
Beautifully Unfinished

friends with benefits


After a night of heavy drinking and clubbing with friends in a vacation in L.A, Miranda Rose finds herself waking up completely naked beside the world famous Satellite Patrol lead vocalist, Hugo Saintclare. She wakes up with no memories on how she ended up having s*x with the handsome crooner. Realizing that she gave up her virginity to the charming vocalist, she felt ashamed of herself for things that she doesn’t know what she could have done with Hugo during their steamy and drunken one night stand.

Out of embarrassment and the blurry details, she tried to push that event out of her head by moving on. She kept everything to herself knowing the global fanbase that the band has and how possessive his fans are when it comes to issues. Miranda didn’t want to ruin Hugo Saintclare’s career and remained silent trying to forget about what happened that sinful night.

Seven years later, fate plays with her and Hugo, they end up meeting each other again by accident. Knowing how things ended when she left his hotel room seven years ago, she was scared of the possible changes this will cause in her life together with Benedict.

Will there be a second chance for something they had, now that they have crossed each other's paths for the second time or will it remain as something that is beautifully unfinished?

"One steamy night full of lust. One mistake never expected."

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CHAPTER 1 "Come on Randy. It's going to be fun!" Nina whines as she tries to pull me off of my hotel bed. "Nina, I really don't want to go to any parties here in L.A.” I answered while groaning in pain. “It's too noisy. It's too loud and crowded. And, I’m sick. Like really really sick." I explained. "First of all, that's what parties are for. Second, we're all going to college after this summer, we need to get ready for more parties to come. And three, you're totally fine!" Nina says sarcastically as she puts on her mascara. I sigh.. My friends were all into parties and I don't even know why in hell we became friends in the first place. In high school, people would always ask why I became friends with them since I don’t even physically belong in their circle. I think it all started in liking the same things but even if people questioned the friendship I had with them throughout in high school, I enjoyed their company. I even heard that they were only keeping me because I looked nerdy and pretty girls in high school always needs to have an ugly friend to make them stand out. I didn’t really mind it. But despite our attitude and personality differences, we had the same interest on one thing. Satellite Patrol, the biggest band on the planet and have been often subject to fan hysteria. They propelled to global success by social media and had topped charts in most major markets and generated big hit singles since they came out. They are so popular all over the world and broke history when their first four albums debuted at number one.   Satellite Patrol’s first tour two years ago was the highest-grossing concert tour, the highest-grossing tour by a band in history next to The Beetles and the 12th highest-grossing concert tour of all time grossing $320.8 million. They are the best-selling band of all time having sold a total of 90 million records worldwide. They won 250 awards from awards’ shows and won a lot of females’ hearts all over the world. Forbes ranked them as the second highest-earning celebrities in the world in three consecutive years. "Jeez Rands!” Beth chimes while shaking her head. “We're here to have fun for this vacation. We've saved up for this trip for an entire year. Now don't be a party-kill." "I'm not." I defended myself. "Yeah you are. You missed that SatPat concert we attended yesterday ‘cause of that stupid tummy ache and no one would ever." She scolds me. I did feel a little disappointed that I missed it. “I mean…” She continues. “Miss out something as huge as a Satellite Patrol concert over a stupid tummy ache." "I would still go there no matter what.” Beth chimes. “Even it means I'd s**t on where I am seated or even if I am on my deathbed, I would still go.” I chuckles softly as I thought to myself how would you be able to enjoy a concert when you’re sick? "Exactly my point!” Nina seconded. “You had to sell your ticket and miss the fun. Now don't tell me you're not going with us for a party tonight. You're always such a bummer, you know." "I'm not!" The more defensive I am, the more I realize that I've always been a party-kill. All those times they asked me to party with them, I always had had reasons to miss it. Both intentional and unintentional, of course. Well, I have had my fair share of excuses here and there. But for the record, I was terribly sick last night and I was having a deadly tummy ache which caused me multiple trips to the bathroom the entire day and night. Scallops, it had to be that fresh scallops. Curse those scallops I had for dinner, now I missed my chance to meet the ultimate love of my life, Landon Thompson. He’s the drummer of SatPat and the best drummer in all over the globe. I even told my dad to buy me front row tickets but I had to sell it because I don’t want to embarrass myself and poop in my pants. Talk about bad luck. "And we're going back to New York tomorrow afternoon. Lighten up! College is starting in just a week." Beth jumps to my bed. I stare at my two friends who were all wearing such skimpy sparkly dresses and high heels, showing off their belly, with heavy make up plastered on their faces. They look mature for their age but I guess it's a trend now. They both looked beautiful to be honest and I know I'm nowhere near them that’s for sure. I would probably wear anything I could grab comfortable from my closet and definitely not like these. I glanced at my watch, and it was already eleven in the evening which makes me think that the night is still young for teens like me. Usually, back in New York, I would spend most of my time reading books all about nursing and being a healthcare provider. Yes, yes, boring I know. We all have ways to cope up with boredom okay? I have always wanted to be a nurse and that's what I'm taking up in college this fall. I want to prepare myself in advance once I get to medical school that's why I've been reading different great books for my course. "Let's go Miranda." Beth tells me, pulling me again and again. I smiled ruefully. "I heard some hot guys go to that bar on the regular and that's where we're heading to. Come on Mirandy." Nina joins Beth on top of my bed as she rests her head on my shoulder. "I also heard that Ned Hall and Landon Thompson went there to party before.” Beth giggles while wiggling her eyebrows at me. Ned Hall, the platinum blond and blue eyed lead guitarist of SatPat and adorably handsome. “Maybe you'll have your luck tonight and meet one of the boys. Or even Landon!" Beth giggles, continuing to tease me. Being an ultimate fan like the rest of the world, I fell into those incantations and a part of me actually believed that I would definitely see them. When Landon was mentioned, my ears instantly tingled. "Guys, even if I'm not there, it'll make no difference at all." I doubt. "Oh bullshit, we're incomplete when you're not with us. What if you'll meet your one true love there?" Beth adds as she looks at me on the mirror. I laughed softly. "Seriously Beth. In a club?" "There are always what ifs Miranda. Don't lose hope. I'm sure you'll meet him tonight. Now start pulling yourself off the bed, we need to get you ready whether you like it or not." Nina says. The two of them started pulling me from the mattress with teasing smiles on their faces even though I kept pulling myself back away to stop them but they were successful. Actually, I gave in. They started stripping my clothes off of me and puts my hair into whatever style they wanted it to then starts applying make up on my face. "Not too heavy make up guys." I say, while Nina puts blush on my cheeks. "Grab my push up bra Beth. Miranda needs that for this dress." Nina pulls up a red dress. My eyes widened. "No way in hell I'm wearing that Nin!" The two of them started grinning and I knew I had no choice but to agree with it. "Yes. You f*****g are." Nina and Beth says in unison with grins. Nina moves closer to my ear, "Maybe this could be the night, you'll finally say bye-bye to your v-card." I playfully smack Nina on her arm and the two of them started laughing. I was the only one in our circle who is still a virgin and to be honest I am not embarrassed about it at all. I slowly opened my eyes, the vision was blurry but I can see the high ceiling over me. There’s this heavy pounding on my head as if it was being hammered continuously and I still feel a little bit... drunk. I don't remember what kind of drinks I had at the club last night but I'm sure it was hard liquor because my head feels like it's about to explode. I don't remember everything that happened in details last night ‘cause I was still in a state of shock on how the hell did I get back to my hotel room. I finally adjusted my eyesight and take a good look at the white ceiling which was above me. I noticed that there was a huge-ass golden chandelier hanging over me. The scent was unfamiliar too but it smelled like roses and I wonder if the hotel service cleaned my room for me. I groan in satisfaction, God this bed is softer than I remember. I snapped myself out from my thoughts, wait. I don't remember having a huge-ass chandelier above me in my hotel room. I stared at myself and for a second I thought I was in my hotel room but later then I realized that I wasn't. I am in someone’s room, on somebody’s bed and lying down with an actual freaking person next to me.. Holy s**t! I quickly grabbed the blanket over my chin and prayed that I wasn't naked beneath this white sheet. I clearly remember, I was wearing a tube dress with a huge top cut low which showcased my cleavage but I was feeling bare underneath this sheet. Please please please not be naked. I chanted mentally. I take a deep breath and close my eyes at the same time pulling the blanket up. Slowly, I being to open my eyes and to my surprise, I quickly covered myself back with the blanket as soon as I saw a man's bum facing towards me. He was completely butt naked. Fully naked. He was facing his back to me and Jesus Christ this guy has a long brown messy hair. We had s*x. That’s without a doubt. Holy s**t we really had s*x. We clearly and undeniably had s*x because he's naked and I'm naked. We're both naked in one bed! Shit s**t s**t. I had s*x with a stranger but where am I? Is this his house? His hotel room perhaps? Where in hell am I and where are my friends? Where's Nina? Where's Beth? Oh my god. Where are they? I try to remember what exactly happened last night, from one detail to another detail. I tried to recall how in hell did I end up in this room of someone that I don't even know of. But my thoughts were scattered and have failed me as soon as I didn’t know how to trace everything that happened to me last night. I slightly pulled my head up and saw an unopened box of condom on top of the side table drawer. A f*****g box beside his bed. Jesus, that means this guy is a one big time fucker. I couldn't help but ask myself how many women he slept with already knowing he has that box next to his bed. If we did have s*x, I wonder if we use that last night, though I'm mentally praying he did, but a voice still worries in the back of my head because it is still unopened. As I think of the entire situation more, my head begins to hurt more like hell. I cannot believe I actually had s*x with a stranger. I have always promised myself that I wouldn’t be that kind of person, although we all have different kinds of needs as a woman, I still don’t want to be involved in situations like this. What would this guy think of me? A virgin just giving away her virginity to an actual stranger. I feel so disgusted of myself. After being emotional, I finally managed to recover from it and carefully pulled myself up from the bed. I felt pain in between my thighs. I feel my entire body aching, like my whole body parts were completely swollen. I begin to search for my clothes and I was completely stunned with what I saw. My clothes were literally everywhere. Scattered everywhere. How wild was I last night? My white bra was near the door, my white underwear was on top of the couch, my dress was near the nightstand and my heels were distant from the other pair. I ran towards them silently, tip toeing my way to each of my stuff while picking them up like I was a thief inside this room. I stare at the other clothes which were scattered too and there was a pair of black skinny jeans being inside out, a white dress shirt near the foot of the bed and a black boxer brief which was near my feet. This kind of view is totally shocking for a virgin like me. When I finished putting my clothes back on, I stand in front of the door and was ready to leave. But I paused before reaching the knob as my hand was in midair. I still haven't found out who the guy was. I need to know the face of this man who took my virginity. My virginity. Someone who didn’t love me and someone who didn’t I know actually got my virginity. It may not be that important to anyone else but to me it is. I never wanted to give it away just like that but I did. I f*****g did. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about what I have done last night. I wanted to cry and pull him out of his bed and slap him but then maybe it wasn't his fault? What if I wanted what we did last night? What if I willingly said yes to him? But I don't know what exactly happened last night too. What if he forced me to sleep with him? Or what if I was the one who initiated everything or obliged to what he was saying and doing to me? The thought almost makes me want to cry again and get angry towards myself. I'm such a b***h! I turn around and stare back at the bed. My mouth opens in shock. There's blood on where I laid down a while ago. I feel my cheeks burning because of shame is creeping under my skin and I knew I had to leave right away without letting him know that I was going because what we did was embarrassing. Staining his bed is already too embarrassing for me to take in. Talk about the walk of shame Miranda. Now you just gave your virginity to someone not important to you, who doesn't even care about you. I wouldn't want him to think that I was an easy girl but then I turned out to be, because here I am inside his bedroom fully naked just a second ago with the blood stain on top of his sheets. s**t Miranda. Gosh this is embarrassing. I think to myself, “You were just influenced by alcohol and you didn't know what you were doing all along.” Whoever this guy is, I really don't want him to remember me or what we did last night. I'm sure he doesn't even want to remember me too. As much as possible I don't want him to talk to me ever again. I don't want to remember this thing that had even happened to us. To me, most especially. I don't want to see him again and I don’t want to remember that this even happened. Wait... How will I not see him again if I don't even know how he looks like? Now I'm curious about how he looks. I had to know maybe a peek won't hurt. I need to know what he actually looks like. I need to look at his face. What if I gave my virginity to someone who is really old or to an ugly old man? But his butt didn’t really look all too saggy. What if I gave my virginity to my teacher in high school? Or it could be someone worst. Oh my God! I have to know who it is and if I wont know, it would be much of a trouble for me in the next days. I tip toed my way back to the bed carefully, like I was a robber, and took a deep breath in before I could stand in front of the man sleeping on top of his bed who I gave my virginity to a one drunken night. As I finally stand next to the bed, I froze and stopped myself from breathing. No f*****g way. It's Satellite Patrol’s lead vocalist, Hugo Saintclare.

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