
The Mafia & The Queen Bee


“Mia! We have a meeting in ten minutes! What the f**k are you doing here?” Archer fumed as he walked in the kitchen.

“I’m just having my breakfast, Arch.” I sighed. “I’m hungry.” I pouted.

Archer glared at Marcus, making him gulp as he stood up and disappeared somewhere in the storage room behind the kitchen.

“Great! Now you’ve scared my favourite chef!” I huffed, throwing my hands up in the air.

“It’s not a time to joke, Mia. Hurry up!” Archer snapped at me.

“Would you calm down, Arch? Don’t be such a senseless idiot.” I huffed as I got up, leaving my pancakes.

“Do I need to remind you that you’re talking to your boss? Your dangerous boss?” Archer hissed.

“I already know who I am talking to. The man who’s got no chill.” I glared at him before I took my leftovers and put them away for me to eat after the meeting.

Now off to the meeting we go!

She had the typical cliché story.

The queen b***h in her school ruled over her peers while she dated the quarterback from the football team. A newbie good girl entered the picture and changed everything. After bunch of heartbreaks, stupid pranks, teenage jealousy and stuff, the quarterback fell for the new girl and everyone called it a happy ending.

But it wasn’t so happy for our girl. Because she wasn’t the good girl. She was the bad one.

She was the rich and bitchy queen bee.

When high school ended with her boyfriend of more than three years who was now her ex, vowing to keep some other girl happy forever, our girl lost it.

She knew that with high school, her days of being popular were over. So she decided to go wild, doing whatever she wanted. After all, she no longer had anything to lose!

Her parents never really cared and she didn’t exactly have any real friends either.

So she let life take her wherever it desired.

What she didn’t know was that such recklessness will lead her directly to the most feared mafia boss of all times!

How could she have guessed that going to a popular club with fake ID and boldly dancing on top of a table will catch the eye of some dangerous people?

And how could she have known that it’ll also get her into some serious trouble when suddenly, gunshots are being fired all around her?

Leaving a young super drunk girl alone in the night after she had witnessed him shooting a dozen of enemies was something the mafia leader couldn’t do.

That’s why he took her with him.

That is how this story begins…

Turns out, our girl wasn’t just a pretty face!

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Chapter 1: It’s Daytime
I woke up feeling groggy and totally out of it. I knew that I wasn’t in my room at my house but I was not so surprisingly calm about being at a stranger’s house. After all, he did save my life last night… Even if I didn’t need any saving. And as far as I knew, I wasn’t dead. I knew that I was fine since I couldn’t feel any pain anywhere except in my arm which some weird guy had gripped onto a little tighter than necessary. Well, whatever. I was visibly unharmed… And still in the same short dress that I wore to the club last night. That’s a good sign, right? I had had a lot to drink the night before but as usual, I didn’t have any hangover. Yeah, I have that superpower. I got up and got out of bed, finding my heels near the couch. Okay… I quickly wore my heels and combed through my hair with my fingers without the aid of a mirror before opening the door which I could only guess was the exit. I was shocked to see the well lit hallway which looked too formal with the fancy lights and art pieces to belong to a normal house. Did I somehow end up in a mansion? It wouldn’t be the first time! But it would definitely be the first time I woke up in a mansion after witnessing an unexpected shootout at a bar! Now that was what one could call fun! The house wasn’t quiet though. I could hear voices nearby. A lot of them. “What the hell are you doing here?” An angry voice spoke up behind me, making me almost jump. I turned around to find a guy I vaguely remembered seeing at the club last night. Maybe he was the one who brought me here… The guy looked tall and well built. He was most probably over six feet tall and had dark blonde hair with chocolate-brown eyes. He could pass for a male model anytime! “I was just looking for the exit.” I shrugged. “You can’t leave yet! We are going to question you first!” He spoke firmly as he walked up to me and tightly gripped my upper arm. His grip wasn’t hurting me but it did make me realise that he could really do some serious damage. “Question me? About what?” I frowned in confusion. “About what you witnessed last night.” The guy spoke through gritted teeth. Hmm… I did witness a shootout between people who didn’t look even close to what police officers are supposed to look like. And I don’t remember seeing any badges either. So my only guess was that it was a mafia thing. And this guy’s hostility was proving my thoughts to be correct. But I wasn’t surprised given the reputation of the club I went to wasn’t exactly good. But that was what I was looking for. Something that wasn’t safe. Something that was wild and dangerous. That’s what living on the edge is, right? And their serious lack of proper security also helped me enter the club with a fake ID that actually even looked fake. How else would an eighteen-year-old who just graduated from high school enter a super fun looking club which smelled like alcohol in a short skin-tight excuse of a dress? “I remember being drunk out of my mind and dancing with sweaty bodies.” I told the guy who was now glaring at me. “Is that all you remember?” he raised an eyebrow in question. It’s not like I’m not allowed to lie! To be honest, lying is the only thing I’m good at… Well that and attracting horny high school boys. “I do remember the outlines of a rather muscular and tall guy who asked me to dance with him.” I shrugged. “If that’s it… Then maybe we can let you go.” His voice was unsure as he said that. “Well, good! Because I wanna go home and sleep till Monday!” I huffed. “Today is Monday.” The stranger frowned. “Of next week.” I elaborated, making the stranger roll his eyes at me. “I’ll lead you out.” The stranger sighed as he started walking. I silently followed behind him, trying my best not to smirk at his naiveness. He can’t seriously be a part of a mafia group! I mean, he is built for the job, standing above 6 feet and even had that intimidating look but I thought that mafia people weren’t this easy to fool. This is too easy! I guess that I won’t be stuck in a house full of gang members like a damsel in distress… That would have been a great adventure… Anyways, I knew that my wild night at the club wouldn’t actually turn my lonely boring life into something more. I was meant to be alone. Always and forever. That was the only thing I could count on. We came to a staircase and the stranger didn’t even turn to look if I was following as he led me down the stairs to somewhere where I could hear a lot of chatter. Confidence is the key. I reminded myself of my mantra that got me through four years of high school. But all thoughts faded away when we reached the bottom of the staircase and I saw a blonde woman raising a gun to a guy’s head and without any warning whatsoever, she pulled the trigger. The loud bang made my ears ring but I couldn’t do anything. I was frozen. My eyes turned wide in shock as my brain processed what I had just seen. I had seen someone getting murdered. A human being. Someone just died right in front of my eyes. And there was absolutely nothing natural about his death! Well, except for how a person naturally dies when a bullet goes into their head… But I had seen similar things last night at the club too. I was just too drunk to care… Or react… Who am I even kidding here?! I did react. I was cheering for the side that had some really good looking men… And I’m pretty sure it was these people’s side… At least I did cheer for Mr. Naïve! That's living on the edge, right? Besides, that might just make them go easy on me, right? “What is she doing down here?” A seriously unreal looking Greek god asked as his eyes fell on me. He definitely isn’t real! The Greek god was for sure above six feet tall and the shirt he wore did little to hide how well built he was. His hair was dark, almost black, and his eyes were the most enchanting electric blue with black tint on the outline. How did I not see him before?! But I remember his enchanting eyes. He was the one who saved me last night. And I’m pretty sure I remember him picking me up in his arms and taking me to his car before I passed out. “She didn’t remember anything from last night so I was just leading her out.” The guy I had been following replied before looking at the dead body and then at me. “Why did you turn off all the lights and make it all so dark in here?” I spoke as I tried to act like I couldn't see anything. “Uh… It’s daytime.” the guy frowned in confusion as he looked around the well lit room. “Why can I not see or hear anything?! Am I blind and deaf?!” I gasped. “Why can I not even hear my own voice?!” I added for good measure as I broke down, fake tears rolling down my cheeks. One good thing that came out of the four years I wasted in high school was that I knew how to create drama. I was always in the middle of everything dramatic that occurred in the school so I knew well enough how to turn on those faucets in my eyes on command. “Guys, we need to take this poor girl to the hospital now! I think the gunshot somehow made her lose her sight and made her deaf!” The innocent and naïve guy said as he looked at me with panic on his face. Oh god! How can he fall for that?! And how can he still be a part of this crew that murders people?! “Nice try, sweetheart. But the rest of us aren’t falling for your theatrics.” The Greek god rolled his eyes. The naïve guy frowned in confusion. This poor guy is definitely not in the mafia! I huffed as I wiped my tears off of my cheeks and rolled my eyes. “I had to try! I wasn’t just going to be a f*****g damsel in distress and let you keep me captive.” I shrugged nonchalantly. I wasn’t really worried. Nobody would even know that I was missing if they kill me and throw my body somewhere in a dark alleyway. Nobody in my life cared enough to check up on me. And if they do find out, it wouldn't be anytime soon. Maybe a few years or so later but definitely not now or in the near future. That was what I wanted to forget by going on stupid dangerous adventures anyway! And even if they do kill me, at least I’ll go out in an unexpected way rather than dying in a hospital when I’m old and wrinkly! “You’re not scared?” The women who murder a guy just a few minutes ago asked me with an amused expression on her face. “Well, I’m not really a threat to you guys. So, you guys wouldn’t want to waste your time torturing me anyway.” I spoke with zero expressions on my face. “How are you not a threat?! You’ve witnessed a murder! And lord knows how many more last night!” The naïve guy threw his hands up incredulously. So he finally caught up with everything… “What can I even do? I can’t go to the police because revealing your crimes would lead to me having to explain why I was even in the club while I’m underaged and I just don’t see myself in prison.” I explained. “Prisons aren’t exactly that bad.” Ms. Murderer commented. “Do they have mani-pedi facilities? Or facials? Do they offer a big closet full of all my branded dresses and heels?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “They don’t. And that’s something I cannot exactly survive.” I sassed. Playing with fire, check! I’m definitely not dying when I’m wrinkly and old! “I like her.” The woman chuckled at the Greek god before she walked away. “Lock her up in the room she was in. We’ll deal with her later.” The Greek god glared at the naïve guy before he too walked away. Well… That was nice. “What are you guys? A small group of murderers or something?” I asked the naïve guy as he took hold of my arm and dragged me back upstairs. “This is serious business, little girl. This is mafia business.” he replied darkly. Really? They let such naïve and foolish people be a part of something that even the richest of the rich fear? I really can’t believe this! What will he tell me next? That aliens are real? What a bunch of losers! Couldn’t I have at least ended up with a drug dealer or something? That would’ve been way cooler! “There’s no way someone as naïve as you could be a part of the mafia.” I commented as we reached the room I woke up in. “But I am. Since birth.” the guy smirked as he pushed me in the room. “I guess anyone can be anything nowadays!” I mumbled under my breath as the guy locked the door from the outside. Crap! This is nothing different from when I was back at home. Alone with my thoughts. The only difference is that I’m now in a house full of people who might or might not be a part of the mafia. Well, it’s still a lot better than facing the jackass of an ex who left our relationship of more than three years for the new girl in senior year of high school! Ugh! I need alcohol! ASAP! Hey! On the bright side, at least there’s someone worth staring at in this place! That is if they let me out first… So I guess I’m back to square one again. Back to my old friend, loneliness…

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