Hey Y'all.

200 Words
I know. It's been a while.  A long while. Almost a year to be precise. But I have something for you all. Would you like for me to post it today or wait until Monday/Tuesday? It's something I've been struggling to write for a lonnnng time. A long, long time. Personal issues i'd like to say. And I've been trying to get back to my normal. To find my normal again is hard. But I'm slowly returning.  It hasnt been easy at all either. I'm trying my best for myself and also for you guys, girls, and more. I lost me. I lost me and i can't find her. I've been exploited and used and thrown out over the last eight months and what do i have to show that I'm sorry? what do i have to show for it? Nothing. Missing books and chapters. Depression and writers block. I honestly want you all to forgive me. Please.  I am very sorry. Sorry that it's been a while since i've wrote anything. But i have something. Today without me editing it? or Monday/Tuesday with it edited. I leave this to you. Let me know, thanks. Always, lots of love, lunanaomii
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