
Delta's Pregnant Omega Mate

age gap
another world
office lady

Book Three of the Silver Waterfalls Series:

Drake Lind Jr. Delta of the Silver Waterfalls Pack

When it comes to wolves, I broke the mold. I don’t follow traditional beliefs, much to my parents’ dismay. I live my life to the fullest every day. I work hard and party even harder. Until the battle that took our Alpha making our Alpha team step up and take care of our pack. I’m the Delta and as soon as we came back to our pack, I stopped with my wolfish ways of sleeping around. On my eighteenth birthday I found my Fated Mate and was shocked. First my mate is male. Second, he was my Luna’s brother, and a good friend of mine. Third, He is almost five years younger than me. I made the adult decision and joined the Elders Council becoming one of their Enforcers waiting until my mate turns eighteen to go and claim him. I’m Drake Lindt Jr. Delta of the Sliver Waterfalls Pack, 3rd ranked in the Werewolves Council’s Enforces.

Todd Walters, Luna's little brother

When it comes to first loves, you have hope and dreams. So, what happens when they leave without a word. Your left broken and depressed. That’s what happened to me. I fell in love with my best friend for him to run away from me on his eighteenth birthday without a word locking himself in his room for a week. Then he up and leaves to join the Elder’s Councils Enforces, again without saying a word to me. Two years later I start receiving letters from him that I don’t even care to open. Why would I? He didn’t care about me. So, why should I care about him. I found love again and just recently found out I was pregnant. On my eighteenth birthday I found out my boyfriend, who is older than me, is not my mate like he said I was. Then at my party…… He comes back and he is my mate. I’m so confused…. My name is Todd Walters and I’m a rare male Omega.

After all the years being apart. Will Drake be able to win Todd’s heart. Will Todd be able to forgive and take what Drake is willing to give him after all the heartache he has suffered. Will they be able to overcome the evil that has been after their pack for years?

This is our story.

Book Three of The Silver Waterfalls Pack

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Sweet Sixteen
Sweet Sixteen One: Drake            I find myself sitting in the bar that all the enforcer’s conjugates at. I don’t know how long I have been here; I know that I’m halfway to being shitfaced. Ralf the bartender refills the glass for the tenth time or is it the eleventh time tonight. I remember I had just come off assignment and had gotten back to the barracks. The first thing on my mind was to call my best friend and Alpha of my pack, Emerson. I always call to see how my Fated Mate is doing. This time I was calling to find out how his sweet sixteen birthday went. I was happy to find out about him liking the gift I sent him. It’s some new game that had just came out for his PS5 that he got a while ago. What drove me to my current situation at the bar is that I over heard him in the background saying he was going out to meet up with his boyfriend. I about dropped the phone. The last thing I remember hearing is Emerson say how sorry he was that I heard that. I just ended the call and made my way here.            How did my life become like this? Oh, I remember my eighteenth birthday. That was the day I thought my life was over. The one and only womanizer Drake Lind Jr who liked having s*x with anyone and everyone. After coming home from the last Alpha’s camp before we took over the pack. A war raged killing our Alpha making my team who I am the Delta of take over the pack. I was entrusted to guard and care for our Luna’s, Emerson’s mate baby brother who is about five and a half years younger than me.            He had texted me after I had left my parents house to meet up with him at the dinning room. I was so happy that day thinking I would find my mate and have a happy, fulfilling life like my parents. As I had entered the dining room the smell of a strawberry patch during harvest season hit me. It made my heart beat faster and my palms to sweat. I knew that my mate was somewhere in the dining room. I started to follow the smell and it led me right to the kitchen doors. As if he could sense me closing in on him, he comes through the doors. I stopped rooted in place as I head the sweetest sound. “Oh, Drake your here.” I couldn’t say anything as I stared at him. As soon as he went to take a step closer to me, I ran like the fires of hell were nipping at my feel.             I sigh with my memories as I take another shot and then down my beer. I did the mature thing. Or at least I hope I did. After spending a week locked in my room and never answering the door, I decided to join the Elders Enfources outfit. This way I could become strong enough to be able to protect him when the time comes. Also, for my own sanity. I was afraid that I would hurt him or force him into something that he is most definitely not ready for. I just couldn’t do that to him. I sigh once again as one of the she-wolfs that has been trying to get into my pants for the last year comes up to me.            “I’m not in the mood Daff. Just leave me alone and go back to your table of boy toys.” She still slides up to my side pressing herself onto me. “But baby I want you. I always wanted you since I saw you.” She comes closer to my ear and I to drunk to push her away. “I can make you scream all night loooong.” She whispers in my ear as she rubs me over my clothed c**k. Minnie me stays soft. “I don’t think he likes you.” I say throwing her hand off of me. I see my friend and roommate since we both joined at the same time come up to the table. “Get lost Daphne. Drake doesn’t want you and never has, get over it.” I watch in amazement as she stomps her foot and huffs. Then turns and stomps right out the front door of the bar. Shane and I lose it. I laugh so hard I feel off the bar stool.            Shane joined me as I got back up and we drank for a couple more hours and talked about the missions we just came back from. Finally, he got me out of my gloomy mood for a while. “Why are you in the bar tonight, Drake?” I look over at him. I never came to the bar ever. Matter of fact in the two years I have been here I have never drunk or had s*x with anyone. I haven’t had s*x in almost three years now. No wonder I feel like I do now that my Fated Mate has a boyfriend. Just like that my good mood was gone. “Just had a really bad two years and had to let off some steam.” I see Shane nod and it looks like he has three heads. I giggle. “I think I’m wasted.”            Shane looked at me and smiled. “I think it’s time we get you to bed.” He stands up and pulls me up, keeping a hold of my arms as I stumble out of the bar. He takes me to our apartment because we are still bunking together in a three-room dorm. Theres a bathroom a small living room and one bedroom with two beds. Even though we are badass enforcers we still do not get our own rooms. Since we are always on assignment why would we need our own apartments. This is what we were told when we graduated from our yearlong training.            We make it to our room and He flops me down on my bed. All I can think about is Todd and how he maybe in bed with his boyfriend right now. I feel the tears rolling down my face. I try to be quiet but I can’t help as the sobs rack my body. “s**t, Drake. What the hell is wrong?” I hear Shane ask me in a quiet voice as he is standing over me. I have only ever told four people about my situation. My mom and dad along with Emerson and his mate Avia. No one else knows and I can’t keep it in anymore. “My Fated Mate has a boyfriend and there is nothing I can do about it.” I hiccup as the tears keep coming.            I see the shock on his face as he looks at me. “Why would your Fated Mate have a boyfriend? Why would you sit here instead of fighting for her?” He asks me sitting down on his bed looking at me. I force myself to sit up and look at him. I wipe my tears off my face I start to tell my story. “There was a time I slept with any she-wolf I could get my hands on. As long as they weren’t in my pack, I had no problem taking one, two, sometimes three at a time to a bed. Any bed that was available.” I see the shocked look on his face. “Damn, Drake. You got more miles than most mated couples do.” I look down at my hands in my lap. “I know. My parents were not proud of that fact I can assure you. But after we finished our last year in Alpha Camp, which I’m the Delta in, I stopped.”            Shane just looks at me. “I have never seen this side of you. We have known each other for almost three years and I have never heard of you sleeping with anyone.” I nod my head at him. “That’s because on my eighteenth birthday I met my Fated Mate.” He looks at me and asks. “So why are you not with her? Did she reject you, but if she did and you survived…… You’re in really good health.” I lean my head to the side. “I would never reject my mate. I love my mate so much it hurts.” He really looks at me and asks. “If you love her than why are you not with her?”            I smile. “Let me finish my story are you will find out.” He chuckles at me and motions his hand for me to continue. “When we came back after Alpha camp there was a battle and Emerson’s dad died. Leaving us to take up the reigns of leading the pack. I was put in charge of Emerson’s mate’s little brother. He was twelve at the time.” I smile. “We became fast friends and did everything together. Then my eighteenth birthday came around. I was so happy thinking that I would finally find my mate and live a happy life full of love and family. Well, the Moon Goddess decided to pay me back for being and man w***e. My mate ended up being my Luna’s brother who is almost six years younger than me.”            I see a look of understanding dawning on his face. “s**t Drake, that’s rough.” I give him a small smile. “My Alpha wanted me to stay, so did my dad. I just couldn’t trust myself to not put my hands on him. He deserves to have a happy childhood and not worry about having a mate at his age. I can wait for him and get strong and smarter while I wait. It just kills me to hear about him having a boyfriend.” I see the shock come over his face. “How did you find out?” I smile at my antics that not even Todd knows about. “I called Emerson every time we are not on missions. Today is his sixteenth birthday and I wanted to check on him. I heard him in the background that he was going to meet up with his boyfriend.” I feel a tear escape my eye once again.            “Wow, that’s rough. However, I think you are doing the right thing. Staying away until he is eighteen, I mean.” He looks at me as I stare at the floor. “It doesn’t feel that way right now. I just want him and I still have two more years to wait. While he is out having fun being young.” The tears start to fall once again. “I know this is probably a horrible question but why don’t you go get laid. Maybe it will help you.” I shake my head violently. “I can’t” looking at him now. “I am in love with my mate. I just couldn’t do that and be able to live with myself. Anyway, I’ve had enough s*x to last lifetimes. I need to let him have his fun.”            He nods his head. “I really respect you. I completely understand what you are doing and why.” I lay back in my bed feeling a ton better to get all my problems off my chest. “Hey, Shane can you promise me one thing?” I ask as my eyes start to get heavy. “Sure, man what is it?” I hear his response. “Don’t tell anyone.” I hear him laying down in his own bed. “It’s not my place to say anything.” I yawn. “Thank you.” I roll over closing my eyes.

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