Hush Hush

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I couldn't say anything. Never would I have imagined Julien, saying something like that to me. He only cared for me. Surely there are others that he cares for. There has to be. It couldn't just be me. I'm not even that special, compared to the vampire women that I've seen. Slender, flawless; practically walking models that do not age. I don't stand a chance. "I can't be the only one." I said softly. Shaking my head with doubt. "Julien, tell me I'm not the only person." I looked deep within his icy grey eyes. There was so much hidden in his eyes. Emotions. Secrets. So much that he isn't telling me. Why can he just say it? Why can't he tell me. "Julien?" "I wish I could tell you what you want to hear, but it would be a lie Ari. There is just too much you don't know yet. Too much you wouldn't understand." "Then tell me Julien. Don't keep me in the dark. " "Ari you wouldn't understand." "Help me understand." Julien brought me in close. Holding me gently against his chest, rubbing my revealed back with his cold hand. "I can't." He said with pain clear in his voice. I put my hands firmly against his chest. I pushed myself out of his arms. "If you cared for me like you say I do, then you'd tell me Julien." I picked up my train and began to descend the stairs when he caught my hand. "Will you come outside with me?" Something in his voice begged me to go with him. "Please Ari?" Julien has never sound so desperate. Desperate for me to give him a chance. A chance to prove to me that he means well. That he wants to protect me at all cost. "Ok." Julien led the way to a back door. Before his guard opened the door, he first handed Julien, what it look to be a scarf. Very skillfully Julien quickly cover his face with the silky scarf. Only leaving his eyes and part of his nose uncovered. I was curious to know why Julien covered his face and decide to ask him. "What is the purpose of covering your face." "Not many people are haven seen my face, and I plan on keeping it like that." "But why?" "Look around Ari, many high ranked vampires cover their face. Why, for safety purposes. This way no wolf or another vampire can plot to kill us if they can't identify us. It's a lot safer for me and others." "But couldn't they just look for your scent?" "They could, but I have a trick to cover my scent. So that won't work." Oh was all I could manage to say. His guard then held open the door for us, and Julien escorted me outside with a hold of his hand. His guards gave us our privacy, as Julien wanted. "Look Ari there are things in this cruel world you won't quite understand. To protect you, there are precautions that I have to take." "What is so dangerous, that I need protection?" Julien's face hardened. Helping relax his muscles, he lit up a Cuban cigar. Puffing slowing. "Their are some high ranking wolves after me, and my informants tell me that they have been spotted here recently. These wolves accuse me of doing some terrible things." Before he could say another word, I needed to know what he is being accused of. "What are the accusations?" "Arianna, you mean the world to me but I can't tell you that. But you have to promise me that when these rumors come out in the future that you'll stay true to me. You can't believe anything that they say." "I can't do that, if you can't let me know what it is." "You have to trust me, Ari. Trust in me that I'm not this monster that they make me out to be. Can you do that for me?" I took my bottom lip between my teeth. Gently tugging and biting at it. Thinking over what Julien has said. "I will stay true to you Julien, but you have to keep your word with me; that when rumor comes out you will tell me nothing but the god awful truth." Julien lightly caressed my check with his thumb. "Nothing but the truth for my heart. But you need to know the rest. There is someone framing me. I have my suspicions of who, but I have to make sure I know for good who it is and who they're working with to bring me down." Now, more then ever I could truly see the amount of stress that Julien was under. His droopy eyelids and the darkened skin under his piercing grey eyes shown lack of rest. "Julien, you forget that I'm a wolf and can protect myself. Plus these wolves don't sound that dangerous." "I don't care if this doesn't sound dangerous to you, but I will not risk your safety for anything. They c-can't take anyone else away from me." " Who did they take away?" Before I could get my answer, Julien's guard interrupted us. "There is someone here asking for miss Wolfe." Julien raised a curious eyebrow, as he led the way back into the building. He wrapped his face up, covering it with a black silk scarf. "Where you expecting someone?" "No", I replied as I trailed a few steps behind him. Julien stopped a few steps in front of me. Peering around Julien's broad shoulder, I saw him standing there; Alpha Jackson's Son Daniel Harington, who heavily favored his father. "You interrupted a very important meeting between Miss Wolfe, and I. Why?" His mouth was barely visible but you could just make out that Julien wore a sneer on his face, while Daniel's eyes were locked onto me. I could see how his eyes were glistened over with lust; and how he licked his plump pale pink lips with his skillful tongue. Moistening them. I could feel my heart pumping faster in my chest. Something about him made my heart pound in my chest. Maybe it was because I had never had a guy ask for me. "I came to ask for Miss Wolfe." He stated like it was plain to see. "What do you need with Miss Wolfe?" Julien was curious, but as was I. He challenged Daniel. Challenging his power. His dominance. "No business of your's Julien, so if you'd release Arianna; she and I will be on our way." I could feel Julien's demeanor change, as anger now clogged his pours. Daniel challenged Julien back, and Julien answered.
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