Chapter Nine: Prisoner

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I still didn’t understand something, there was something off about the general and Zack, I have never heard anything about Zack’s father and dare I say, he looked a lot like the general, well, there was only one way to find out, I would have to visit the records room but that would be rather impossible, you see, I was now on house arrest, if I stepped a foot away from my house, my legs immediately become impossible to move. I had another thought tho, the internet, I searched for the General’s full name, it was right there, Zachary Smith snr, I then searched for Zack’s name, it was simply Zachary Smith jnr, it all made sense now, the general was playing favourites, that petty old fool was playing favourites. I was so lost in thought of what I could do the general that I failed to hear the knock on the door, I did hear the fourth time tho. I opened the door and right in front of me were Jordan and Kamal, honestly, I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to anyone but I have been just so lonely, I invited them in and the next thing Kamal did was ask me if I kept a pig or more. I was so confused I had to ask him why after saying no. He looked around and rather than answer my question, he asked me another one, why is this place like a pigsty? He asked. I just shrugged and before I knew it, Kamal had started cleaning my house, Jordan joined in and I of course had no option but to join in. In about an hour, we were done and although they had done almost all the work, Jordan and Kamal thanked me for hosting them as my guests. Kamal was odd as usual, he wore a Patek Phillipe wristwatch, he wore a short sleeved t-shirt and shorts while donning an air Jordan retro four with party socks. He of course also wore his iced out Cuban Cuban links which looked beyond amazing. What I didn’t understand however was why he wore so much jewelry. He must have noticed me staring at his chain because the next thing he said to me was that he’d explain the secret to how he dresses to me but first, he had to take me through a lesson on history. I was eager to listen to him but I was still like why should I listen to you, he gave me a subtle smile and told me it was about my dad, trust me, that got all of my attention. He told me a rather gruesome story that was similar to mine but also beyond worse. It is believed that every member of the league of light were all formed from a radioactive liquid that made some people sick and strengthened others during exposure, the effects after exposure seemed to not last and thus, the government tried to find suitable solutions and a world class biologist found a way to multiply the liquid and ensure the effects lasted longer. The experiments and procedures were rather gruesome but then, power does come at a price. The procedure involved removing the subject’s heart, submerging it in the liquid for about ten seconds and then returning the heart back to the subject, by that time, the heart must have changed colour and pumped the blood in the colour of the heart. The project had flaws tho, it didn’t work for everyone, only those it strengthened and it also gave them different powers, and no two people had the same powers, it was also noticed that the offsprings of those with the powers also inherited their parents powers. Long before my dad met my mom, he was with Kamal’s mom and Kamal was his first son and child, (I was really happy I had an elder brother that was so cool but I’d rather go to hell than show it). He saw our dad kill his mom probably the same way I had seen my dad kill my mom, tearing out her heart and eating it. Apparently, our dad has the ability of force fields and his had super strength, the heart was rather corrosive and can’t be eaten unless you have a force field guiding it through your digestive system and ensuring it doesn’t touch any of your organs, our dad did that to his mom and then, to my mom, he got super strength from Kamal’s mom and the ability to absorb and release energy from my mom, probably why electricity no longer affected him. I wondered how Kamal could do a whole lot more than my dad but almost like he read my mind, he said to me “The source of my various abilities is due to having been injected with the radioactive liquid and using the force field to guide it to my heart”. I was renewed with hope, after all, there was a way to get power, enough power to defeat my dad and destroy the death squad. Kamal looked at me and smiled again, almost like he read my mind, he informed me that the liquid has been used up and the only way to get power was through having children and the power won’t get to me, it’d go to the child. I looked down but then, an idea struck me, I could take power like my dad, but then, would that not just make me exactly like him, perhaps, this was how he had also started, ideas turning into actions. I still had the urge to know how to do it tho, so, I asked Kamal to teach me how and after a few speculation, he agreed to teach me but he’d tell me how it’ll all go tomorrow, he and Jordan who looked kind of terrified then left my home, I looked at them as they left, it’d be just me, alone and depressed, I felt so lonely and I immediately thought to call Elizabeth but I remembered what she did to me, that was unforgivable, I thought of who else to call and that made me realise something. You never really realize how lonely you are until it’s the end of the day and you’ve got a lot of things to talk about but no one to talk to. I was in my home but I was still PRISONER………….
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