
Caged Alpha: Project Chimera


Casey Peterson, an Intelligence Specialist in the US Army, is called in to assist with an interrogation, which has not been going as planned, in the top secret military facility she works at. Little does she know that the subject in question is a werewolf, Brennan Blackwood, with a painful past. Casey can't help but feel pity for the man, locked up like a caged animal.

Over time their relationship blossoms through the bars of his caged cell, however, once people become suspicious of their ever-strengthening connection, Casey is reassigned to a new project and Brennan once again stops communicating with the military. As their their paths now head in different directions, the pain and devastation of the situation is too much for either of them to bear, and with the looming threat of Brennan being terminated as an 'unresponsive subject', Casey knows she has to act fast in a urgent bid to save him from a cruel and painful fate.

She hatches a daring escape plan, determined to secure his freedom once more as she grapples between her loyalties to both duty and morality. She knows she must confront the dangers of their forbidden love, even if it means risking her own freedom, or potentially even her life.

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Chapter 1
The hum of fluorescent lights buzzed above Casey Peterson's cluttered desk, casting a sterile glow over the mundane paperwork spread out before her. She sighed as she looked it over, acknowledging that it was going to take hours to get through it all. It was just another average, boring Tuesday at work for Casey, the only difference being that she worked in a highly classified military facility where she served as an Intelligence Specialist in the field of Cryptologic Linguistics. She was absorbed in the monotony of her duties, her focused eyes tracing the lines of reports and requisitions which were stacked in neat piles over her desk. As she scanned over what felt like an insurmountable mass of administrative work, her eye caught the photograph perched on the corner, obscured by a stack of files now. Casey reached over and picked it up, taking a moment to reminisce as her fingers traced the frame and a smile crept over her lips. The picture was of her and her younger brother, Kyle, and in the image they both looked so happy as they hugged one another in their matching Christmas sweaters. Sadly, the day had taken a turn for the worst shortly after the picture was taken, when Kyle had accidentally set the Christmas tree on fire, inadvertently killing Chester, the family dog. That was the year her mom had stopped smoking, she recalled with a resigned sigh as she returned the picture to the corner of her desk. Suddenly, a sharp knock echoed through her otherwise quiet office and shattered her focus. Startled by the sudden and unexpected interruption, Casey's gaze snapped up from the papers in front of her as she redirected her focus to the door in front of her desk. "Come in," she called out, quickly composing herself. Major Harris, one of her superiors, strode into the room, catching her off guard. He was a short, stocky, middle-aged man, probably at the upper end of his 40's, Casey thought to herself. He was bald, with brilliant blue eyes that seemed to pierce her very soul with the intensity of his gaze. Rising quickly from her chair, she stood at attention. "Major Harris, sir," she greeted, acknowledging his rank. "Specialist Peterson, we have a situation that we think you might be able to assist us with. I need to ask you to come with me," Major Harris's tone was urgent and serious. Casey even detected an undercurrent of nervousness beneath the formality as he rocked almost imperceptibly, shifting his weight anxiously from foot to foot. His brow glistened with a thin layer of sweat, and his large hands were balled up into tight fists. Casey hesitated for a moment, instinctively sensing that this was more than just a routine request. "Yes, sir," she replied, her own uncertainty veiled beneath a professional exterior. "Follow me," Major Harris commanded, turning on his heel without waiting to ensure she complied. Casey fell into step behind him, the steps of their boots resonating through the otherwise silent hallways. As they navigated through the facility, Casey's confusion grew. Major Harris was leading them toward a restricted area, one well above her level of access. As Major Harris' nervous energy became contagious, Casey found herself contemplating the mysterious summons, wondering what they could possibly want from her, a low-ranking Intelligence Specialist who had only been at the facility for three weeks, in this highly classified and restricted wing of the facility. The hall seemed to stretch on forever and the air was heavy with anticipation. Major Harris finally came to a halt outside a set of imposing blast doors which were flanked by two heavily armed guards. The door looked like something out of a doomsday bunker, Casey thought to herself. Without a word, the Major placed his hand on a scanner and the door emitted an audible beep, hissing open and granting them access. Casey noted another endless hallway stretching out before her. There were doorways on either side at evenly spaced intervals which were also fortified with thick blast doors. Each door had an armed guard posted outside it and Casey started to become more and more nervous as she tried to puzzle out why she, of all people, would have been called in to this, the most restricted, wing of the facility. She noted the sophisticated locking mechanisms on each door they passed, wondering about the purpose of such stringent security measures. Were they trying to keep people in or out, she wondered to herself. At last they came to a halt, stopping outside a door that looked like all the others, but before Major Harris had a chance to place his hand on the access scanner, the door began to hiss open, revealing an even higher-ranking officer. "Specialist Peterson, I'm General Armstrong," he introduced himself, cutting through the silence of the corridor. In sharp contrast to Major Harris, General Armstrong was exceptionally tall with a slim build. He had short sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes that held a friendliness she was not accustomed to seeing in these military men, but his demeanor exuded authority. "Major Slater mentioned to us that you have some expertise in non-verbal communication. We were hoping to put these skills to the test with one of our more difficult subjects," the General explained seriously. A sudden burst of anger and annoyance surged through Casey's veins, but she managed to keep it in check, not allowing her emotions to get the better of her as she addressed her superiors. Major Slater was the Head of Security in this facility. He also just so happened to be an ex-boyfriend of Casey's. She was not pleased to hear that she had been a topic of any discussion between him and these high-ranking military officials. Casey managed to push the thought to the back of her mind for the time being, but she was dead set on having a lengthy discussion with Rob Slater about keeping her private life just that. Private. Her initial confusion deepened as she replayed the General's request over in her head, having pushed the personal invasion by Major Slater to the back of her mind now. "General Armstrong, sir, I'm willing to help, but I'm not a professional in this field," she admitted, her military training urging her to be candid. "We're aware, Specialist Peterson. But we're desperate, and we don't have the luxury of time to bring in an expert," the General responded, a sense of urgency underscoring his words. With that, he saluted Major Harris, who politely took his leave, abandoning Casey with General Armstrong in these intimidating and unfamiliar surroundings. "Well, allow me to introduce you then," the General smirked as he entered the room, anticipating that Casey would follow him, which she did. The blast door closed behind her with a resounding thud, sealing her fate in a room filled with uncertainty and the echoes of secrets yet to be unveiled.

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