Red Wood Pack Ball

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Blaze and Bella arrive at the Red Wood Pack Ball. They brought many of their best fighters with them as they did not trust the Red Wood Pack. Blaze is tall and handsome, and every she-wolf without a mate in the hall of the Red Wood Pack look at Blaze with hope in their eyes. Maybe he is their mate. Blaze does not even spare them a glance as he walks into the hall. Leona sees the giant wolf, and her heart beats faster. She looks at Josh, that looks like a boy next to Blaze Walker. If she were not the Luna of the Red Wood Pack, she would have tried to make Blaze Walker her mate. "Alpha Walker, welcome to our humble pack," Leona says. She knows Blaze Walker and his pack is wealthy, and they can only benefit from being friends with them. "Walker, it is nice to meet you," Josh says. He is cocky and trying to show off in front of his Luna. "Norton, I wish I could say the same, but it is not pleasant for me to meet you or your Luna," Blaze says. Leona laughs as she thinks Blaze is making a joke. He would not be rude at a ball with his hosts and an army of werewolves outside. "You are such a funny man, Alpha Walker," Leona tries to save the situation as she can see Blaze glaring at her for laughing. Josh's father sees that there can be trouble tonight, and no one wants to mess with Blaze Walker, so he walks over with Leona's father to try and save the pack and the situation. "Alpha Walker, it is nice to see you again," John Norton says. He knows Blaze, and he knows Blaze does not play games. Blaze Walker only came here because he wanted something, or they pissed him off. Blaze Walker does not waste his time with packs that he can wipe out with one demand. "John, good to see you," Blaze says. But then turns his back to the young Alpha and his Luna. Both Josh and Leona feel humiliated. It is like Blaze does not even recognise them as the Alpha and Luna of the Red Wood Pack, and they are the fastest-growing pack in this area! "I see you met my son and his Luna," John says. Blaze nods as Leona announce that they will all eat first before they party the night away with some dancing. She hopes that she gets a chance to dance with Blaze Walker. Blaze and Bella take their seats. Leona ensured they sat next to her as she wanted to make friends with Blaze's sister. It will only help the Red Wood Pack in the future. Blaze and Bella want to see what the Luna and Alpha of the Red Wood Pack are like, and he knows that Josh was Sebrina's first mate, but he rejected her for this blond that is not even half as beautiful as her sister. This Luna also does not have the courage and loyalty her sister has. Josh is one stupid pup! "Well, Bella, you look beautiful tonight. Where did you buy your dress? I would love to go shopping there," Leona tries to start a conversation with Bella, who dislikes her for mistreating her brother's mate. "Somewhere you and your little pack can not afford to shop," Bella says rudely. She looks at Leona's dress, which is too revealing and shows no taste. Somehow she knows Sebrina is the opposite of Leona. "Well, we are growing, and we are looking to expand our pack grounds," Leona says, thinking of the piece of land they want so bad. She has talked to many Lunas at the ball, but no one knows who the land belongs to. "Well, you better make sure not to get too ambitious," Bella says. "We are not afraid of any pack around here," Leona says catty. "You should be as the Crimson Moon Pack do not like small wolf packs trying to take our land," Blaze says. Leona swallows hard. Does the piece of land they have been trying to take the last couple of months belong to the Crimson Moon Pack? If it does, they make a big mistake. Maybe that is why their armies have been losing and can not defeat the soldiers protecting that piece of land. "Alpha Walker, if the piece of land we have been fighting for belongs to you, we will withdraw our troops immediately," John Norton says, and he looks at his young son with a warning in his eyes. Josh realises that his father is warning him not to go to war with the Crimson Moon Pack, and he knows he can not go to war with them yet. "Yes, it is my grounds, and I do not care you can try and take it. You are losing wolves daily," Blaze says, grinning. He knows the Red Wood Pack stand no chance against him. "So that is not why you joined us at this ball?" John asks. He knows they must have done something else wrong. "I am looking for Sebrina Dawson. I know she belongs to your pack," Blaze says. He wants to see their reaction when he says Sebrina's name. "What has that no-good daughter of mine done now?" Mavis Dawson asks. "None of your business, Mrs Dawson," Blaze says. "I am sorry if my ugly sister pissed you off, Alpha Walker. I am looking for her, and when I find her, I promise you I will not spare her life," Leona says. "You will do no such thing! If you touch as much as a hair from her head, I will destroy your pack personally. I want Sebrina alive to deal with her myself," Blaze says. He knows they all think he wants to kill her, but he will not tell them that Serbina is his mate and wants her alive and as his Luna. He can see Sebrina's father's face is pale. Does the ex-beta feel some love for his daughter? If he does, he may spare his life. "Well, if we find her, we will deliver her to you, Alpha Walker," Leona says. She does not know what Sebrina has done, but it must be severe if Blaze Walker wants her. Leona smiles by herself. Blaze Walker will torture Sebrina, and she will never be a problem to her. "You have two months at the most to get her here alive, or I will destroy your whole pack. Thank you for dinner. My sister and I will leave now," Blaze says. "But we have been looking for her for almost eight months now, and we can not find her," Mavis says. "You have been looking for your daughter to kill her? You and Luna Leona are evil people," Bella says, and Blaze has to hold her back as she is about to attack Mavis. "Alpha Walker, may I talk to you for a second?" Dave Dawson asks Blaze. "Sure, you can walk us out," Blaze says. "I do not know what Sebrina did, but please spare my daughter's life. She is still young, and she never knew love in her life, not even from me," Dave says with tears. "I am not planning on killing her, Mr Dawson," Blaze says as he gets into his car, and he and Bella drive away, leaving a puzzled Dave Dawson behind. Dave walks back into the ballroom and looks at his wife and Leona. He can not believe they are so rotten inside. However, Leona feels happy as she knows Blaze Walker wants her sister, and he wants to kill her himself. "We need to find Sebrina and fast. A war with the Crimson Moon Pack is a death sentence for our pack. Dammit, what the hell had she done to piss Blaze Walker off?" John Norton says. "We have to send a message to all packs and put a reward on her head," Mavis says. "I agree," Dave says as he secretly smiles inside. He knows that there can only be one other reason an Alpha will go so far to get his daughter, which means she is his mate. "Well, we better start spreading the message. We need to let Sebrina know her pack is in danger if she does not come home. She is a softy and will not let the pack die because of her," Mavis says. Leona and Josh dance the night away, and Josh can feel he will get lucky tonight as Leona is in a great mood. But, later that night, in their bed, as they are making love, Leona can not stop talking about finding her sister and what her fate will be. Josh sighs. He wishes sometimes he chose the ugly sister and not went for beauty alone. But, he knows he can not break his bond with Leona as wolves once the mate bond is completed can not break the bond. He is stuck with Leona for life, and there is nothing he can do about it. He can not change mates, and he can not take a mistress. If he or Leona have s*x with another wolf, the other will feel the pain and know the truth. After they had s*x and Leona falls asleep, Josh gets up and looks at himself in the mirror. He seems small against a wolf like Blaze Walker. Josh knows even if her train every day, he will never be Blaze Walker, and he can not compete with him. "What do you want with Sebrina Dawson, Blaze Walker? What did she do to you or someone you love? Did she piss you off, or is it something different?" Josh wonders. He goes back to his bed and falls asleep next to his luna. Sometimes he feels that he lost something valuable the day he chose Leona over Sebrina. Josh shakes off that feeling and thinks about how beautiful his Luna is. So many of the young werewolves and Alphas envy him, and everywhere they go, everyone always compliments him about his beautiful Luna. So why does he keep thinking about Sebrina and the hurt he saw in her eyes when he rejected her? The following day the Red Wood Pack offers a reward to anyone that can tell them where Sebrina Dawson is. They send messages to every rogue and bounty hunter, but they state they want her alive and not dead. Therefore, she should not have a mark on her, or nobody will get paid. They let everyone also know that the Red Wood Pack are in danger if Sebrina does not return, hoping that Sebrina will get the message and come home to save them from Blaze Walker. Sebrina's pack has grown over the following month, and she has a lot of strong rogues that joined her pack and can learn the younger wolves how to fight. It is challenging to drive around in the desert, so they get themselves some motorcycles to get along with. Sebrina and her pack get more grounds where rogues used to live as all the rogues join the Desert Wolf Pack. They also discovered an old gold mine in their grounds and started mining it. Soon they become wealthy as they sell the gold to a dealer in Las Vegas. He is a friend of Howard, and Howard does all the dealing for the pack. The dealer Ross is an old rogue that stays in Las Vegas on his own, and he prefers not to have a pack. He lost his mate many years ago, and he still misses her. "What do you have for me today, Howard?" Ross asks. He knows Howard is part of a pack with a female Alpha, and although Howard is a wizard, he loves the wolf pack. He also knows Howard is greedy and will do anything for money. Howard puts the gold on the table, talking about a price. "I hear the Redwood Pack near Boston is looking for a she-wolf called Sebrina Dawson. They are willing to pay a large amount of money, but she is not to be hurt, and they want her alive. Blaze Walker gave them two months to find her, or he will kill the whole Red Wood Pack. Children and women included," Ross says. Howard pretends he is not even listening. He is in a hurry to get home. He needs to warn Sebrina so he does not fight about the price as usual, and Ross looks at Howard with a smile. He bet the wizard is off to look for the she-wolf—greedy little bugger. Ross does not know that Howard feels like he has a family for once in his life, and he needs to protect his Alpha from being caught.
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