chapter 3

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"What do you intend to do?" Emily heard her sister ask as she chilled on the hotel room's couch. "What do you mean?" "I'm talking about Alexander. Everything else in your life is obviously sorted out." "What about Alexander, Anna?" "Did you forget how he attacked you as soon as he saw you earlier? He somehow has the assumption that you're going to ruin his wedding. He will not leave you be." "Both you and I know I have no intention to do so. I was obliged to come. I will immerse myself in work while I'm here, attend the damn wedding and head back to Paris." "You will meet in the company though." "I do not intend to leave my office. Besides we're in different branches. The chances of us actually  meeting are very slim." "So, have you ever met his fiancé?" "No Anna, I didn't. I don't even know her name. He got engaged on the night I left, remember?" "Well, you didn't miss much. She's an arrogant piece of trash." "You shouldn't talk like that about her. " "Can you stop being nice?" "Can you stop talking s**t about people, sis?" "I am stating the truth. She is a spoiled brat. Alexander didn't even meet her until the night of the engagement." "And how did you know that?" "I heard him talking with Adam." "I do not believe Adam or his brother would let you know about that. So, how did you actually find out." "I was visiting dad in the company when I accidentally passed by Adam's office and heard the brothers talking." "You mean you were stalking Adam again and heard it while you were spying on them?" "That's exactly what I said. " "Is it now?" "Can you please shut up for a moment and focus on the main topic. He does not have feelings for the b***h, which means you still have a chance to get that Braxton hunk." "Honey, I do believe the said Braxton hunk does not have feelings at all, to begin with. You clearly heard what he said at the airport lobby. If what you said is true then it's clearly an arranged marriage." "Will you let that stop you."  "Actually, yes I will. An arranged marriage means Alexander has a benefit from it. That is more than enough reason for you to be convinced that there's no chance for me." "So you're giving up on your prince charming Emmy." "You're blinded by your fantasies of a perfect romance Anna. Not every prince is charming and Alexander Braxton certainly is not one. At least he's no my own prince charming. I left for Paris to get over him." "You love him though." "And that's pretty stupid of me. I can't keep dragging myself down. I can't let him bully me like all those years. I have to stop loving him for my own good." "Well, you know what's best for you. You should come to me whenever you need me. I have your back sweety pie." "thanks. Now off to another subject. How is the business school doing with you, Anna?" "terrible. You know I never agreed to attend that hell hole in the first place." "If only mom and dad let you pursue your dreams to become a chef. I am sorry I couldn't convince them." "well at least they promised to allow me to get a culinary degree after I get this one." "I'm glad you still have a chance sweety. Now I'm going to sleep. I feel extremely tired." "I'll go to sleep too. I have to go to college tomorrow after I get you home." "Let's cuddle." "I was about to say that girl." She stood in front of the living room. That door was the only thing separating her from her parents. She didn't have any problems with them. She just felt anxious about meeting them after seven months. And Anna had to go and dump her as soon as she reached the house. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door before pushing it open and entering. She was met by her parents sitting opposite each other drinking their usual morning tea. She felt relief as she saw the look on their faces turn into a warm one. She quickly reached for her dad and hugged him. It was a well-known fact that she was a daddy's girl. He spoiled her rotten. That, however, didn't mean he wasn't strict when he needed to be. She had a blast talking to her parents the whole day. She had lunch with them. She then had her afternoon tea with her dad on the porch while her mom prepared her favorite meals for dinner. It was a blissful time until she retired to her room to sleep. This day was extremely comforting for her. She even forgot about Alexander and the anxiety that rose up in her mind every time she thought about him. That didn't mean that he didn't pop up in her thoughts as she drifted to sleep. It was a habit of his to visit her mind every time she went to bed.  
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