Chapter Ten: Brother

1113 Words
What is right remains right even if no one is doing it and wrong remains wrong even if everyone is doing it. The problem most people face is not knowing the difference between right and wrong, now that I think about it, I’ve never really made any choice in my life, all my life, I’ve done what my superiors have told me to, I’ve never really been free, my dad controlled my life at first, then, the league of light raised me and tried telling me what was in their own perception, right and wrong. That doesn’t make me right, neither does it mean I am doing the right thing, I don’t know what was right or wrong, had I actually killed the member’s of team beta even if it was indirectly, I was so lost in thought that I almost didn’t notice the power going off. I thought to myself, okay, that’s super weird, I’ve never seen or heard of that happening here, I was about to go out to see what was happening when I heard the knock on my door, my heart skipped a beat and the moment I heard it again, my heartbeat got irregular, I was really scared, I knew it was my dad, he had finally come for me, I was on my way to push the emergency button when I heard Kamal’s voice, he called out to me, instructing me to let him in which was something I reluctantly did. He walked in and for the first time ever, I saw Kamal in normal clothing, dressed like a normal person, he was of course still beaming with smiles as usual and I couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked, but I noticed something else, that was not the case, he was beautiful, he had a beautiful face, his face was not masculine, he resembled his mother, perhaps that was why we looked nothing alike. I was of the opinion that he wore normal clothes because it was so early in the morning but he was going to give me another reason later on. I told him a simple welcome and asked him what he’d been up to, he simply said to me, “No good”. I looked at him confused and asked him what he meant by no good, I asked him if my question was no good to him but he only smiled and looked at me. He simply told me that he was answering my question, since I asked him what he had been up to, he was letting me understand he was up to visibly no good. I looked at him and swallowed, he must have noticed I was uneasy because the next thing he told me was “Relax brother, I’m here to talk”. I looked at him sternly and told him to speak. He smiled again and told me to sit which I vehemently refused to do, he looked at me and simply said very well brother. He said to me, “listen to me carefully, I killed the electricity in your area so no one would notice me coming here, but I needed to come see you, I needed to tell you the truth”. I looked at him dumb founded and asked him what truth he wanted to tell me, he looked at me and asked me if I wanted to defeat my father, I simply told him yes and looked at him like he was a thot, he then asked me if I wanted enough power to defeat my father, I told him yes while also reminding him he couldn’t give me what I wanted but then, he looked at me and told me I didn’t need power, I needed training, he told me a simple truth, it isn’t the weapon that’s strong or weak, it’s how the weapon is used. No matter how many resources you have, if you can’t use them properly, it’ll all come to waste. He asked me if I could use my mother’s electricity powers and after I told him no, he told me I was a powerful battery but I have chosen to keep my powers dormant, he told me I could absorb electricity and store them like a battery and then give the electricity out but in an amplified form, I thought of how overpowered that would make me. I asked him to teach me how and he promised to do so tomorrow, he electrocuted my electronic tag and I noticed it had stopped working normally, he told me to sneak out of my room and gave me coordinates to his own place, he did tell me to do it secretly and told me to ensure I told no one which I promised to do, something was just off about this tho, I could solemnly swear we were up to no good. I nodded and just then, Kamal told me he had to go and left me a note, telling me to only read it when I was in the bathroom and naked, I wanted to ask why but I knew better than to question Kamal, he bid me goodbye and told me to lock up and act like I just woke up, I wanted to ask why but he was already gone. A few minutes after he left, a few members of the league of light’s security corps arrived my home, they knocked on my door and told me an electro magnetic pulse had been set off somewhere along my area, it had fried every electric equipment from the area it was propagated to about ten leagues from there. They looked at me with suspicion and asked me if anyone had come to see me this morning, I tried to look as confused as possible and muttered no but they insisted on having a look around my house, I agreed to their request and like they were expecting me to say no, they simply said that won’t be necessary and left, I was rather scared but at least, I escaped it. The light came back on and I put my hands in my pocket, I wanted to go through the paper’s content, I wanted to hear what truth he had to say, I had to hear my BROTHER………………….
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