Chapter 11: Busy Day

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Chapter 11 Callie's POV... "Do you think the wolf in that painting is Eric?" I asked. Xavier sighed, "That's the reason why I didn't want to tell you. To answer your question I really doubt it." I was about to say something else but he interrupted me, "come, I'll show you around." Knowing the discussion was over I followed him through the corridor. We passed many doors and I was starting to wonder how he knew his way around. He opened two massive doors. I gasped, jeez this day couldn't stop surprising me. We were standing in what looked like the main room, two doors in front of us with fancy loops, probably the main door. Another set of doors to the right, stairs to the left and a grand piano in the corner. Bewildered I turned to Xander, "who are you?" I had never been to a pack where their pack house was this big, nevertheless this elegant. I looked out the windows and saw a very green, clean and elegant garden that seemed to stretch for miles. He smiled, "isn't it obvious?" I shook my head. "I'm Xander Beck," I shook my head still unsure of who he was. He noticed and sighed, "I'm the King of werewolves." I gaped at him. He was kidding right? King?! Does that mean I'm the future Queen?! Oh hell no I didn't sign up for this! He has to be kidding. "You're kidding right?" I said bewildered. He looked at me puzzled, "no, I'm not. I'm King and you're going to be future Queen." My eyes widened, "I'm not sure I can be Queen." Confused he asked, "Why?" I started playing with my hair, "I just don't think I'm queen material." He was about to respond but a pair of doors opened. "Callie!" yelled a very happy looking Rose. "Rose!" I met her halfway and hugged her tightly. We might not be very close friends but her presence reassured me and at least she was one of the few wolves I knew here in this new pack. That's when I recalled the battle's events, Rose has a mate! I looked around for him and sure enough he was standing beside my mate. "Callie I want you to meet my mate, Evan, he's the Duke, Beta in a normal pack," said Rose with admiration in her eyes as she looked up at her mate, she wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him. "Nice to meet you Evan," I said and smiled at Evan which he returned kindly. "You too, Luna." There was a silence between the four of us, Evan and Rose didn't seem to mind as they were lost looking at each other. Rose must have felt my gaze on her because then she turned and cleared her throat. "So Callie, how are you taking everything?" asked Evan casually and I shrugged, "oh I don't know, I just learnt I'm going to be queen!" I said nervously. Rose chuckled, "why is that bad?" I was about to respond when a man ran in, he had short, almost white, hair, he was we built, he looked younger than 30 and I wasn't sure if his eyes were blue or hazel, "My King, we have a problem." "What kind of problem?" Xander asked worried. The man tried to catch his breath as if he ran a long way here, "it's about the Blood Moon Pack." Xander's eyes widened and he and the man looked as if they were having a private conversation through the pack's mind link. "What happened?" I asked walking closer to Xander. Xander smiled at me, "nothing you need to worry about. Evan, Rose, take Callie to the kitchen please, I'm sure she must be hungry." I huffed and crossed my arms around me, "but I want to go with you." He shook his head, "maybe another time," then he was gone. Frustrated I turned back to Evan and Rose, "where's the kitchen?" Evan and Rose held hands as they led me to the kitchen and when I saw how close they've become I felt my heart sink. I wanted a mate like that. I wanted that kind of love. I sighed knowing I might never get it, James didn't want me because he was selfish, the only reason he came back for me is because he lost his authority over the pack. Then there's Xander, I have grown to feel something for him, it just might be the mate bond pushing me, but I still don't know a lot about him and yet when I try to get closer to him, he keeps me in the dark. I don't want to be protected the rest of my life. If I'm going to be queen then I want to make a difference. I want to help those in need, not just stand there trying to look pretty with a crown on my head and for that to happen I need to know what's happening. I snapped out of my daydream and saw we were in what looked like a dining room. I saw a couple of maidens, I guess, cleaning the table, when they saw me they smiled and bowed their heads, "Princess," they said. I smiled back, "hello." "Guys, I didn't get to ask this before but, what time is it?" I asked Evan and Rose. Rose chuckled, "it's afternoon Cal, and you missed lunch." I scowled when my stomach growled. "Looks like somebody is hungry," joked Evan. These two were going to be the death of me, I could already feel it. "So, do you want some pasta to eat?" asked Rose once we were in the kitchen. My mood instantly brightened, "yes, I love pasta." Evan handed me a plate with spaghetti and meatballs, "who doesn't?" Rose and Evan stayed with me while I ate, Rose and I talked about our previous life in our packs and Evan cleared our doubts as he answered our questions. When I finished eating we left the dining room and spent the rest of the day walking around the castle and talking about our likes and dislikes. After a while, Evan was summoned the king's office so that left Rose and me. Then I remembered something, "Rose, when's your birthday?" Startled she stared at me before saying, "um, in two weeks, why?" I cheered, "Wait, then how is it possible you've found your mate? I thought you had to be seventeen to know who he or she is." Rose smirked, "remember my abilities? I guess somehow because of them something switched when I saw Evan." I nodded and realized we were in Rose's room, well her room. Since we arrived she's been staying in Evan's room. It mostly smelled of him but Rose's scent still lingered. Rose walked up to a box and took out a white looking binder. "What's that?" I asked. She smiled, "since I was little I've always wanted a sweet sixteen party then I was kidnapped and just lost hope and then I turned 16, so I filled this binder with all the things I had wished were in my party." I didn't know what to say but I knew one thing for sure, well actually two. One, I would try to throw a party for Rose's 17th birthday since she wasn't able to a year ago and two; I wanted to be out of this room quickly. "If you want we can look at it," I said and she eagerly nodded, "but, let's go to the living room, I feel awkward in here." She chuckled but agreed. Rose led me to a room in front of her room. We entered a big room with a beige couch, plasma TV, light brown furniture, and huge windows. We sat on the couch and I started flipping through the binder and Rose would explain everything. Finally we came to an agreement. We decided on a Hollywood themed party, starting with the red carpet and ending on a stage. The only thing we weren't sure about was if we were going to get a DJ or a band to play. "I say DJ," said Rose and I shook my head, "band." "DJ," "Band," "DJ!" "Band!" "Woo ladies calm down," said an amused looking Evan coming through the door followed by Xander. When he walked in my heart began to beat faster and my wolf barked with joy. He looked at me, as if he could feel my sudden change of mood, and he smiled. While Evan and Rose were caught up talking I was left the third wheel so I left the awkwardness and walked over to my mate. He was still smiling although it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Hey," I said after a while, "I missed you." I instantly blushed and looked at the ground, nice move Callie, you're already sounding desperate. My mate chuckled amused but smiled knowingly at me, "I missed you too." He led me out of the living room and guided me as we walked. "What was the problem with the Blood Moon Pack?" I asked trying to get an answer out of him this time. "Nothing you need to worry about," he said and I grew annoyed. I had a right to know what was going on but he was keeping me in the dark. For now I decided I wouldn't insist on the subject but I wouldn't drop it either. We stopped in front of a dark wooden door. "Where are we?" I asked confused. He opened the door and revealed a room with a bed, two doors, I'm guessing one is the closet and the other is the bathroom, a mirror and a balcony. Outside it was dark, time really flew today. "I guessed you would want to take things slow so I got you a separate room," he said and I picked up a hint of sadness in his voice. I walked in, "it's beautiful," I turned to him, "thank you," I walked towards him and gave him a peck on the cheek. Tingles and sparks ran through my body and I shivered, not used to them. He nodded, "good night." "Night," I said still mushy from the tingles and sparks. He left and I exhaled, I was tired. I walked to what I guessed was the closet and found myself in a very big bathroom. It had a bathtub, a shower, two sinks and a toilet. The bathroom decorations looked fancy and expensive which I thought was pointless. I walked out and to the other side. I opened the door and gasped. It was big, but that I already guessed, what shocked me was what was inside. There were stacks of shoes, from sneakers to the biggest heels I've ever seen, from short dresses to long gowns, formal and informal, jackets, coats, shirts, whatever you wanted you name it and there's a probability it's in here. I ran my hand through the different materials and the different textures. In a drawer I found what I was looking for, pajamas. I quickly put them on and walked to bed. As sleep consumed me, my last thoughts were those green piercing eyes.
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