Chapter 9: My Past & My Future

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Chapter 9 Callie's POV... Seeing him standing there pained me, especially when he looked at me with so much hurt and betrayal. He growled menacingly at the wolf I was sitting on. My mate looked back at me and I got off his back. Waves of power filled the room as both wolves circled each other. "Who are you?!" demanded James but something was off, his voice didn't hold the same authority as before. "I am Xander and this is my mate," said Xander coldly. James stopped in front of me and growled, "She's my mate you mutt!" Xander snapped and jumped on James. They tackled each other, clawing and ripping both fur and flesh. I could feel every bite and scratch that now covered both of their bodies. I was in tears, the pain was too much. "Please stop!" I begged. My body was covered in my blood, Xander noticed and stopped to look at me. James took that as his opportunity to strike; he lunged at Xander's throat. "No!" I yelled and with all the strength I had left, I jumped between my past and my future. Then my world went black. Xander's POV... When her pained cry reached me I turned to look at her. She was bloody and bruised, sitting on a pool of her own blood. Then, I saw my beautiful mate's panicked face before she stood between me and death. She collapsed on the ground and lay there, unmoving. Rage consumed me, I could only see red. I stood in front of her, shielding her as I lunged at James. I clawed and ripped him to pieces, I wanted his blood. In the end he grew too weak to fight, he looked once more at Callie before the light faded from his eyes and he slumped on his own pool of blood, dead. I walked over to my mate, she needed a doctor, I could feel the life draining from her. I shifted and slowly I took her in my arms. Outside the battle was still raging on, "Everyone retreat, I have my mate." I ordered and soon we were back in the woods. "I need a doctor!" I yelled as I put on some shorts. The kingdom's doctor walked nearer and examined Callie. "We need to get her to my examining room, now." I nodded, thankfully most of the pack had made it and no one seemed to be badly injured. When we reached the castle I carefully set Callie down. "My King, I think it would be better for you to wait outside," said the doctor and I stiffly nodded and walked out even though my wolf was restless inside without our mate nearby. Seconds, minutes, hours, I don't know how much time passed by but when the doctor walked out I sighed in relief. I stopped and realized her expression was scrunched with worry. "How is she?" I asked and she sighed. "She's stable although she's not healing and she's in a coma state." I winced, "how long before she's awake?" The doctor shook her head, "I don't know." I ran out of the room, out of the house. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't! I just met her and I was already losing her! I shifted in the woods and cried a mournful howl to the pack, forest and the moon. Callie's POV... I got up with a pounding headache and looked around. I was in the same field as the one I've been in when I was in coma. Oh hell no I can't be in coma again! I got up and walked towards a light at the other side of the now dark field. There she stood, my wolf. "Why are we here?" I asked her and she winced. The light got brighter and I saw her white fur covered in blood and scratches. "What happened?" Her blue eyes met mine, our mate is dead. I gasped, "No he can't be! I got in the way he can't be." My wolf huffed, I'm not talking about Xander; he's fine, waiting for us. I'm talking about James. Surprisingly I didn't feel much, only some grief. "How did it happen?" When we got in the way James almost killed us and that made it impossible for Xander to control his wolf. I looked at the ground, "we're going to die?" You know what happens to wolves without their mates, She said calmly. "Yeah but this is different! James didn't want us, get that through you thick head!" she flinched but I continued, "our life with James is over, never meant to be, but our future with another guy is waiting for us, he could be different." She growled, you're right, he COULD be different or maybe not! I sense something dark about him and he has too much power over every wolf, I don't like it. I snorted, "he's an Alpha you dimwit!" I know that! She snapped and just stared at me. Silence. "Look I promise you that if he turns out to be like James we'll leave him but at least give him a chance," I said trying to reason with her. She looked at me, promise? I nodded, "promise." One second I was in the field and the next I was laying on a white bed with tubes on my arms and a beeping monitor beside me. Great, (notice sarcasm). The door opened and a young woman came in. When she noticed me staring at her, her eyes instantly dropped to the ground, "Your Highness, you're awake." My eyes widened. Before I could speak she left the room. A second later the door was slammed open and Xander hurried in and my heart stopped. He was wet and without a shirt meaning I could see his well built torso. "Like what you see?" asked his husky voice and I instantly blushed. I felt as his large hand cupped my cheek as his eyes met mine. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you, love." I smiled, "It doesn't matter now, I'm here." He embraced me without a word and I could feel his breath on my head. I instantly relaxed but my wolf stayed alert. After a while he pulled away and looked at me intensely, so intense I had to turn away. "Are you ready to leave my Luna?" I nodded and got out of bed, "There's just one problem," I said. His expression turned wary, "What's wrong?" "I don't have any clothes," I said sheepishly as I looked at my hands with my face red. He chuckled, "don't worry, someone already brought you some. They're probably in the bathroom." I nodded and walked slowly towards the white door. He was right; by the sink were a pair of jeans, flats and a shirt with gold sparkles. I walked out dressed and found the room empty. I shrugged and walked out. I gasped at the sight, this wasn't a normal hospital, I wasn't even sure if it was even a hospital or even a clinic. I was standing in a hallway, the walls were painted dark red with some gold on the edges, the furniture looked expensive and hanging on the walls were portraits. Amazed I walked through the hallway looking at the paintings until one caught my eye. It was a painting of a meadow, there were wolves running and two wolves followed further behind, one white, one black. The next painting was similar only this time the other wolves were kneeling before the white and black wolves. I couldn't look away from the third painting, instead of a crowded meadow with multicolored wolves; this one was a painting of a forest with a small waterfall, on one side the white and black wolves were resting. The black wolf was over the white wolf in a protective stance, they looked at each other with so much love it was impossible to miss it. Someone cleared their throat. "Do you like it?" asked Xander. Without looking away from the painting I nodded, "it's beautiful." I turned to him, "who are those wolves?" He shrugged, "no one knows, it's an old legend." "About what?" I asked curiously. He ran his fingers through his hair, "centuries ago, a wolf claimed he could see the future, he would paint his visions and show them to the town's people. Of course many didn't believe him and thought of him as crazy. The ones who did believe him bought his paintings. High ranked wolves bought four paintings, three of them you can see here," he said pointing to the paintings. "Where's the fourth one?" "No one knows but people who claim they have seen it say it's a frightening painting." "So these paintings are the future?" He nodded and I continued, "What's the fourth painting?" "There's chaos, blood everywhere, wolves laying dead on the ground and a brown wolf with violet eyes with a chain of teeth around his neck standing above them." I gasped.
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