
My man


the girl a nurse named terrie a rich daughter of a government will fall in love with a man in the army and the man's name is neil, terrie and neil will become friends, they will meet in a tragedy that cannot be expected to happen that was in Terrie's life and that's when she met Neil, but it wasn't just Neil who would become Terrie's friend in the army because of Neil, Terrie would have many friends in the army, Terrie was the simple girl but not very friendly because she was taught her father told her to choose a friend that would be good, so terrie grew up not being friendly with people, she is always alone even now that she works as a nurse, she doesn't really have close people or friends at all but terrie is kind that's why that Neil fell in love with her and Terrie also fell in love with Neil




daddy louie(daddy's terrie)

driver(terrie's driver)

cian(neil friends army)

jade(neil friends army)

daniel(co army)

sheila(co nurse)

Dr ocampo(boss in hospital)


dr almar

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Chapter 1
*one day at the hospital Terrie was coming home from work because she was a nurse at the hospital, that's when she was on her way home and her dad called her to remind her to go home straight away because her dad loved her so much because she was working in the government Terrie's father came from a rich family* *calling on phone* ring ring ring... *terrie answers the phone* terrie: hey dad, why? I'm going home daddy louie: hey my daughter go straight home ok don't go anywhere terrie: yes dad I know you are hot in the eyes of people so don't worry I will go straight home daddy louie:thats good where are you terrie: going to get in the car daddy louie: okay be careful.. give your phone to your driver so I can talk to your driver terrie: ok dad, bro, dad said to talk to you driver: ok ma'am, hello sir daddy louie: Take my daughter straight home ok driver: ok sir daddy louie: ok return the phone to terrie driver: yes sir, daddy louie: ok bye driver: bye sir *the driver returned terrie's cell phone and they traveled home to terrie's house but the unexpected happened* *terrie fell asleep later she woke up, she wondered why their car stopped, so she asked the driver* terrie: Brother, why did we stop? are we home? driver: not yet ma'am terrie: oh why did we stop? is it traffic? *terrie looked to see if there was traffic, she noticed that there wasn't, and she noticed that there were a lot of people outside the car* driver: because ma'am, the people outside our car don't want us to pass terrie: why *later someone opened terrie's car and forced terrie inside the car, terrie resisted until he stepped on the foot of the person taking him and was able to run but as he ran he heard a gunshot* boy: what ms terrie you won't come back here or we will kill your driver *terrie looked at the boys, the boys were holding her driver* driver: ma'am, help me, I'm begging you, ma'am *terrie walks back to the boys* boy: good, you're easy to talk too *the men let go of terrie's driver and terrie was taken by the men and put in the car and left leaving terrie's driver alone* *they tied terrie's hand and terrie spoke* terrie: please what do you need from me please let me go I'm begging you boy: we don't need anything from you but from your father we need something and you are the key to get what we need from your daddy terrie: what do you need from my daddy, has he done something bad to you, is it a politician, please if it's anything, please don't hurt dad boy: we won't hurt your daddy, and it's not about politics either, as long as we just need something from your daddy and that's a big help for us, besides, shut up, you have so many questions *terrie is still not silent, she is still trying to beg the men who took her, she is begging them to let her go* terrie: please, I'm begging you, please, I need to go home, please, I promised my daddy I'll go straight home, so let me go boy: tie up that mouth, it's very noisy, hurry up, tie up that mouth *they also tied terry's mouth, they also put a rope so that she could not speak, after a while terrie's cellphone ring but the man took it and turned off terrie's cellphone* *terrie was angry at what the man did because he turned off her cellphone and did not return it to her, terrie did nothing but cry* *in the men's house terrie was brought into a room* *the man removed the rope from terrie's mouth and terrie was able to speak again* terrie: please won't you let me go anyway, what do you need from my daddy, please boy: we haven't talked to your daddy yet terrie: He called earlier, why didn't you answer? boy: I want to be the one to call him, so you can keep quiet for now, I might lose my temper and hurt you, talk later when I talk to your daddy on the cellphone, do we understand each other? *terrie couldn't speak anymore, she just kept quiet, and on the other side her driver went home alone and terrie's daddy was also at their house* *someone knocked on the door of Terrie's house and it was Terrie's driver and Terrie's daddy immediately opened the door and asked the driver* daddy louie: oh what happened, where is Terrie, and one more thing, you said you would go straight home, I got home before you, and Terrie didn't answer my call, now I can't contact her, what happened *terrie's driver cries, but terrie's driver explains the whole incident* driver: sir, because Terrie was kidnapped by the men, she ran away, the men got me and the men fired a gun, so for the reason that ma'am Terrie came back to help me daddy louie: terrie came back to help you now she's the one in trouble, she shouldn't come back ,now where is she driver: I don't know sir, they just left me on the road while ma'am terrie got into the car and they left daddy louie: what hayyst ok wait i will call the police ah wait not police the army is needed to bring those people who fought against me wrongly driver: ok sir daddy louie: ok thank you sergent thank you you are really reliable ok ok bye driver: what's the news sir? daddy louie: there are armies coming here please tell the maids to prepare food and drinks driver: yes sir daddy louie: ok good *louie called a friend or someone he knew in the army who was high ranking so he called him to help him* *the army has already arrived at terrie's daddy's house and talked to louie* neil: hello sir im neil from army in the philippines daddy louie: ah ok come in neil: thank you sir daddy louie: so you are the ones sent by sergeant neil: yes sir and these are my companions jade: sir, hello, sir, I'm jade cian: im cian sir daddy louie: ok wait, I'll get you food and drinks first neil: don't, sir, we came here to help you cian: really, sir, I'm hungry too jade:me I want to drink water daddy louie: ok just wait *neil looks at his companions* cian: why is that food neil besides I'm hungry jade:me i really want to drink water because I didn't buy water and then the sergeant called us earlier, isn't it just annoying neil: Is it just you, but I hope you put it in the right place because it's embarrassing sometimes jade: we know that neil cian: heyyyystt are you neil aren't you hungry? *Neil didn't speak , Louie came back to give the food and drinks with the maids* cian: thank you sir daddy louie: its ok i also know that army work is tiring jade: don't worry sir we will help you right neil neil: yes sir daddy louie: That's good neil: so what's the problem sir, the sergeant said it's because of your daughter what happened to your daughter sir daddy louie: My daughter was kidnapped by men jade: sorry sir, why was your daughter kidnapped, how did it happen? weren't you with your daughter at that time? daddy louie: that time I was still in the office, you know I'm a government member, so I just trusted my daughter to my staff the time my daughter was kidnapped she was with her driver and her driver has been with us for a long time neil:so when your daughter was kidnapped you weren't by her side, and then the driver didn't do anything when your daughter was kidnapped daddy louie:exactly because there were many men who kidnapped my daughter, my daughter driver said that they were have guns, my daughter tried to run away, but one of the men fired a gun, so that is the reason why came back my daughter instead of being safe, my daughter was scared because of the gunshots neil: don't worry sir we will do everything to get your daughter back daddy louie: thank you? *luoie's cell phone rang, it was the men who kidnapped terrie calling* *louie answered his cellphone and it was on loud speaker so that neil and the other army with neil could hear* daddy louie: hello boy: oh hi sir louie is that you daddy louie: yes who is this and why are you holding my daughter cellphone boy: oh common, don't you know yet, didn't your daughter's driver report to you what happened? daddy louie: what do you mean? boy: ok if you don't know yet I will tell you your daughter is here with me because I kidnapped her my friends and I kidnapped her now if you want her saved let's talk now daddy louie: ok lets talk, what do you need to give me back my daughter *the boy in the other lane didn't speak but they neil continued listening to the conversation between louie and the boy* *the man on the other lane of the call spoke again* boy: so sir you are asking what we need daddy louie: Yes, what do you need? boy: well, it's simple, right? You work for the government daddy louie: yes and why boy: so you have a lot of money *sir louie was quiet and he immediately found out what the men who kidnapped his daughter needed* boy: oh why are you silent? daddy louie: nothing so yes I'll answer you yes I have a lot of money because I work for the government and if that's all you need then I'm ready to give it but can I do a favor boy: ok what is that? daddy louie: I want to talk to my daughter if she is ok so I can be sure that she is alive boy: that's all there is no problem oh, talk to your daddy terrie: Daddy *Neil and other army hears Terrie's voice* terrie: daddy help me daddy please I'm begging daddy daddy andrew: yes, my daughter I will help you, I promise, I will bring you back to the house, ok, don't worry, I will save you, my daughter boy: oh you heard daddy andrew: yes thank you boy: don't be thankful because what we need remember we need 1 million so tomorrow bring it here daddy andrew: ok, what address? boy: in quiapo there in dibesoria there we will meet, do you understand? daddy andrew: Ok dibesoria boy: and you're the only one who won't take anyone with you daddy Andrew: how can i be sure i can get my daughter back here boy: don't worry, I have a word for you, and ok take your daughter driver with you so you can be sure of what you are saying daddy andrew: ok, I'll take my daughter driver with me boy: ok ok toot toot... *the call of the man who called Louie has ended* neil: so tomorrow sir don't worry we will get your daughter back here daddy andrew: thank you,so what's the plan? neil: It's like you said to the man, sir, that you will take your daughter's driver with you, it's okay, we're just behind you, don't worry about their every move tomorrow, there will be no way daddy andrew: ok, just make sure cian: yes sir? daddy andrew: ok are you going home or are you going to rest here first? jade: If it's okay with you, sir, we'll rest here so we can rescue your daughter earlier daddy andrew: yes, that's better because I'm excited to see and save my daughter life *neil just smiled and ate and tomorrow they will be early to save terrie*

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