
Soul Tied to the Incubus King [Book I]


"Little One" he murmurs through gritted teeth.

"I need you to give me permission."

The smoothness of the black silk sheets caresses my body as he lays me down. "Because, as much as I want to please you...I will never touch you without your consent." I tilt my neck slightly in response, and he licks the nape of my neck all the way to the top of my right n****e before stopping. His black hair lightly brushes across my n****e and my breath catches in my throat. He takes his tongue and slowly draws circles around it, softly biting causing me to let out a soft moan. He smirks, and I feel the electricity surge through my body as his muscular torso touches my small frame. I can't help but close my eyes as his tongue continues to slide down my stomach, stopping only to dip into my navel. I feel like I'm going insane. My cheeks flush, and it takes everything in me to not scream out. "I can smell how wet you are Little One."


25, married with a beautiful daughter, on the outside Cassidy appears to have it all, but looks can be deceiving. For all of her marriage, she has felt a longing. An ache that something or someone was missing. She shrugged it off as a pre-midlife crisis..then the dreams started.



King of the Incubus, Miccoli can't help but wallow at the loss of his entire world. With his kingdom taken from him, the death of his love, and banishment to the shadows for his crimes, he finds himself wishing for a way to end his immortality. That is until he saw her. A woman that made him want to live. And at that moment, Miccoli was determine to make all her dreams comes true.

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Just Dreams
-- CASSIDY POV -- "Little One" he murmurs through gritted teeth. "I need you to give me permission." The smoothness of the black silk sheets caresses my body as he lays me down. "Because, as much as I want to please you...I will never touch you without your consent." I tilt my neck slightly in response, and he licks the nape of my neck all the way to the top of my right n****e before stopping. His black hair lightly brushes across my n****e and my breath catches in my throat. He takes his tongue and slowly draws circles around it, softly biting causing me to let out a soft moan. He smirks, and I feel the electricity surge through my body as his muscular torso touches my small frame. I can't help but close my eyes as his tongue continues to slide down my stomach, stopping only to dip into my navel. I feel like I'm going insane. My cheeks flush, and it takes everything in me to not scream out. "I can smell how wet you are Little One." he lightly chuckles before opening my legs and positioning his face in my inside. His breath is hot and sticky on my thighs and I can feel myself getting more and more aroused by the second. "Give..me..permission." He says again while planting kisses upwards. I arch my back, silently begging him to continue. "No, you have to say it Little One." He murmurs before licking my thigh again. He's torturing me, and what's worse is I know he's enjoying it. "Now how could you think such a thing. I would never torture you." He leans up. his pearl white eyes locking with mine. "H-h-how did y-" my train of thought his broken as he bites down hard on my thigh causing both pain and pleasure to soar through me. I feel myself on the brink of climax and he hasn't hardly touched me. "What are you doing to me?" I manage to croak out. "Nothing...without your permission." He response. "I-I give..you permission" I finally say before he drives his tongue deep inside my s*x, only to pull it out and begin to suck on my c******s. I can no longer hold on, I feel my world shattering around me. "OH MY GOD!" escapes my lips as an earth bending climax causes my body to convulse. BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock attempts to wake me from my dreams. I ignore it. I'm exhausted. My body can still feel the waves of pleasure vibrating through me. "Cassidy baby, wake up" Mark coos at me as he gently shakes me away. "MMMMM" I respond feelings the amusement on his face. "I know I know babe, but we both know you can't be late." I turn away from him. "YES DAD" I mutter into the pillow. "Now you know I like it when you call me that." He teases. "And with that, I'm up," I say hitting him with my pillow before darting into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and stare into the mirror smiling. I have become too happy with myself. It took some time, and I was still healing from a lot, but I have grown to accept who I am. A tattooed, pierced, beautiful black woman. I remember being teased for being different. Remember all the stares when I would drop my daughter off at school, or take my husband lunch. I remember feeling so down about myself, but I've slowly changed, and all it took was some very interesting dreams to bring out the more confident side of me. I step into the shower and let the steamy water absorb my caramel skin running my hands down my body only to stop at my stomach. I replay the dream in my head all over again. That earth-shattering orgasm that felt so real....all of them felt so real. Guilt finds its way into my head as I realize that I'm fantasizing about a man who is not my husband. Though..I'm not sure if one could really call him a man...or human for that fact. My nighttime lover's white eyes, horns, and fangs pop into my mind. No..he definitely wasn't human, and the things he did to my body, were too mind-blowing to be real. Get a grip Cassidy, it's just dreams. You can't control what you dream. Plus, I'm sure Mark has all types of dreams. I reassure myself before laughing out loud at the thought of Mark's vanilla fantasies. I lather the soap and continue to bathe until I reach my inner thigh. It's sore and the pain from touching it causes me to wince. What the hell? I hop out of the shower and cover myself with a robe. "Bye honey, have a great day at work." I hear Mark shout through the door. "You too baby." I respond absentmindedly. Once I hear the bedroom door close, I run out and sit on the bed. I know damn well I didn't get bit by a bug. I roll my eyes in annoyance. I look down at my leg and what I see makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Two what appears to be fang marks tattoo my inner thigh. What the f**k? I practically shout. I examine them closer. They are definitely real. "Mommeeeee" My thoughts are interrupted by my daughter calling me. I quickly cover myself and dismiss the marks as being a typical bump in the night thing before seeing what she needs. When I get to her room, I can't help but stare at her and smile. She's sitting up in her bed wearing an equally toothy grin which makes my heart melt. I never knew that I could feel like this. Never knew I could love and be loved this way. "Good morning bug a boo." I croon while sitting on her bed. "Good morning mommy boo. Can I have some pancakes and" she stops and ponders for a moment "AND EGGS" I burst out laughing. "Of course you can, but you know the morning routine." She excitedly jumps up and down. "YES, first put on my clothes, then brush my teeth and then PANCAKES AND EGGS." I nod in agreement and kiss her forehead before she hops off the bed and starts getting ready. I can't stop looking at her. She's so smart, so advanced for only five. "Meet ya in the kitchen." I say to her over my shoulder as I walk back to my room to get dressed. With my clothes on, I sit in front of the vanity and began to work on my hair. I pull it back into a sleek bun, allowing the white patch in front to curl and fall into place. Skunk I could remember the childhood nickname so vividly. I close my eyes to keep the tears from falling as my mind wanders back to those memories. Kids could be so cruel. Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly feel it, electricity. Surging through my body as what feels like a hand caresses my head in a gentle comforting motion. Just as quickly as it comes, it's gone and I'm left wondering whether I imagined it or not. "Well, it's very nice to meet you too" I hear my daughter say to someone. I quickly sprang from the vanity and run into the hall.

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