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Blaze and Annabella land in Dallas. It does not take him long to get his men spread out all over town. He wants to find his mate, beta and gamma, as soon as possible. Blaze knows that rogues will go to Sebrina and her friends in the hope to be included in their little gang. No one wants to be alone in a world full of enemies and being in a group of rogues is better than being alone. His men work all day among the rogues to find out what they know about Sebrina, Shaun and Aleandra, but they have no luck as the rogues in the bars and on the streets have not heard about them. So either the rogues are lying to protect them, or they never came to Dallas. Blaze has a lot of influence even among humans as he is wealthy, and the humans do not know he is a werewolf. Balze is only known as a billionaire in the human world, and he is single. The human girls will stand in rows to be close to him, and sometimes he used them for s*x, but he never fell in love with any one of them. Here in Dallas, it is no different, but Blaze has no interest in them anymore, and it frustrates him. What the hell is wrong with him? Why can he not get that redhead she-wolf out of his head? Did she put a curse on him? Bella smiles as she sees her brother struggling with the feeling inside him. He is not used to feeling anything for a woman. He never believed he would find a mate, and now that he did, he is in an internal struggle. Domino, his wolf, wants their mate by their side, and Blaze does not, or does he and he doesn't realise it yet? Bella looks at her brother, who is looking unhappy. Why is this redhead so crucial for him to find? She is a rogue, and they all know rogues do not last long. So if he wants her dead, he only has to wait a few months, and she will be gone forever. Bella smiles again unless he does not want her to die. He wants his mate, and he can fight it as much as he likes, but why force her to accept the mate bond. Blaze knows accepting the mate bond is only half of the prosses, and it would not link them so Blaze can trace her. Bella knows her brother's mate ran away before he could mark her or seal the bond and do the Luna ceremony. She does not blame Blaze's mate. She would be scared of him if he forced her to accept the mate bond. "We will find her. She is clever as she tricked you into believing she is in Dallas, so her survival chances are better than the average rogue," Bella says, trying to calm her brother down. "I know, and I do not care if she dies! But, I want my beta and gamma back," Blaze says. "Oh, maybe that is why she ran away. Perhaps she already has a male wolf that is her lover," Bella teases Blaze. "I will kill both of them! Nobody touches what is mine," Blaze growls. Then, finally, he realises what he said. Blaze feel shocked at himself. That was him talking, not his wolf. "Wow, possessive, a bit, big brother?" Bella asks. "Don't be silly. I don't know what came over me the last few days," Blaze admits to Bella. She is the only one he really can talk to. Since their parents retired and left for the Bahamas, he and his sister were alone in the big Alpha's house. She would come to him with her problems, and he will tell her all his. He knows she and Jack are mates, but he is waiting for them to get the courage to tell him. "You miss your mate. I have seen hundreds of women in the city you would have slept with already, but you can not forget your beautiful redhead mate. Can you Blaze?" Bella asks. She is the only one not afraid to tell her brother as it is. She knows Blaze has a soft heart underneath his hard exterior. Her brother is handsome. He is tall, with dark hair and blue eyes that can look into your soul. He might look scary to some, but she has known her brother since she can remember, and he used to be carefree and relaxed until his father dumped the pack and all their problems on him. Blaze took the Crimson Moon Pack and made them the most feared and wealthiest pack in the states. They own a lot of lands, mainly near Boston, but lately, they bought land all over America and used it as farms or places they could send their enemies to work. "What a bunch of crap. I can not afford to have any weakness, and a mate is a problem," Blaze says as he walks away to his office. Blaze owns the hotel where they are staying. He knows his mate can be anywhere and in danger. He knows she still does not have a lover as he would feel it if she made love to another male. She better not if she knows what is good for her and her lover. Dammit, he must stop thinking like this. It will drive him nuts. He walks out of the hotel to get some fresh air. His men have not found anything yet, and he starts to think like his sister. Sebrina has fooled him! She made him believe they all came to Dallas, and they did not. It means they can be anywhere. Maybe he must take one step back and start in Las Vegas. He does not even know if they were in Las Vegas. The cities are big and to find them is almost impossible. Maybe they are still in New York. Blaze think of something and smiles. He has a friend in Las Vegas who knows everything that is going on there. He will give Howard a call. Back on the farm, the new pack has started their training. Howard is helping Willow with her magic. He knows he must protect Willow from Blaze as Blaze can be cruel to anyone going against him. Blaze is his friend, and Howard owe him his life as debtors almost killed him, and if it were not for Blaze, he would not be here today. But, on the other hand, he likes little Willow, and he knows she has a lot of potential locked up inside her. The redhead Alpha is getting more beautiful by the day, and he knows her beauty will soon become known in the city. That will put her pack at risk as everyone in the city will be talking about the beautiful redhead Alpha and her pack. He must make sure that stories about the pack do not spread. Howard does not know what to do. Howard is training Willow when his phone rings. He sighs. So Blaze already knows the pack is not in Dallas, and he wants some information. He hows Willow to be quiet and walks away from where the wolves are training. He knows Blaze has excellent hearing as every other werewolf, except for the one in this pack with hearing problems. "Blaze, what a wonderful surprise! I am not in trouble, I promise you. I have stopped gambling a long time ago," Howard says. "Hi, Howard, what is not why I am calling you. I need your help. I am looking for a wolf. Her name is Sebrina. She is not very tall, well built with redhead and green eyes," Blaze says. "And she is here in Las Vegas?" Howard asks innocently. "I don't know, to be honest, she can be, or she can be in New York for all I know," Blaze says. Howard is an excellent liar as he always had to lie to his debtors. "I will ask around, but I have not heard about a group of rogues in this area," Howard says, and this time he thinks he is not lying as the rogues have become a pack. "Rogues? Who mentioned rogues? I was asking about one," Blaze says. Howard realises his mistake. "Sorry, I was thinking a redhead wolf on her own will be in the arms of a leader of a rogue gang within an hour," Howards says. "Yeah, well, I do not believe you, and I am flying to Las Vegas now. You better not hide something from me, Howard, or you will regret it," Blaze says and hangs up. Howard knows he has messed up. He needs to get to the city and make sure nobody talks about the new pack. He can not let Blaze find them. He promised Willow he would protect them. "I need to go to the city," Howard says. "Why?" Willow asks him. He tells her what happened, and she looks at Howard worriedly. "I will come with you. You may need my help. We have to protect Sebrina and her pack," Willow says. She and Howard are honest with Sebrina and tells her what has happened. "Well, do not put your life in danger for mine. I will fight him if I have to," Sebrina says. Her pack is behind her, and they will fight the Blaze and his pack if they have to. "We will try to keep him away," Howard says. "No, you two stay here. We may need you if Blaze finds us," Sebrina says. She is sick of being afraid of other wolves and packs that threatens them. She has to take a stand, and she will take her stand against Blaze walker if she has to. Sebrina knows Blaze has the best-trained army in the world, but she will rather die on her feet than beg on her knees for mercy. "Guy, I am sorry. I did not mean to rat you guys out. You have become like a family for me the past couple of days," Howard says. He feels terrible for not thinking before talking. "It is not your fault. Everyone can make a mistake. Can you put a magic shield around our territory?" Sebrina asks. "I sure can. Or we can leave for the mountains and not come back until Blaze is gone," Howard says. He knows Blaze has strong witches and wizards with him, and their magical boundary will not hold up against them. "That is if he can find us. Why don't we hide our scent? The wolves in the city have been looking for us since we settle here, and no one has found us," Shaun says. "We can do that as well," Sebrina says. They will take as many precautions as they can. If Blaze can not find them, they can stay safely in their new home for another couple of months before he finds them. They are not that near to the city, and the territories around the city are large. So they can stay hidden for at least a couple of months. Besides, Blaze is looking for rogues and not a pack, so maybe when he reaches their border, he will not enter as he will think it is another pack's territory. Blaze lands in Las Vegas with his best men and his sister. He tries to call Howard a few times, but his phone is off, and when his men try to trace Howard's phone, they come up with nothing. Howard has destroyed his phone and buried it. He also has covered all tracks of the pack with his magic. Blaze and his men start asking around in the city, nobody remembers the rogues, but one car dealership told him that a redhead woman bought a pickup from him. He gives Blaze the address the redhead provided him, and it is the address of the Red Wood Pack. So she is going home to mommy and daddy? But why did she run away in the first place? Blaze has a big issue with the Red Wood Pack as they are trying to invade some of his territories, and he does not like it. He should have known she would be part of a pack like that! So what does he do now? Look for Howard, that knows more about his mate and her friends, or does he fly back and take out the Red Wood Pack for good? He can always come back here if she is not with her pack. He can even hold her parents hostage to flash her out. "We are going home and take care of the Red Wood Pack first," Blaze says to his men. Thye all nods, and they all think as he does. Sebrina went home and took her friends with her. Once again, Serbina has tricked the Alpha of all Alphas, and this time, she did not do it on purpose.
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