Path of Life

1000 Words
A week had passed without a call or word from Julien or his people. I worried about if he was okay, or if  he had ran into some trouble. All I needed at this moment was something to take my mind off of the horrible ideas that I had roaming around inside my head. I was sitting in my backyard, when I decided to take him up on his offer. He had called me earlier this week, proposing that we should go out. Of course he added the "you know just as friends" part. He was nervous, and I felt sympathetic for him. So I told him I would agree to going out with him but it had to be on my terms. You know the time, day, and place. And now here I was calling him up on his cellphone. Ring Ring Ring Ring "Hello, you've reached the voicemail Daniel Harrington. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the phone right now, but leave your name and message and I will get back to you as soon as possible." Beep The recording started. "Um...hey Daniel, it's me Arianna Wolfe. I was calling to see if you would be interested in going on a ...d...ate, on a date with me? Just get back to me. Bye" I hung up quickly. I could feel the rhythm of my heart beat out of control. I had never asked someone out, let alone over the phone. Over freaking voicemail. I hope I don't seem a little desperate, but who was I to disagree that Daniel was not attractive. Daniel defiantly was handsome. Even tho I've only seen him in person once his appearance was something I could not forget. From his soft light brown hair that was usually styled to his liking, to his golden brown eyes that shined bright with glee, and that brilliant smile of his that was bright like the moon on a cloudless night. Maybe I'm trying too hard, to get attention from the opposite s*x. Or maybe I'm thinking too much, but how do you stop thinking when thinking is all you can do? I sat with my legs crossed on my old swing set. Head up to sky soaking in the Suns warming rays. Ever so slightly I used my foot to give me a push. Sitting here alone, has opened my eye to how alone I actually am when Julien isn't around. In better terms Julien is the only friend I have. The only person I'm happy to be with, and with him not here I don't know what to do. I got a cold chill when I leaned against the swing's chain, and back to reality I came. I checked the time on my phone. It read 9:39. I have been sitting out here for more than a hour, and I think it's time I did something else. I kicked my vans off, letting my feet dig into the sand that coated the ground around my swing set. I unlatched my belt, unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall around my ankles. I slipped my shirt over my head and let it drop next to my other articles of clothing. My feet carried me to the edge of the woods, where I discarded the last of my clothing. Bra and underwear were left behind as I transformed and began my walk. I let the wilderness comfort me with its creatures and soothing sound of the trees dancing in the cool breeze. My wolf's form enjoyed the brisk walk through the woods. She was able to stretch her limbs, and smell the fresh scent of nature with her own nose. She could smell the pine trees that gave off their sweet sappy scent. She could smell the sweet faint honey smell the lingered from the budding honeysuckle. She was in a blissful trance. "Nature is beautiful. You should cherish the scenery Ari. You never know when you'll be able to visit it again." "I'm around nature everyday." Nevaeh gave me a wolffish snort. "Ari in this day and age, things can go south quickly." "Then I'll go north." I replied with a snicker, but got a low grumbling growl from Vaeh. "Stop being immature Ari and listen to me. There is something you need to know." The last sentence was enough to get me into a serious mood. "Vaeh, what's wrong?" Her head shook in confusion. I knew these little signs that Nevaeh did. And head shaking is something she does when she is contemplating about telling me something. Before she could mutter another thought to me, a woman emerged from the darkened part of the woods. Her eyes were as bright as the moon, they reminded me of Julien's, and her bodice was curvaceous. She was gorgeous to say the least, but who was she. Who ever she was, she had Nevaeh tense with fear. "Who is she?" No response "Do you know her?" No response. "Damnit! Nevaeh, say something!" The woman stood before us, watching with curious eyes. "Fine, I'll find out myself!" I growled with anger, as I forced a transformation. When using a  forced transformation,  it makes the transformation unbearably painful because my wolf is forcibly denying my transformation. This type of transformation can leave the human , aka me, weak and vulnerable which is why no one uses it. Expect in extreme measures. I transformed into my human body , staying on my knees. Weakened and not much strength left, I looked at the woman. She did nothing. She didn't advance towards me? But she didn't move backwards ether. Was she a threat or not? If she was she would of attacked me by now. "Who are you? My wolf gives me no answers, but I can tell she fears you." "I am not to be feared, I mean you no harm. I come baring information. You Ariana Wolfe are in danger; if your life continues on this path, you'll be killed."
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