An ivitation to the Red Wood Pack

2135 Words
Leona is sitting in the dining room. She is finding fault with every dish the cooks put in front of her. The pack hates their new Luna. They all wished that Josh, their new Alpha, had chosen the redhead. She may not be as beautiful as their new blond blue-eyed Luna, but she was always friendly to everyone. They know she ran away because the new Luna wanted to kill her, and they miss Sebrina even if she never talked or mingled with the rest of the pack. They know they used to tease her about her red hair and freckles, and they made her life a living hell, but know karma has turned against them, and the new Luna is making all of their lives hell. Even Leona's friends from when she was a child started hating her. They never wanted to play with Sebrina and regret it now. Maybe if they were more friendly to Sebrina, Josh would have seen that Sebrina was the better of the two sisters. Leona has become obsessed with finding Sebrina. She wants her twin dead, and even the pack's elders disagree with it. However, her mother thinks she is the Queen of werewolves, and she encourages Leona in everything she does. Mavis Dawson knows her other daughter hates her and will not let her help her if she should become the Luna of the Red Wood Pack by chance. Leona does not want pups yet. Josh's parents wish to an heir to the Alpha thrown for the Red Wood Pack and have been pushing Josh and Leona to have a pup soon. It irritates Leona, and she takes out all her irritation on the poor omegas in the pack. Their territory has grown in the last few months, and Leona loves it. They took out most of the smaller packs around them, and she had her eyes set on a piece of rich land. Unfortunately, Leona is not very clever, and Josh is like her little puppy dog that does everything to keep his Luna happy. If he keeps her happy, he can do with her as he likes in the bedroom. Leona does not know that Josh's parents have replaced the contraceptives the pack doctor gave her with regular vitamin pills as they want her to conceive. They think that if she has a pup, she will calm down and not be so power-hunger and controlling over Josh. So far, they have had no luck, and Leona is still not pregnant. "That piece of land I want so badly. What are you doing about it?" Leona asks Josh as he walks into the packhouse after a hard training day. "We are working on it. The wolves are strong, protecting the land, and we do not know who the land belongs to, my love. You will have it soon as we train hard every day to become stronger. I am trying to find out who the ground belongs to, and as soon as we know, we will know who our enemy is. We will know how to defeat him as soon as we know," Josh answers. "Very well. Any news about my ugly sister?" Leona asks. "Nothing, it is like she disappeared from the face of the earth. Maybe she is already dead. You know rogues do not live long," Josh says. "Well, I will not be happy until I have her ugly head in my hand," Leona says. She is beautiful for the outside, but Leona is a rotten, spoiled brat inside. "We should have a ball and invite all the Alpha's from around here to join us. That way, we can find out who the piece of land you want so bad belongs to," Josh says. "Oh, my darling, you are so clever! I will love to have a ball and mingle with new people. We must invite Blaze Walker. He is the most powerful Alpha in the states, and we can become friends with him," Leona says. She also heard he is handsome, powerful and very wealthy. She wants to meet him. She can look. Leona is unhappy that she excepted Josh to spite her sister. She should have shopped around a little more before taking Josh as her mate. She knows the mate-bond are sealed, and she can do nothing about it now. She will be hurt if Josh dies, and she does not like to be hurt. "That is a great idea," Josh says, and he leaves so Leona can start planning the ball. She is in her element, and tonight he will get lucky again. It takes Leona a couple of days to plan the ball, and she sent out invitations to all the Alphas around the Red Wood Pack. She can not wait for the night of the ball, and she goes to Boston to pick the best gown for the ball. Blaze and Bella sit in his office talking about their problems with the Red Wood Pack when they receive the invitation to a ball from the Alpha and Luna from the Red Wood Pack. "Wow, they try to take out land then have the audacity to send us invites to a ball!" Bella says. "Unless, my little sister, they do not know the land belongs to us," Blaze says. "Well, maybe you will meet Sebrina there," Bella says hopefully. "She is not there, my spies already told me, and I know why she is not there," Blaze says. "Do tell," Bella says. So Blaze tells Bella everything he found out. About them having the same mate and him rejecting Sebrina for Leona and that Leona wants her sister dead, as she is worried Sebrina will come back and Josh will reject her and take her sister. "Well, Sebrina must be very beautiful if she can steal my brother's heart," Bella says. Blaze glares at Sebrina. "Who said she stole my heart? It is bullshit. This stupid wolf inside me drives me nuts," Blaze says. "Yeah, right, blame it on the poor wolf," Domino says, and Bella laughs. "Don't worry, Domino, I know my brother by now, and I know he is just looking for an excuse not to admit he miss her as much as you," Bella says. "You two should shut up and let me concentrate on the dilemma we have on our border. I know the Red Wood pack has become greedy, and they will do everything they can to get that piece of land as it is rich and brings our pack a lot of money every month," Blaze says. "They can not defeat us even if they want to, and you know it. So you are thinking of a way to flash out our mate," Domino speaks again. Bella laughs again as she can see her brother is getting agitated with his wolf. "What are you thinking, Blaze? Taking her family hostage and demanding she comes to you? Do you think she will give a s**t if her family wants to kill her?" Bella asks. "Maybe not her family, but her pack and the children," Blaze says without thinking what he is saying. "Wow, that is extreme, to get your mate here," Bella laughs. "Okay, so what? I miss her, and she is part of me, and I want her! Happy now?" Blaze asks. He will not admit it to anyone else. "So you do not want to kill her anymore?" Bella asks. "If being away from her is so difficult for me, killing her will destroy me," Blaze says with logic. "Why can't you be more romantic and admit you love her and can't stay away from her or stop thinking about her? Why do you always have to make it sound so logical as if she is an object you want?" Bella says as she walks out. She feels she will kill her brother if she stays one more moment. Blaze looks at the door closing behind Bella. He knows it is true. He also knows he scared his mate, and she will run from him forever and will not come to him willingly. "You always have to be so bloody hard-headed and not show emotion! I know we are the Alpha of all Alphas, and we got a reputation to protect, but you could have been softer to our mate. You could have talked nicer to her and not demanded that she become your mate. You could have asked her and maybe shown some love and respect. Instead, you want to flash her out by putting children's lives in danger. Do you think you will earn her respect and love by doing that or make her think you are more of a monster than she thought?" Domino talks to Blaze. "I don't know how to show a woman love and respect. You and I know how my parents are. They were never true mates as both of them rejected their mates to unite the Mountian Wolf Pack and the Yellow river pack to become the Crimson Moon Pack. Fortunately, Bella does not know this, and I want to keep it from her. That is why I believed that I could live my life without my true mate and why I never wanted a mate. However, that does not mean more power for me," Blaze says. He knew about his parents' secret for years, and that is why he was willing to make Jasmine his mate. "Your parents were never right for each other, and that is why you banished them to the Bahamas as you never wanted your sister to find out about their secret. They still had affairs with their true mates over the years. That was what I was trying to tell you all these years and why I never wanted to make Jasmine our Luna because, in the end, our nature as werewolves is to be with our true mate," Domino says. "They make us weak," Blaze says. "No, if your Luna is willing to offer herself to you and her pack, she will make you stronger. The right Luna will fight for her pack, her friends and her Alpha," Domino says. "Like our little redhead Luna. She will fight me for her friends. So where is her loyalty?" Blaze asks sceptically. "It would be with you if you treated her right and not threatened her! Damn, she fled because she thought you would kill her," Domino says. "How do you know that?" Blaze asks. Domino goes quiet and pretends to fall asleep. "Domino! Answer me! I know you are not sleeping!" Blaze demands. "Okay, damn, don't shout at me! I talk to Ruby, her wolf when the two of you are sleeping," Domino admits. "How the hell do you do that?" Blaze asks. "Well, you did accept her as your Luna, and I linked with her wolf," Domino says. "So you know where she is?" Blaze asks. "No, she refuses to tell me," Domino says, and Blaze knows he is telling the truth. "Because they are afraid of me. Am I that bad, Domino?" Blaze asks, sounding a bit sad. "Yes, and you know it. Do not look for sympathy from me. I blame you that I can not have my mate with me," Domino says. Blaze feels guilty for scaring Sebrina, but he does not know how to show love or treat his mate. He will have to figure it out. Blaze is also a proud Alpha and does not like to beg or ask for something. Blaze gets up to go and get ready for the ball at the Red Wood Pack tonight. He is not looking forward to it, but he needs to get behind the whole story of Sebrina. He needs to find some weaknesses that she has, and even if he knows everyone feels it is cruel of him, he will use them to get her to come to him. He will explain to Sebrina everything and put himself out there for the first time in his life. Blaze feels uncomfortable, knowing that he will put his happiness and future in the hands of a woman he hardly knows, but he also knows if he does not do it, he will never know what true happiness is and end up like his parents. Bella is all dressed up as she will accompany her brother to the ball of the Red Wood Pack. She will befriend their Luna, which she hears is a b***h and find out everything about her brother's mate. However, Bella is not stupid and has figured out their parents' secret years ago, and she knows why her brother does not believe in the mate bond and wants only a Luna that can benefit him and the Crimson Moon Pack.
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