
The World We Knew

opposites attract
small town

And when I look into his eyes - for the first time in my life, I thought I will see his usual guarded expression, but his eyes hold so many emotions, I could swim in them. I don't know how long have I been staring at him, all I know is that I don't wanna look away, all I want is to get lost in his green orbs and stay there forever.

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Chapter I
    I walk down the dark school hallway, lights flickering here and there - where I pass, and then turn back off, when they don’t sense any other movements. It’s so early even the birds are asleep, there is just a janitor lurking around - he was the one that let me in, but he is also probably somewhere taking a nap at this early hour. And that is exactly why this is my favorite part of the day. It’s so serene, quiet and intimate. Only thing you can hear is my sneakers hitting the floor as I walk, and my breathing.     It’s also my morning ritual. I come to the school library every morning, two hours before school even starts, to read. To start my day with daydreaming, how my life would be if I were to be a mermaid, or werewolf or perhaps a princess, or just a normal teenage girl who experiences earth-shattering romance.     You may wonder why come to the library, when one can just read at home. I am embarrassed to admit, but I love the smell of books and reading surrounded by them, so because at home I don’t have an option for either of these two, I just come here. Library feels like home, more than the actual home does.      As I finally reach the heavy wooden door - which leads to the library, I pull out my book of the week. Today I chose The Little Prince, I could definitely read it in a day, but we have a lot of school work and exams piled up this week, and as hard as I try to stay on top of it all, teachers love to surprise us with last minute extra work. As every passionate reader I also imagine everything lively and that is why I am a slow reader. Because I see a book as a movie, the only difference is that the first one is only happening in my head.     I am grateful our school policy is that students can come here - or anyone for that matter, a few hours earlier before school starts and stay till nightfall after school ends.     As I lose myself between these 96 pages, I almost miss the school bell. Although in a rush, I greet our librarian - which I also didn’t notice, has come in, and run down the same hallway I did in the morning, only now it’s buzzing with students trying to reach their classroom before the second bell goes off. I go towards room 135, not needing to check my schedule - because I memorized it. It’s more convenient.  First period is algebra II, which is my second least favorite class, first being PE. It’s not that I don't have motoric functions, I just don’t understand why I am required to get sweaty in the middle of the school day and then half of the class stinks.      I take my usual second row seat and let my black curls down, before the teacher comes in. Curls are hard to maintain, so I don’t understand why most girls wish they had them. Mrs. Welch finally comes in and everyone settles down, she is someone that no one dares to mess with.      As she starts explaining linear equations, my mind drifts to Little Prince, I can’t wait to proceed reading it. The way Little Prince is loving and protecting over his rose, and the way…”Alexis Moore! Maybe you would like to share what you are daydreaming about, I do hope so, that your imagination leads you to linear equations.” The annoying voice of my math teacher startles me. Lucky for me I helped my older brother, which is now in college, conquer this same class two years ago and I easily show her I am ‘paying attention’.     My brother- Lucas, is two years older than me, as well as a complete opposite. All we share is my dad’s brown eyes. At his 6’3” he is towering over my 5’6”, and while I spent my days reading books, he spent his days outside playing football. Never mind the weather, he always found a way to practice, and that is why he has a full-ride scholarship at Duke University in North Carolina. Which means he left me 515 miles away, at a small town called St. Augustine in Florida. We were the typical pair of siblings, he was annoying me all the time - as I did him, but he was the most loving and over protecting brother I could have. We took care of each other.     Especially after my mom passed away. It was a hard time for my whole family, but my dad took it the worst.  You see they were high school sweethearts. He buried himself in work and stayed there for five years. He takes it as a distraction to forget the love of his life is missing. But he also forgot he has children to raise, not that I hold any grudges towards him. Lucas does though, he was only 14 when it happened and suddenly he had to take care of me. I don’t think it helps that I look so much like my mom, that is probably the reason why dad stays away. I am a constant reminder that she is no longer with us.      Finally school bells rings and everyone rushes out to get to the next class. I am the last one to exit, but of course I have to embarrass myself and my skirt’s belt loops get stuck in the door handle. Don’t you hate it, when that happens? As I am trying to unhook myself, I hear a tsk.      “Could you move already? You are blocking the entry and some of us have class to attend to.” The same person says with an irritated voice. I finally unhook myself and mumble a quick sorry, before I too rush to attend my class. I didn’t even need to look at that person’s face to know who it was.      Nathaniel Hayes - school’s bad boy.      As far as I am concerned I am avoiding him, some girls fan over him, but most of us are just afraid of him. He is usually in a bad mood. There is rumor going on that he is participating in some underground illegal fighting in a town near to us. Of course I couldn’t care less about rumors, but I do know I don’t want to associate with anyone who is in a bad mood all the time. I don’t need negativity.     The first half of the day - after that bad run-in, goes by smoothly and I don’t have any more meetings with door handles. Or school’s bad boys. And it’s finally time for lunch break.     Everyday I meet my best and only friend Isabella or Isa for short. She is like a female version of my brother, sporty, confident and is lacking in other scholastic fields. And that is why we get along great. We are about the same heights, but as in our talents as in looks we couldn’t be more different. She has red hair, freckles and blue eyes, and a bit of a more full figure, which I am jealous of. I want wide hips and full thighs too.     I already see her waving at me from our usual spot, so I skip to her, a smile plastered on both of our faces. We don’t have any classes together because of our different interests. “Hi!” She all but squeals, while attacking me with a hug. We have been best friends since kindergarten, so we literally grew up together.      “Hey! Did you bring a math notebook?” I ask her as I sit down - opposite of her, under our bench under the tree. It’s a great lunch spot - at least for when it’s not raining, which thankfully it’s rarely during our lunch time.      I help Isa with school work and she almost always copies her math homework from me, I don’t mind but I did tell her math will be easier for her if she will do it on her own and practice. Not that I would ever deny her copying my homework. She quickly scrambles in her notebook while I munch on my sandwich. I hate school cafeteria food, unless we have fries or pizza - which obviously happens rarely.      Isa snaps both our books close. “And done!” She smiles at me and starts eating her lunch - cafeteria one, ew. “You will never believe me, who greeted me today.” She beams. Did I mention she is very cheerful and loves to talk?      “By the looks of how happy you are, I would say Saoirse Ronan.” I know it’s not possible, but she is slightly jumping up and down and her excitement is contagious. Saoirse is her favorite actress and she is probably the number one fan.      She sends me the are-you-kidding-me-look. “No, obviously not Alex. But Matt said hi, in the hallway.” I don’t think her smile can get any wider.      “Wait. Matt, Matt?” I ask her, making sure she is not messing around with me. I know she had a crush on him in middle school. Then last year she swooned over someone else, which she didn’t say who - apparently it was too embarrassing. And as a good best friend that I am, I didn’t push.     Just as she didn’t push when I told her I never have a crush on anyone, well at least on no one of real people. I have had several crushes on fictional characters from my books. I mean who doesn’t want a Mr. Darcy or Atticus Finch or perhaps Christian Grey, if that is what you prefer.     “Yes! The Matt. And he even smiled and ugh those dimples.” I swear if she had wings, she would fly away.     “Looks like someone’s got a crush.” I threw one of her grapes at her.     “I thought I didn't, but today is definitely an indication that I do. I barely stayed focused after that.” She continues to gush over him, which makes me laugh. Not even a month ago she said this year she will focus on herself not on boys.      Not that I am judging her, this is very entertaining for me. No one can judge her, from what I heard and seen Matt is a very charming guy, and even charms teachers. Apparently he is also one of the best students in our year, while being a good athlete. He tops all that with his good looks and of course dimples, it’s natural she is acting like this. Although I don’t think we can give him credits for good genes.     Now it’s her turn to throw something at me. “Stop laughing!” She barely makes out through her laughing just as her empty water bottle hits my head. Which makes us both laugh even more.      “Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Price!” We hear the dreadful voice of our math teacher. “Next class will start soon, pick up the water bottle and get to it.” With that she walks away. Of course she had to ruin our moment. Why can’t we get one of those hot young male math teachers, the ones  I read about in books.     Isa and I do as we were told, not wanting to get detention. Today is Friday so she will come to my house for a sleepover and we agreed to meet in front of her car. She would drive me from and to school everyday but as I happen to come so early, when she is still sleeping, she just drives me home everyday. I told my dad and brother I will get a driver's license next summer. Besides, I love morning walks.     My next class in Art, which I enjoy the most. My mind is able to drift and I can stay quiet but express myself through paint brush. But this particular period my mind drifts to unusual place.     To the five bad boys which intimidate our school.     Jacob, Kaden, Liam, Matt and last but not least - Nathaniel.

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