Chapter 14: Zombie Hunting

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Chapter 14 Helena's POV... Callie ran and being future queen gave her better speed. Rose stayed a little bit behind while I tried to catch up. I quickly lost her and I hit the wall frustrated, Xander assigned you to be her guardian and you can't even track her scent, I thought to myself. Rose caught up to me and said, "Let's get out of here." I nodded and showed her the way out which was through a door. "Really?! There was a door and we had to get through that dusty hole over there?" said a mad looking Rose. "This door can only be opened from inside. It's a safe place to hide, remember?" I said and Rose nodded. "We have a big problem now," said Rose once out and walking towards the rooms of the castle. "Because of Annabelle?" I asked and she nodded. "We better use a code name when we talk about her." She nodded, "how about French lady?" I shook my head. "Mate stealer?" still a no, "Bell?" she asked and I nodded. "Did you know her?" asked Rose. I nodded, "she hated me, she probably hated the whole castle and treated us like garbage but lover boy over there didn't notice." "How could he not notice?" she asked confused. "Because she only treated us like that when he was away but even when he was near she would give us a death glare," I said wiping the dust from the tunnels from my black clothes, it didn't do much improvement. Rose gulped, "that must have been hard, trying not to rip her to pieces." I nodded, "very." We went to change at our rooms and met up in the living room. Rose walked in wearing a long pink gown. She took one look at my clothes and shook her head, "why didn't you change?" "I did but I never wear skirts or dresses." She nodded and thankfully dropped the subject. I was wearing black jeans and a dark grey shirt. "We can't tell him," said Rose. "Tell who what?" asked Evan walking in. "Nothing," we said quickly. "Where's Callie?" asked Xander. We looked at each other and I hesitated, "She's in her room." He smiled, "okay then I'll get her." I stepped in front of him and blocked his way, "that's okay, I can go get her." He looked confused, "okay?" I smiled and rushed out. Ugh, where are you Callie? I went back to the tunnels and tried sniffing her out. It would be easier if she was part of the pack, said my wolf. Well she isn't so help me, I snapped. We're not trackers, we are fighters, she snapped back. We might not be trackers but we are her guardian, I said and she sighed, fine, shift and I'll lead you to her. I stripped and did what she told me; I shifted into my silver wolf and let her do her magic as I carried my clothes in my muzzle. What seemed like a mile of walking in the darkness led me to a shadow that was slumped on the ground whimpering. I shifted and got dressed, "Callie!" She raised her head and whispered, "Help," before she slumped, unconscious. I tried carrying her, no offense but she was too heavy. I thought about dragging her but I would only hurt her. "Jake, I need your help," I said through the mate bond. In a few minutes, Jake took her up to her room with me following behind. "Where should I leave her?" he asked. I pointed at the bed, "On the bed, I'll get her bath ready." I let the water flow and put some bath bubbles. I walked out, "I'll take it from here, thanks babe," I gave him a peck on the lips. When he was gone I sighed. "Why didn't you tell me that you had a mate?" asked Callie weakly. "I've just met you haven't I?" I said and she gave me a faint smile. "Come, let's get you cleaned up." She nodded and let me help her to the bathroom. "I'll leave you to take a bath. I'll be back with your gown." She nodded. I closed the door behind me and walked to the closet. I looked at her gowns, I'll admit it, they were beautiful but I would never wear one. I picked an aqua green gown with one shoulder strap and matching silver heels. As I stepped out saw Callie sitting on the stool in a bathrobe. "Here you go," I said. She took the dress and walked to the bathroom. A few minutes later she walked out and went back to sitting on the stool waiting for me to do her hair. She didn't just look like a zombie, she was a zombie. I worked on her hair on a simple bun. She looked at her reflection once and turned her eyes back to the ground. "Callie, please, don't let this ruin your night. Today you have to promise me to have fun and tomorrow you can act all zombie like if you want." She looked at me and smiled, "I promise but," my eyes widened, "but what?" "But you have to wear a gown." My mouth fell open. No way, I wasn't going to wear a gown. Callie got up and walked into her closet. When she came out she was holding a black gown, "I know you only wear black and I found this in there and thought it would look stunning on you." She handed me the gown and I walked into the bathroom. Using the mirror in the bathroom, I looked at my reflection and my eyes widened. The dress fit me perfectly and I liked it. I walked out and Callie clapped and jumped around, "I knew it. Now we need to find you heels." My eyes widened. Getting me into a dress was one thing but getting me to wear heels, not going to happen! "No way, this gown is long enough to cover my feet; I'll stay in my sneakers." She nodded letting me win and started curling my brown mess I called hair. We walked out with little makeup but still elegant. When we were standing outside the living room I stopped her, "make him regret his words." She smiled, truly smiled, "I will." We opened the door and gasps were heard in the room and someone dropped their glass. Xander's POV... "Quit the innocent act, I've seen you push her away," I tensed more as Evan continued, "you have to get this through you thick skull, she's not Annabelle." I glared at him, "what are you trying to say?" He glared back equally mad, "I have a feeling that Annabelle had a mate back in France and to get away from him she moved here, strange really because then you'll ask yourself, where does that leave me? I'll tell you where, she probably used that wolf toxin on you, the one that alters your wolf. At first I didn't suspect anything until she died and then you met Callie, I don't believe it's a coincidence." I growled losing my patience, "Believe what you want Evan she was everything to me and even with all that's happened, I can't forget her!" Evan stared at me wide eyed, "you're bluffing." "No, I'm not Evan. She was my mate," I growled. "You think she was your mate, she wasn't," Evan pointed out. "I know what I felt Evan, and even if she wasn't my mate and Callie was my true mate, why didn't I find her when I turned eighteen?" Evan sat back down, "because she was fifteen or sixteen at that point." I shrugged, "whatever." "You're bluffing," declared Evan. "Why do you keep saying that?!" I yelled frustrated. "Because you are! I've known you all my life Xander and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you love Callie, or at least feel something for her, and it kills you to keep her at arm's length." I turned away, "fine, I do love her but I'm doing this to protect her. I love her so much it hurts but I can't have her hurt. If something were to happen to her, I would die." Evan smiled, "and that my friend, is the power of the true bond of mates." We walked to the living room in silence. Hushed whispers made me worry and Evan tensed. "We can't tell him," said Rose and Evan walked in, "tell who what?" The two girls jumped, "nothing," they said at the same time. I noticed Callie wasn't with them and became alert, "where's Callie?" The girls shared a look. "She's in her room," said Helena. I smiled, "okay then I'll get her." She stepped in front of me and blocked the door. "That's okay I can go get her," she offered. Confused I said, "Okay?" She sprinted out of the room. "What was that about?" asked Evan and Rose shrugged, "beats me." I wasn't convinced she was telling the truth. I don't know how much time passed by but with every minute the clock ticked I wanted to run after Helena and get some answers. I took a glass and poured some whiskey in, "that's underage drinking," said Rose. "I can't help it, I'm getting restless." I spoke too soon. The door opened and we all gasped. Sure, Helena looked beautiful but Callie, Callie was stunning, enchanting, I couldn't put it into words. I lost my grip on the glass and it fell, breaking and dropping the very nasty tasting liquid. I had a feeling this would be a long night.
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