Shaking this nagging old man off.

1099 Words
Yaa Boateng woke up when she heard her phone ringing. She groaned, whoever dared interrupt her sleep must have a death wish, she thought as she took her phone but immediately she saw, who the caller was couldn't help but sign. "Yayaa, did I disturb your sleep, I'm so sorry, I called to remind you that we had a deal that you would stop by the office today." The caller said. "Don't worry grandfather, I would be there. Is that the only reason you called?" she asked because she found it hard to believe that her grandfather would wake her up over such a trivial matter, there is got to be another reason. " No, that's all. Can't I call my lovely Yayaa, don't tell me you have a guy over, are you finally cheating on that good for nothing. That's my girl. See, you inherited your grandpa's genes. You don't have to worry dear, whoever you choose to go out with, you have grandpa's full support." Old Master Boateng said in an excited voice. " Calm down grandpa have you forgotten that I'm going to be engaged in half a month, there's no need for you to get over excited, it not good for your health." Yaa said " If that's the only reason why you called then bye for now, since you woke me up, I have to go jogging." Yaa said as she got out of bed. Before she could end the call her old Master Boateng said " Wait don't hang up, can't you keep your old grandfather some company, I am too lonely, what if I were to die now don't you know that I would die lonely. You know how much my health has been deteriorating". *Sigh* the only grandchild he dotes on doesn't want anything to do with him. "I am so pitiful. It's okay if you don't want anything to do with me, after all I am just an old man." Old Master Boateng said with a big smile on his face. Although his voice might have sounded pitiful, his face looked so happy that anyone who heard him speaking was confused as to whether he was happy or sad. Yaa Boateng sighed as she shook her head. There was only one way to shake of this nagging old man off. Finally after a few seconds pause, she asked " fine, where do you want to meet?" When Old Master Boateng heard he questions, the smile on his face got even wider. His voice took a 360 turn as it changed from the pitiful voice to one filled with extreme joy as he said " let me book a reservation , I'll send you the address once I get one." "Bye then" she said as she hanged - up without waiting for the old man's reply. She stood up and went straight into the bathroom to take a shower. She checked her phone after she was done dressing half an hour later. Sure enough he had booked a reservation for a very expensive restaurant. What could she do, she knew if she bucked out now he would just try to blackmail her emotionally. Too bad those things never worked in her. ****** Forty-five minutes later, a cab pulled up at the entrance of a well knowed Ghanaian medicinal restaurant and Yaa got out after paying the cap driver. As expected, the restaurant manager was waiting for her at the entrance. Luckily, she had remembered to put on the face mask before getting out of the cap to avoid unnecessary attention. "Miss Boateng, welcome." The restaurant manager greeted her with a slight bow and she nodded to acknowledge him. "Old Master Boateng is in the private room, come on, this way, let me direct you there." A waiter who happened to pass by looked at his boss and was confused. Why would his boss respectfully greet and treat this girl differently. Sure enough, she must be one of those rich brats who used their parents influence by - heartly. He looked at the young lady carefully, even in a mask, he could tell she was a beauty but did she think this place was so stinking that she had to wear a mask. *Tsk, tsk these rich people sure liked to show off and his poor boss had to put up with such an insult. He shook his head sadly as he passed bye. He surely had a bad impression of Yaa Boateng. Unbeknownst to Yaa Boateng who had followed the restaurant manager to the private room, she had just gained herself a new hater without even knowing. " Morning Grandfather." greeted Yaa as she seated after the manager had left. "Yayaa" She was greeted back by her grandfather in a soft and loving voice. If the paparazzi were to be present, they would have passed out due to sheer excitement and shock. Old Master Boateng who was known as a sly fox in the business industry, who was known to not care for any of his grandchildren and the same man who had chosen an outsider over his own son as the vice president of the Boateng corporation, was actually speaking in a soft and loving voice. Sure this would have made news of the year and would be a jackpot for any reporter who got his hands on this piece of news. A few minutes after they had placed their orders, their orders arrived and they ate in silence. After the meals, they chatted about the company, how they where faring, and of course, old master Boateng took advantage of the situation to try to persuade her into inheriting his company to which she mercilessly disagreed with the excuse that she had to focus on her company for the time being. He had been pestering her with the suggestion over again. Gradually, she was getting annoyed of having to turn down his offer over and over again. Finally, after they chatted for a few more minutes, they patted with her grandfather reminding her for the umpteenth time about their meeting later in the office. Old master Boateng needed a consultant and naturally since he had a naturally born genius, he hired her. Though the outer world didn't know of her potential, he knew it and had taken it upon himself to help nuture it. He didn't know why but his granddaughter had insisted on keeping it a secret so apart from him and his secretary, know one else knew that she was the well known and sort after 'consultant Y'.
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