
The Devil’s Precious Dove

love at the first sight

Two souls, love at first sight, two families, one threat to ruin everything.

Can these two mafia families come together to fight against the common enemy? or will they destroy each other before it's too late?

Russian vs. Italian vs. American mafia.

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Prologue—Nachalo (The beginning)
Alexei’s Romanov POV It has been eighteen years since I had last seen my precious dove. Back then we were both held hostage by the American mafia. Just thinking about how terrified my dove was, watching me get beaten after a week of our captivity. Knowing she was watching, I made it my promise to keep her safe and protect her. My primary focus was to keep the fuckers’ primary attention onto myself. I would not allow them to land a hand on my dove. She became my only true weakness in this dark, f****d up world we all live in. I’m just glad I could keep her safe, till we had thought up of an escape plan after two more weeks of being held captive. After our planning and me finding the right information, I needed to inform my father about who had taken me.  It was time that I could reach in my back pocket and pull out my pocketknife. Once I had cut my ropes off. I made my way towards my dove. Grabbing the Bobby pin that was still in her hair from being in a bun even though a little messy, she was still breathtakingly beautiful, with her soft angelic features, her blood red hair and her bright sea foam green eyes. Helping her stand up on from being chained for the few weeks of being here. We both held onto each other’s hand, not letting each other go. Lacing my fingers with hers. We made our way towards the nearest exit. We both saw an open window we both could fit through. Looking both ways, keeping my guard up, I could pick my dove up and help her through the window first before I could crawl through it myself. Once we made it outside, I could locate a car. Running towards the car, thankful that some i***t left the car unlock with the keys in the ignition. Afterwards, I could take my dove back home to her adoptive parents. Knowing how worried they must have been. Even though I regret to leave her alone even after we had escaped. The only thing I could do was give her my family pendant. Were we the males give to our intended wives to be. I knew she was the only one for me. Making sure we had made a blood oath to each other, when in the future we would find each other and never leave each other ever again. She has always been on my mind. That was the day. My heart turned stone cold. My emotions were never one to come about. Not once have I allowed anyone to get between my cold exterior. Only my dove may see who I am as a person.  Shaking my head to rid my mind of the thoughts about my dove. Returning my attention back towards the pile of paperwork on my desk. Letting out a tired groan from the stress of the day. Meeting after meeting, phone calls, dealing with idiotic people who can’t figure s**t out on their own. Just not my day. Running my left hand through my hair stressfully. Trying to ignore everything that is happening around me. “Boss?” Sighing in annoyance, looking up from what I was reading on the report on the finance.  Letting a small tiny smile show on my tired face. “Ivan, what is the pleasure of you doing here?” Placing the report down onto my desk. Stretching out my arms above my head, rolling my neck side to side to release some tension. “Well, the i***t drug lord, Mr. Kotrova is here with his daughter” narrowing my icy blues towards my best friend and cousin. Leaning my elbows onto my desk, lacing my hands together in thought.  “Did he tell you why he is here from Moscow?” Raising one of my slender blonde eyebrows with a straight face. Seeing my cousin shake his head no. Sighing in utter frustration, knowing whatever this meeting is about. “other than this i***t, have you found my doves location?” Watching my cousin smile like an i***t. Narrowing my eyes in warning to him, clenching my jaw in warning. “Chill brother. The only thing I know, is she lives here in Boston? She works as a paediatrician at Boston Medical Centre.” Hearing this from Ivan, knowing how proud I am of my dove, reaching her goal to become the doctor she has always wanted to be. Trying to keep the smile off my face, before my i***t cousin says even more.  Rubbing my hand over my face to rid myself of the smile that wants to come out. “Find her, and report back to me” I said, shooing my cousin out of the room. Pressing a button on my office phone, waiting for my PA to answer.  “Yes, Mr. Romanov?” Sighing from the audacity of my PA and her stupid high pitch voice. “Claire, can you send in my client, please?” Ending the call with her, letting a shiver of disgust run down my spine. Turning myself around to stare out of my office window, thinking about my dove and what she was doing right now.  I found her when I was 19 years old, when Don De Rege had introduced that he had found his long-lost niece. Knowing who he was speaking about, I had talked with him about his niece. It was then when I knew it was my dove. Making sure the tracking chip activated in the pendant I had given her 18 years ago. I could keep a close eye on her and making sure I kept her safe at all costs. What I could not do was see her. It was not time for us to reunite just yet. Now, it was time I brought my dove home with me where she belongs. Hearing the door open, straightening up in my seat, making sure my suit was still in place. Turning back around with a straight no non sense face. Hiding behind this cold exterior.  “Mr. Kotrova, please have a seat.” I said disinterested. Waving my hand towards the seat in front of my desk. Crossing my arms across my large muscular chest. Ignoring how Anastasia was checking me out from her seat. “D’yavol, I came here to speak with you about uniting our families.” Raising one of my slender blonde eyebrows in questioning. “An, how would that work?” Letting my voice seep with anger through my deep Russian accent.  “By all means D’yavol, as you know you are at the prime age of needing an heir to run the Romanov line.” Narrowing my eyes even more clenching my hands onto my arms trying to fight the urge to pull my gun and shoot this i***t. “Alexei, baby! This union would benefit both parties. We will rule the mafia world together and have our own family.” Spoke the glupaya suka. Turning my icy cold eyes towards the suka, batting her eyelashes.  “Let me make one thing bloody f*****g clear. I will allow no one to weasel there way into my family. There will be no union.” Letting my voice run cold, seething with rage. I can feel my blood boil from hearing this stupid idea. Looking them both in the eyes, letting my anger show upon my sharp features. “Mr. Kotrova, if you value your life. You will never ask me of this ever again. Do you hear me?” Letting my voice drop an octave in my anger. “Yes D’yavol, understood” seeing the i***t stand up and grabbing his suka of a daughter out of my office. Ignoring Anastasia’s whining of not getting what she wants. Letting out a harsh deep breathe, trying to regulate my breathing. My chest rising harshly against my rib cage. “Mr. Romanov?” Lifting my head up hearing my PA Claire enter my office. “Yes, Claire?” Grabbing my phone and sending a text to my driver Theo to pick me up and take me back to the vault. “I could clear your schedule for today. You have a 9 am meeting with the CEO from a west corporation on Friday.” Nodding my head towards Claire. “Claire, you are free to leave for the day. I have pressing matters to attend to.” Not bothering to wait for her reply. I made my way down to the bottom floor, leaving the building. Seeing that Theo was here with my door open. Nodding my thanks to my driver. Getting into the backseat of the car, waiting for Theo to drive off.  “Theo, take me to the vault. You can go home afterwards.” seeing him nod his in thanks. Keeping my eyes glued to my phone, texting Ian, my main assassin within my family and the Russian mafia. Looking out the window watching the scenery pass by. I noticed we had made it to the vault. Getting out of the car, making my way inside the building where everything happens and goes down within my mafia. Ignoring everyone around me. Heading towards the elevator, pressing the ground button. Once there, I made my way towards the underground holding cells. Taking off my deep blue tie around my neck, next to go was my suit jacket. Finished, I undo my cuff links on both wrists. Rolling the sleeves up to my elbows. Showing off my muscular biceps, both arms covered in tribal sleeve tattoos with the Russian mafia twin viper snakes as well a rose vine attached with my doves name in Russian on my left bicep. Making my way toward the loud noise of screaming down the corridor. Stepping into the holding cell, watching the scene unfold before my eyes.  “Dovol’no” keeping my deep Russian accent loud and clear, stopping my men with the one word. “Ian, has he talked yet?” Grabbing my favourite weapon to use, when torturing for answers. “No, he won’t talk boss” nodding my head in understanding. Turning around to face the young man. Sighing from today’s stress, grabbing the turf of his hair, pulling his head back to face me head on. “Now, little man. Are you going to talk or do we need to keep playing some more?” Narrowing my eyes onto the young men who thought it would be a good idea to take what belongs to me. “f**k you, asshole!” Hearing this coming from his mouth, I grabbed my hunter’s knife from the display of my knives. Slowly running the blade on the side of his face, watching him shiver in fear. Flipping my hunter’s knife in my left hand, stabbing the little s**t in the right thigh. Hearing him scream bloody murder from what I had done. “Are you ready to talk?” Letting the young man’s head go, pulling out my knife from his thigh.  Watching the little s**t shake his head no. Sighing annoyed, grabbing my brass knuckles placing them on both of my hands. Landing a solid hard punch toward his already beaten, bruised face. Hearing the sick crack of a bone breaking, ignoring the sound, I continue my assault on the young man till he would talk.  “Stop! I’ll talk!” Raising one of my blonde slender eyebrows towards the beaten fool. “All right, then talk.” Turning away from the fool to take off my brass knuckles. In the corner of my eye, I noticed the moron passed away out tied to the chair. “Ian, when this fool wakes up. Make sure he f*****g talks, then kill him.” Walking towards the sink in the room away from the cell. “Yes, boss” nodding my head towards Ian, I made my way back to the elevator. Heading inside, pressing the top floor button that leads me to my two-bedroom apartment in the building. Opening up my front door, locking it behind me. Making sure I set my alarm system. I made my way towards my bedroom, putting my phone on charge.  Entering my bathroom, stripping out of my clothes, letting my naked body breathe from the strain. Made my way towards my shower stall, turning the head on, letting the warm water hit against my tired, tense body. Only thing on my mind was finding my dove, my queen. She is the only woman who has a hold of my stone icy heart. “Soon my dove. We will be together again” was my last thought. Finishing up my shower, I twisted everything off. Stepping out, I grabbed one of my towels, drying myself off, wrapping it around my waist. Making my way towards the walk-in closet. Putting the dirty towel in the laundry basket. I grabbed one of my boxer briefs, putting it on. Sighing from how stressful today was, especially with stupid Anastasia and her damn thoughts of us being together. Shivering from feeling the disgust of her words. Making my way towards my king-size bed, getting under my covers, the only thought on my mind was having my dove in my arms. Closing my eyes from the tiring day, in time I will have my dove with me. We will have our wedding, and no one is going to stop me. Letting the darkness of sleep consume me. “Soon”   

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