Chapter 10: Alpha

903 Words
Chapter 10 Scott's POV... I saw James's big wolf disappear through the fight. For a second I got distracted and the big male had me pinned to the ground. "Any last words pup?" he asked menacingly. "Yeah," he was knocked off me and I stood up and looked into his eyes, "I'm not a pup." With a final blow, life drained from his eyes. "Where's James?" asked the Alpha. "He went to find Callie in the dungeon," I said and he nodded leading us towards him. The battle outside the dungeon raged on but that didn't matter, there were snarls and clawing coming from deeper inside. When we got there we saw James fighting another much bigger black wolf. My eyes searched the room for Callie and found her sitting in a pool of blood. I tried to make my way to her but was stopped by the Alpha. "Stop, wait for this fight to be over," He ordered but didn't lose track of his son's movements. I stiffly nodded and watched the never-ending battle. Callie cried out in pain and the black wolf got distracted, James took that as an opportunity, he lunged. What happened next was a blur, Callie stood between James and the other wolf, next thing you know, the other wolf snaps and lunges at James. My body tensed and the Alpha beside me stiffened visibly. James struggled but then, a sickening snap filled the room and he fell to the group with a heavy thump. Something happened with the pack connection, something broke. The Alpha's mournful howl for his son reached all of us through the bond, through our minds. He was gone, James was dead. The huge black wolf had disappeared and so had my sister. "Everyone retreat!" I ordered since the Alpha was in no condition to do so. I pushed the Alpha forward and nipped at his heels when he slowed down. When we were all out of Blood Moon Pack territory we mourned for a lost Alpha and friend. "What am I going to tell my wife?" whispered the Alpha miserably, he hadn't said anything all through the trip back to our territory. My father put a hand on his shoulder, "you'll have to tell her the truth, tell her he died protecting his mate." The Alpha nodded and that's what he did when we reached our territory where the women and children waited for our return. I spent the rest of the next day searching for Callie everywhere but it seemed like the wolf that took her didn't leave a trail to follow. When I returned my dad was waiting for me, "son, the Alpha wants to speak with you." I nodded and headed to the Alpha's house. I walked in and knocked on his study door, "Scott, come in." I did as he said. "How are you?" I shrugged, "I'm as good as I can be, I guess." He nodded, "listen Scott I called you here for a reason," I nodded, "the pack has just lost an Alpha and I'm too old to lead anymore and you're the Beta, I'm sure you can find a way to lead this pack." "Wait sir, are you saying I'm going to be Alpha?" I asked bewildered and he nodded, "it's the best thing for this pack but I won't make you do something you don't want to do." I gulped, nervous, "It would be an honor to lead this pack, sir." He gave me a faint smile, "tonight you'll receive the title then." I nodded, "is that all sir?" He hesitated before saying, "I know that wolf Scott, the one that took your sister." "Who is he?" I asked almost growling. He hesitated, "I can't tell you, you'll find out but just know this, your sister is fine and no one would dare lay a finger on her." Confused I let his office, who is this wolf that's so feared? .......................................................................................................................................................................... That night all the pack gathered in the Alpha's backyard. Tables were neatly set and everything looked very elegant and formal. Everyone was sitting and talking. Noise died down as the Alpha stood. "Everyone, I'm sorry to inform you that I'll be stepping down from my position as Alpha, I'm too old for the title. Since my son has passed away this pack doesn't have an Alpha." Murmurs rose from all sides, "what's going to happen now Alpha?" asked the third in command, John. The Alpha smiled, "our Beta, Scott, will be Silver Moon Pack's next Alpha. I'm sure he'll be an outstanding Alpha," he looked around, "and everyone will move up a rank. That means your family, John, will be the next generation of Beta's." The Alpha walked over to me, "Scott Reyes, do you promise to protect and lead this pack the best way possible?" I nodded, "I, Scott Reyes, promise to protect and lead this pack the best way I can." Light appeared between us and then it vanished, I looked around to see if anything had changed but everything was the same, I still felt like me. Cheers ran from the crowd and people stood up to congratulate me. After dinner, I was back in my room where I took a shower to relax and when I got out I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I inhaled sharply; on my torso was a small mark, the Alpha mark.
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