taking another anxiety pill, there is no way I can go back out there without taking one. I head towards maths knowing I'm going to be a few minutes late which is only going to put a bullseye on me. I wonder what cruel comment they will say now. I open the door and try to discreetly go to my seat. "Miss Jones how nice of you to join us" she says sternly. "What reason have you got to be late." She asks. "She was probably eating" Jack says making everyone laugh.  "And who may you be?" I hear Miss Davies our maths teacher say, I look behind me and see Nick. I scurry to my seat and look up at him and he's just staring at me. "Sorry Miss. I'm Nick I just moved here, I'm sorry I'm late my friend forgot to show me the way before she left our last class." he says not breaking eye contact with me. "Ok well hurry and take a seat" He walks over to me and sits next to me again. I don't understand this boy. Firstly, who is his friend, it's his first day and he hasn't spoken to anyone. Secondly, why does he keep sitting next to me. What's his game. Is this a trick or maybe his 'friend' dared him to sit with me. "Hey are you ok?" he asks concerned. I nod to him knowing if I spoke I would probably cry. "Miss Jones. As your too smart to listen come up here and solve this equation" Miss Davies says. I shake my head no and she folds her arms over her chest. "I wasn't asking now get up here" I make my way to the front of the class feeling sick. I take the pen and look at the board. "9-3 divided by 1/3 + 1 =" I mumble the equation to myself. I look like a dear caught in headlights as I start to panic. Miss Davies snatches the pen off me and points for me to sit down. As I walk back I hear Tori shout "Her thighs aren't the only things that are thick." The class laughs. It hurts the most when Tori says stuff its like a punch to the gut. I take my seat and see the pity in Nicks eyes. "I'm sorry" he says but I shift in my seat and scoot further away from him.  The bell rings and I leave quickly making sure not to get tripped. Its finally lunch time. My least favourite part of the day. I que up and wait for my turn to order food, only to be pushed down the que by other students, I sigh out but never say anything. I order my food. As my mother is on a low income I get a lunch card which entitles me to a free school meal per day. I get my card stamped and make my way to a table that no one is sitting at. I take a bite of my burger and hear the chair next to me being dragged on the floor, I look and see Nick sitting next to me, he puts his tray of food down and smiles at me. "Hi again" he says. I say nothing. I'm about to take another bite of my burger when I feel something hard and wet hit my face. I look up and see Alicia she's sitting with Tori, Emma, Izzy, Jack, Damon and Tyler. They are all laughing at me. I look down and see a wet balled up bit of tissue all on my food. I push my tray and feel something wet hit me again. It takes everything out of me not to cry right there and then. I grab my bag to leave but see Nick stand up walking over to them with his coke in hand. He pours the entire content of his coke on Alicia's head. She starts screaming and I see Jack stand to his feet "WHAT" Nick shouts at him. "Are you f*****g kidding that's my girlfriend." he says angerly at Nick. "Well if you can't control her put her on a leash." he says before turning back round and sitting with me. My mouth is literately hitting the table. I see Alicia and the girls running out I'm assuming to the bathroom to wash the coke out her hair. I'm gobsmacked. No one has ever done that for me. He slides his tray in between us cutting his burger in half. I see him raise his hand to me and I close my eyes expecting him to hit me. When I feel his warm hand brush my cheek removing the tissue that stuck on me. My eyes shoot open wide at this, what is happening I think to myself. I grab my bag and bolt out the room too scared to stay. I look back before the doors close and see the sadness on his face. I feel bad for leaving after what he did for me but I'm confused, I don't understand why he's doing this for me.  I make my way to my last class which is English my favourite. I sit in my usual seat and get my Romeo and Juliet book out my bag. I love this book its true love. I want that, I want to have a love that I would sacrifice myself for and vice versa. I'm so engrossed in my book I don't even notice Nick sitting next to me until I feel his hand on my arm making me jump. "Elle, I'm so sorry." he says. I'm confused, why is he sorry. "everything happened so fast I should of done something sooner." he says in one breath. "Nick. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of left like that I just... I needed to get out of there, but thank you for what you did for me, oh its Ellie by the way." I offer him a weak smile and he returns it with one of his own. Mrs Scott walks in. "Afternoon class sorry I'm a few minutes late. Lets not waste time and everyone get your Romeo and Juliet books out. As I'm a realistic person I'm guessing the chances of you reading this over summer is slim to nothing so you have till next Monday to read it. Next week we will be re-writing Romeo and Juliet making it more modern." she says while jotting things down on the board. I put my hand up and she nods her head at me, "Mrs if we have already read it can we start the assignment?" I ask and she smiles brightly at me. "Of course. For those of you who have read it can start the assignment I will hand out worksheets while you read." I start reading and can hear Jack whispering to his friends as he's not being discreet about it. "God look at her I would kill myself if I looked like her" I hear him say, "she's so fat do you think she's allergic to a diet." his friend jokes. I'm so glad the book is covering my face so no one can see my tears. I wish I had a different life.  "Hey don't listen to them. they are idiots" Nick says to me. I look at him "If you want to survive school I suggest you agree with them. You should probably stop sitting next to me too" I offer as advice, he chuckles lowly at me. "If you think I would rather be friends with them over you then you've gone crazy Elle" he says still smiling. "It's Ellie and you really want to be friends with me?" I question him. He holds his hand to his heart. "I Nick Marshal would love to be you friend Ellie Jones." he says. I cant help but smile at his cuteness. Its been a long time since I had a friend. "I'll think about it" I say to him and he smiles. I get back to reading my book until I hear the bell go off. I get up putting my stuff in my bag. I walk out the door and down the corridor where I see everyone laughing, talking and joking around. I sigh as I exit the school doors. I start my walk home listening to my music I think about the assignment, I'm excited for this not only do I get to write one of my favourite love stories I get to modernise it and make it relate to me, write about the love I dream to have one day.  

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