Chapter 12: The Past Is Hard To Let Go

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Chapter 12 Xander's POV... Joseph barged in, wary, "my King, we have a problem." I tensed, "What kind of problem?" Joseph tried to keep his breathing steady, "it's about the Blood Moon Pack." My eyes widened. "We have received some news from a pack member patrolling on the border, they are not good news," said Joseph in my mind and I faintly nodded. "What happened?" asked Callie. Knowing this would trouble her I smiled at her, "nothing you need to worry about," I turned to Evan and Rose, "Evan, Rose, take Callie to the kitchen please. I'm sure she must be hungry." She huffed and glared at me, she quickly rolled her eyes, "but I want to go with you." I sighed and shook my head, "maybe another time." I looked at Joseph and he nodded and both of us walked out. I knew Callie only wanted to help and that scared me. I didn't want to lose her like I lost Annabelle and I know I shouldn't compare what happened to her to what's happening now but I can't help it. I would make sure Callie was safe and happy and if that meant keeping her in the dark so be it. As much as it pained me to keep her at a distance I knew she'll understand, or I hoped she would. I've never been good with this mate stuff or the bond, not even with Annabelle but that's another story. This story is about the last time we were attacked by the Blood Moon Pack. FLASHBACK... It was now my eighteenth birthday, the day the title of 'King' will be passed down to me. I knew there was a possibility of me finding my mate and I really didn't want that. I hadn't found her when I turned 17 and that made me hope I didn't today. You might think of me as selfish, thinking I like to sleep around. Wrong. I don't sleep around, I've been waiting for my mate and you might then ask yourself, 'then why doesn't he want to find her?' I'll tell you why, because I'm scared of what she might think of me or if she'll only want me for my title, I don't know, it could always be a possibility. Tonight the pack was throwing a party and a ceremony shortly followed. Fearing finding my mate I stayed home and didn't go to school nor did I leave my room that day. My mother came in looking a little annoyed, "Xander why don't you leave this room? You've been here all day." I shrugged; I was too embarrassed to tell her. "Oh no you don't mister, you give me an answer and it better be good," she said sternly as she walked deeper into my room to open the curtains that had stayed closed all day. I sighed knowing she wouldn't drop the subject, "I'm scared of finding my mate." My mother turned to me looking amused and she chuckled, "why?" "Because I don't want a mate." She gasped and stared at me with shocked green eyes that looked so much like mine. "Why?" she whispered after a few seconds. "Because of all the things that could go wrong. She could leave me or I could hurt her unintentionally," I said getting up and running a hand through my hair. I seemed to do that a lot when I was nervous or frustrated. She smiled faintly and put a hand on my shoulder, "sweetie, those things are inevitable but I promise you, she won't leave you and I'm sure you won't ever hurt her, you're a good man." I nodded and she left without another word. That night, after the sun had sunk in the horizon, the party had just started, people were dancing, singing and the grownups were talking. When the moon was high in the sky my father stood up. Everyone silenced and looked at him. "Today is a great day for this pack or should I say kingdom. Not only is it my son's eighteenth birthday but he also takes the title as 'King'," said my father and the pack cheered. He looked at me and motioned me to get up, "son, do you accept to protect not only this pack but all wolves in need and to uphold our laws and ways?" Without second guessing I said, "I promise." I had been preparing for this all my life, I finished school with the best grades of my class, I had trained with the pack and got to know them and I had also applied for college online so that I could stay in the territory, lead the pack and also get my degree. "Royal Moon Pack, it's an honor to present to you your new King." The pack stood up and cheered. After everyone was calmed down some walked over to me to congratulate me and wished me the best. The night grew darker and colder and some wolves had decided to leave. Through the crowd that's when I saw her. Pale, waist long, blonde silky hair and grey eyes. She was truly enchanting. As if she felt my gaze, she turned to look at me and her eyes widened a fraction of an inch. She walked towards me and whispered in my ear, "It's you, mon amour." She had a French accent. We would spend days together. She told me she was in an exchange program and was recently changed here to finish school since she was 17. Of course, she was a wolf. We'd been dating for months and finally I decided to ask her to marry me. I took her out on a fancy date to a French restaurant. After that we had a walk in the park under the stars and on the bridge I stopped. I got on one knee and took out a small black box. She gasped and I smiled, "Mon amour, I've been thinking of this moment for so long and I know I am deeply in love with you. Annabelle Bay, will you marry me?" With tear filled eyes she looked at me, "yes!" I put the ring on her finger and we hugged. Gently I planted a kiss on her lips that turned into something more, a promise of everlasting love. It was a wonderful night. A month after our engagement, we began having problems with another pack, the Blood Moon Pack. Their Alpha, Eric Dark, wanted to expand his dominion and began attacking other packs. When we neglected one of his requests things turned from bad to worse. People started to disappear, killings were more frequent and Eric's pack was the one to blame. One night I couldn't sleep, my wolf was restless and the only thing keeping us in control was the fact that Annabelle was sleeping besides me. Her soft snores filled the room, she looked peaceful but I couldn't shake the feeling something was about to happen. The quietness didn't last, growls, howls and poundings filled the kingdom. Instantly, I got up and dressed, before I walked out I looked at my mate who had terror filled eyes. I gave her a peck on the lips, "stay here." She nodded and I ran out. The guards and some fighters and trackers were fighting outside while the rest were inside waiting for the attack. Growls sounded closer and closer with every second. Windows were broken and foul smelling wolves poured in with only one goal in their mind, to kill. I shifted and was the first to attack. I tasted metal when blood dripped out of my opponents. I hated killing others and I had to watch the life drain from their eyes. Her scream made me lose focus, Annabelle! A wolf held me down and I was losing my patience quickly. With as much strength as I had I pushed him off and sent him flying across the room. I ran towards my room and the sight pained me. There she was, my mate, hurt with bloody and torn clothes while a massive dark brown wolf stood over her. His violet eyes made me realize who he was, Eric. "My King, it's a pleasure," said Eric's voice filled with loath. He continued, "Nice of you to join us. I was just having a talk with this pretty little thing." I growled threateningly, "Get away from her." He smirked evilly at me and put a paw on her neck, "I don't think so your highness," he spit the last word with venom. "Now, I'll give you two options. One, you rethink your ruling on my plan of dominion and me and my wolves leave. Second option: you still neglect my plan and I'll kill every single wolf in this kingdom and I'll make sure you watch your mate die!" Annabelle looked at me, pleading with her eyes as she said, "forget about me, don't let him get to you." "Oh how sweet," Eric said sarcastically and put more pressure on the paw that was on my mate's neck, "tick tock Xander, your mate is running out of air." Annabelle was choking and gasping for air and I winced, "I'll do it!" Eric looked at me, "do what exactly?" While he was distracted, Annabelle took a wooden stick that was lying on the floor and hit the wolf above her on the face. Eric whimpered before snarling and I took it as an opportunity to lunge at him. We tackled each other until finally I had him pinned down, "now it's my turn to negotiate. You have two options. One, you leave this pack and every other pack alone for good. Option two; you die along with your pack. Choose quickly." I was expecting to hear Eric submit but what I didn't expect was that he would laugh coldly. "You really fell for it didn't you?" Confused I asked, "What?" In a flash he slipped out of my grip and lunged at Annabelle. "No!" I yelled but it was too late. Eric had her neck between his jaws and with one swift move she dropped limp on the floor. My wolf whined and howled. Our mate, she was dead. Eric's cold eyes met mine, "you will regret this." Then he left the room and once out he yelled,"retreat!" Wolves scattered and left the castle. Evan ran in and he spotted me sitting on the ground with Annabelle's body in my arms. I sobbed and cried for her, I couldn't save her. I got dressed. That night, I had a duty as a King, Alpha and pack member, to look for others who were injured and find the bodies of those who didn't make it. As I walked down the stairs a woman, friend of my mom's, walked up to me, "I'm so sorry." I nodded and kept walking and realized what she was talking about. On the ground laid my parents in their wolf form. The bigger dark brown wolf looked as if he had been shielding the smaller silver wolf. A silent tear escaped my eye and I turned away needing to get some air. "Xander. Xander!" yelled Evan following me. "What?!" I yelled and he stopped midway. "You can't go out alone; they'll try to kill you!" I turned away, "it doesn't matter! I'll welcome death gladly. Don't you see Evan, I've lost everything!" Evan got closer, cautiously, "that's not true, you have a pack that needs you, a kingdom to rule, friends to think about so don't you dare give up!" I growled dangerously, "quit the innocent act Evan! I know you've wanted to be king and I'll gladly hand it over to you!" He stared at me bewildered, "what are you talking about?!" "I'm no fool Evan; I've seen envy in your eyes when I'm in the same room as you!" I yelled. He hesitated, "I don't envy your title you i***t! I envied what you had with Annabelle and... I was in love with her!" In that moment I lost all control I had. I lunged at Evan and shifted in midair. Anger was driving me, urging me to kill him. "Xander stop! I've known and accepted from long ago that she didn't feel the same way and that she was your mate. I've been your best friend since we were little Xander, I would've never taken her away from you!" I managed to get myself in control and shifted in the woods and walked out of the shadows dressed. "Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked accusingly, I felt betrayed, Evan and I always told each other everything. He sighed, "I couldn't do that to you. I wouldn't hurt you like that." I nodded and we walked in silence towards the castle. "Look," he said stopping, "I know it'll be hard on you to keep on going without her or your parents but I'm here and I'll help you through it." I gave him a faint smile, "thanks man," we bro hugged and while he didn't have his defenses up I punched him in the stomach. He fell on the ground groaning with pain. "What the hell was that for?!" he yelled trying to catch his breath. I chuckled knowing I'd knocked the air out of him. "That's for falling for my girl and for being an idiot." I started to walk away and I heard him murmur, "jerk." I chuckled and walked into the castle. It took me days, no, months, to heal from the heartbreak of losing my mate. I didn't know if the day of tomorrow I would die or next week or if ever. One thing I did know, I wanted revenge. I had now turned nineteen and I was guessing my time will be coming to an end soon so I wanted to attack as soon as possible. "Xander, I don't think this is a good idea," said Evan. "Are you talking to me as my Beta or as my friend?" "Both but mostly as you friend," he said and continued, "I also knew Annabelle," her name out loud was still a stab to the heart, "and I also know she wouldn't have wanted you to go out and have your revenge." I nodded, "yes Evan and as much as I loved your speech, my answer is still the same." He glared at me one more time before slamming the door and yelling, "My bad!" ...END OF FLASHBACK... Once we arrived to my soundproofed office I sat down and looked at Joseph who was now sitting as well, "so what's the problem with the Blood Moon Pack." He gulped and waves of nervousness rolled off him, "well after our attack they lost some pack members but most of them were only injured. Eric and his pack have declared war on us." I sat down straighter, "how do you know?" "Packs in the area were talking about it." I nodded, "thank you Joseph. Could you please send Evan to my office?" He nodded and walked out. After a few minutes Evan walked in, "what is it now? Why do you have that face you make when you're worried?" I looked at him, "because I am." He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to explain. "Joseph said the packs nearby said that the Blood Moon pack has declared war on us." Evan's faced remained expressionless, "but he didn't hear it coming directly from the Blood Moon Pack. It could just be a rumor." I sighed, "I guess but I have a bad feeling about this." He chuckled, "I know what you mean. Now," I turned to him, "I know you, so I know you didn't bring me here to talk about what Joseph said. What's wrong?" I sighed, "it's Callie." He looked confused, "what about her?" "If what Joseph said is true then-, I know Eric, I know how he thinks, he will attack us where it hurts the most and right now that's Callie, I just don't want to lose her like I lost Annabelle, I don't want to make the same mistake all over again and fail her." Evan hesitated, "so what are you going to do?" I shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I'll keep her at a distance." Evan snorted, "so what? You're going to put her through that, make her a possession? Today I got to know her better and I know she won't find that helpful. If you keep her at arm's length you'll be keeping her caged and she'll be in more danger then. Sure, Eric knows where to hit you best so you feel pain and I know you want to protect her but this isn't the way and deep down you know that's true. At least give the poor girl a chance, then you decide." I nodded and looked at the window. It was getting dark out now, "I'll take your advice, for now. Let's head back to our mates." Evan's eyes brightened at the thought of his mate. He was truly in love. I wonder if my eyes look like that when I think of Callie. We heard arguing coming from the living room. As we got closer we could make out the voices of Callie and Rose, something about a DJ and a band. "Can you believe them?" asked Evan amused and I chuckled in return. "Woo ladies calm down," said an amused looking Evan walking in, I walked closely behind. I could feel the change of mood and looked at Callie. Sure enough she was staring at me with something like admiration, love and...hurt? I smiled at her. While Evan and Rose were talking Callie got up and walked over to me. I tried hiding my wariness to keep her at a distance but I made Evan a promise. "Hey," her melodic voice was music to my ears, "I missed you." She immediately blushed and hid behind her brown wavy, soft looking hair. I chuckled and smiled, "I missed you too." I led her out of the room and began walking towards her new room. "What was the problem with the Blood Moon Pack?" she asked. "Nothing you need to worry about," I said and she looked at me frustrated. I know I said I would tell her but for now I won't worry her with something that might not even be true. Thankfully, she dropped the subject and we arrived at her new room. "Where are we?" she asked confused. I opened the door and revealed the small room she'll be staying in temporarily. "I guessed you would want to take things slow so I got you a separate room," I said and was a bit saddened by the thought of having her so far, but it was what needed to be done. Mesmerized, she walked in. "It's beautiful," she said and looked at me, "thank you," She gave me a peck on the cheek that sent shivers down my spine, not even Annabelle had that effect on me. A little tense I nodded, "good night." "Night," she said. I close the door and stiffly walked away. Every step I took away from her pained me but I couldn't look back, not tonight. Her safety mattered more to me than anything else now.
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