Chapter 16: Unexpected Visitor

1326 Words
Chapter 16 Xander's POV... After our mates left to go lay down Evan and I walked to my office. We sat across from each other, him sitting on one couch, me sitting on the other. "Have you discussed you mate's party with her?" I asked and he shook his head. "Callie is organizing everything but right now they don't seem to be in the mood for planning." I agreed. "Have you decided when you're going to take Callie out?" I nodded, "tomorrow, but I'm not sure of where I'll take her. I didn't have anything planned out when I asked her it just came out." "Well I could help you," he offered. When the clock rung at noon, Evan and I had finished planning both of our mate's dates. There was a knock on the door and Joseph walked in. I know you probably haven't guessed but Joseph is a guard in the castle, the highest-ranked guard. "My King, there's someone here to see you." I stood up and Evan followed me out into the main room. The man was standing there looking around. He had short, dark brown hair, well built, with brown eyes and he was wearing jeans and a grey jacket. He heard us coming and turned to us. His brown eyes and his face seemed familiar although I couldn't figure out where I'd seen him. The power around him was strong which meant he's an Alpha. "Hello sir, I'm King Xander Beck." He shook my hand, "and this is the Duke, Evan Williams," the man shook his hand. He looked about our age maybe a year younger. "I'm Alpha Scott Reyes from the Silver Moon Pack and I've come for my sister." Scott's POV... For weeks we've been looking into the other pack that attacked the Blood Moon Pack that same day. I remember the Alpha saying the name of that pack but I can't seem to remember. I can't ask him because he's left with his wife and they're now living in Europe, cutting all ties with their former pack. We searched packs that have had problems with the Blood Moon Pack which is almost every pack. My father and I have been traveling to packs nearby to find out more information. The last pack we went to was the River Moon Pack. Alpha Robert greeted us at his house. "How can I help you Alpha Scott?" he asked politely when we were sitting in his office. "We were wondering if you've seen another pack cross your borders to reach the Blood Moon Pack," I said. He hesitated and looked at his mate who was sitting beside him. "Yes a while ago. Their name is the Royal Moon Pack. Their territory is a few miles that way," he said pointing east. I nodded and stood up. "We better be going," said my father. The Alpha stood up and led us to the door, "whatever it is you're looking for, I hope you find it." I smiled, "thank you. It was nice meeting you Alpha Robert." "You too Alpha Scott," he said before closing the door behind him. "Now what do we do?" asked my father walking to his car. "Well, I'll go see the Royal Moon Pack but you should head back home to mom, I bet she's worried," I suggested walking over to my father's car. He frowned, "are you sure?" I smiled, "yeah go ahead." He got into his car and drove off. I exhaled, now to find the Royal Moon Pack. The sun was still up in the sky but it was starting to disappear in the horizon. I shifted in the woods and ran east. As Alpha Robert said, a few miles east I was stopped by wolves who growled menacingly, these wolves were very different from other wolves I've seen, these looked, bigger, stronger, with a more intimidating aura surrounding them. I went behind a tree and shifted back to my human form. When I got out I saw men standing there in uniforms. "Who are you and what do you want?" asked the one standing in the middle. "I'm Alpha Scott from the Silver Moon Pack. I'm here to talk with you Alpha." The man looked at me weirdly, "you mean the King?" I shrugged, "I guess." The group led me to a car parked out of the woods which was kind of strange. Where were they taking me? I got onto the backseat with one guard on each side of me. As we drove past I could see beautiful gardens and trees. We stopped at gates and when we had access to enter there was a fountain at the middle. Bushes circled around the street by the fountain and then became lines at the border of the road. I looked to the front and stood agape. There was a castle! A real castle! "Who are you guys?" I asked shocked. The man driving looked at me through the rear view mirror, "we are the Royal Pack, here's where the king of wolves lives along with other important high ranked wolves." I didn't answer but kept on looking at the scene before me. The car stopped in front of dark doors with fancy loops. A guard appeared out of nowhere and opened the door for us. Some of the men cleared out and went their separate ways. Two stayed behind, "Jake, stay here with Alpha Scott, I'll go get the King." Jake nodded and the other man disappeared. "What's your rank?" I asked out of nowhere. He looked stunned for a second then kept his face neutral, "I'm the highest male tracker, 4th in command in a normal pack." "And here?" I asked. "Here I'm the Earl," he responded emotionless. "Who was the man who just left?" He frowned, "that's Joseph, third in command aka the Marques." I nodded and looked around trying to get used to all the titles in this pack. Was it even a pack? Maybe it's a kingdom for wolves. I never knew we had a king, never really imagined it. Sure our parents would tell us stories about the King and Queen of wolves, I thought those were fairy tales. I heard footsteps and turned around. A man about my age walked towards me along with Joseph and another man. "Hello sir, I'm King Xander Beck." I shook his hand eyeing him, "and this is the Duke, Evan Williams," I also shook his hand. They eyed me for a minute. I cleared my throat, "I'm Alpha Scott Reyes from the Silver Moon Pack and I've come for my sister." Xander's POV... "It's a pleasure to finally meet you," I said a little nervous. "Like I've said, I'm here for my sister," he said curtly, eyeing me. I nodded, "well it might just have to wait until tomorrow for you to be able to see her." He looked at me, almost glaring, "why? What's happened to her?" "She's quite alright I can assure you but she's kind of... occupied right now," I said nervously, my hands were sweaty and my posture was tense. "Fine, I'll come back tomorrow to see her," he said after a while, starting to turn to the door. "Oh no there's no need. We have plenty of rooms in the castle." His eyes widened at my invitation to stay. "Penelope!" I yelled and a short, blonde woman ran in, she was Joseph's mate, the Marchioness, and looked to be on her final months of pregnancy but she insisted on helping around the castle. "Please show Alpha Scott to one of our extra rooms." She nodded and Scott followed after Penelope up to the second floor. After they left Evan walked to me, "what are you going to do?" he asked. "I'll let Callie do the explaining but if I have to I'll fight for her," I said looking after her brother that then disappeared in the corridor.
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