Chapter 15: The Princess & The Duchess

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Chapter 15 Callie's POV... The five of us walked together to the ballroom. The doors were closed and two men stood beside them ready to open them for us. Helena walked in first followed by Rose and Evan who were holding hands. Xander offered me his arm, "shall we?" I looped my arm through his and didn't respond. We walked in and the guards closed the doors behind us. Curious eyes were on us as we walked to our table which was at the front. Helena sat down next to her mate who was looking at her with astonishment and desire. Evan, Rose, Xander and I stayed standing and waited for everyone to sit down. "Royal Moon Pack, I'd like to present you with your future queen, Callie Reyes." People smiled and congratulated me and some unmated males were looking at me with lust which was a little awkward to which Xander didn't seem to notice. Xander motioned me to sit down. "Royal Moon Pack, as the Duke I'd like to present to you your new Duchess, Rose Mason." The pack clapped and congratulated her and she did get a few lustful looks at which Evan glared and growled. Food was brought to us at each table which was made up of pork and some kind of fancy looking pasta. After dinner the tables were moved to the sides and the room was cleared for dancing. The mated couples were the ones who danced all the slow and romantic pieces while the young rebellious teenagers danced to other moving songs. Rose and Helena dragged me to the center of the room to dance with them '#SELFIE by the Chainsmokers'. We lost track of time and drinks, we were probably very drunk and it was probably very late. I remember Xander leading me out of the room. My knees were getting weak and I fell. Xander looked annoyed but carried me to my room and laid me on the bed. I'm sure I said some kind of stupid things and I don't remember. When he was gone I clawed the dress off me, of course, not literally. I got into my very comfy pajamas. When my head hit the pillow I was gone. I woke up with a massive headache. My head was throbbing. I got up to wash my face and when I looked at my reflection I gasped. I had bloodshot eyes and looked painfully tired. I washed my face and went to find some aspirins to make the headache fade. By that time I didn't care if I was in pajamas, I walked out of my room and went on a hunt for aspirins. Thankfully, it was really early in the morning so no one was around to see me like this. I only knew five rooms in the whole castle so I decided to search there. First I went to the living room which was really hard considering I was dizzy and couldn't focus very much. I sighed in relief when my fingers touched the door. I opened it and found Rose sprawled on the couch. I walked to her and shook her. "Evan is that you?" she mumbled and I shook her harder until her bloodshot eyes were looking right back at me. "Oh, hey Callie, you look terrible." I frowned, "look who's talking." She sat up and winced putting a hand on her head. "Do you have any aspirin?" I asked. "If I had any aspirins Callie, I wouldn't be on this couch!" she yelled taking me by surprise. "Good morning sunshine!" yelled Evan as he walked in with a grin on his face. Rose and I covered our ears as we glared at Evan who still had an innocent smile on his face. "Don't make too much noise," snapped Rose at her mate. He took out of his pocket a bottle of aspirins. Rose and I instantly got up and tried to take them from him. "Last night you were very bad girls," said Evan pretending to look mad. "You are going to give me those aspirins Evan. My patience is a thin line right now and I won't hesitate to kick your behind out of here!" I growled. He had a smirk plastered on his face which irked me. Rose gave Evan her puppy eyes and he instantly gave the aspirins to her. I looked at Rose, "give me some." She growled and hugged the aspirins shielding them from me. "No way, these aspirins are mine," she growled back and I snapped. I lunged at her and we tackled each other and rolled around which made our headaches worse. She let go of the aspirins and I took that as an opportunity to grab them. She yelled at me and lunged at me and as a result had us tackling each other again. The bottle opened and white pills poured out. I took as many aspirins as I could and I hid them from Rose so she wouldn't get any ideas. The door was opened and someone came yelling, "I've brought water!" I growled and looked at my mate. My glare must have been scary if he flinched a little. He gave one glass to Evan and walked over to me handing me the glass. My glare softened and I gave him a thankful look before swallowing two aspirins. Helena walked in a couple of minutes later looking like a mess. Her hair was in knots, her bloodshot eyes were worse than mine and she had a deadly glare. "Hey Helena good morning," said Evan smiling. Helena stopped in front of him and glared which probably made Evan uncomfortable. "Don't you dare talk to me right now," she turned to look at the rest of us, "not any of you." Rose snorted, "Someone is in her days." Helena growled, "I won't kill you because you're my friend but don't test my patience." She let herself fall onto the couch but her aim must have been far off because she fell on the floor wincing with pain. The guys reached out to help her but she swatted them away, "I can get up you know?" she growled. The door was opened and I glared at the person standing there. "Oh my god are people going to keep on coming through because if that's so then I'm leaving," I snapped and stormed out of the room past a very confused Jake. I heard footsteps behind me, "go away!" I yelled. Xander appeared in front of me blocking my way. I raised an eyebrow, "what part of 'go away' didn't you understand?" He stood his ground, "I did understand I just won't listen to you." I huffed and sidestepped him only to bump into his very hard chest. "Fine you have one maybe two minutes of my patience so be quick." He smiled, "I want to take you out." I took a sharp breath. Didn't he say yesterday that he couldn't forget Annabelle? "Now isn't a good time," I said sharply. He chuckled, "I meant tomorrow." His eyes were pleading as he looked at mine. I examined him and realized he was nervous. I gave in, "fine, tomorrow," he smiled and I continued, "what is up with you chuckling all the time?" I asked and he was taken by surprise. He shrugged, "I'm just naturally a very happy person." I smiled, I couldn't help it, his smile was contagious, "that you are Xander that you are." He let me walk past him and I reached my room. When I got there I realized my headache was gone and I could think more clearly now. Realization hit me; Xander had just asked me out! My eyes widened when I realized what a rude person I'd been today. I fell on the bed, I was never drinking again.
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