
Wolfe's Blind Moon

kickass heroine
another world

Werewolves have been hunted almost out of existence. The few that are left are protected by twin alpha wolves.

One fateful day, they travel into a human village and one of them finds his soulmate in a blind human girl named Tala.

The mateless twin wants to wait for his own mate, but unfortunately his wolf has a dark side and it becomes obsessed with Tala’s unmistakable strength despite her limitations, deeming her worthy to be his Luna instead.

Pursued by human hunters and warring between themselves, the brothers must protect their pack and each other, while Tala stays true to her own heart and defies the odds.

Will both brothers find the love and stability they seek?


✅ Strong and independent female characters

✅ unexpected twists at every turn and cliffhangers

✅ side stories that will keep you invested and in love

⛔ No toxic relationship between mates

⛔ No cheating, not a love triangle, NO MULTIPLE MATES

⛔ No abuse



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1 ~ Love at first song
In a little house on the edge of a quaint little village situated at the foot of a mountain, eighteen-year-old Tala lives alone. A young female of her age living alone shouldn't really be noteworthy, except perhaps due to the fact that Tala is also completely blind. She didn't use to be, but her eyesight had deteriorated slowly until a few years ago she just woke up to complete darkness. It was unsettling, to say the least. But not really unexpected. It was bound to happen sooner or later, just as it had to her mother. Tala already considers it a great fortune that at least she'd had a glimpse of the world around her before losing the battle to a hereditary condition. She has memories to look forward to and she'd made sure they were lovely ones. When her eyesight began to fail, her parents, bless their hearts, started preparing her early, building her memory and training her as much as they could, fearing the grim possibility of their daughter going blind one day, without them by her side. So they made sure she knows the whole house from memory, even the village paths. She memorized them even before her sight was completely gone and knows them like the back of her hand. Unfortunately, last year, her parents died, just a day apart, leaving her all alone in the dark world that surrounds her day and night. A girl more vulnerable would have broken down and lost hope, resigned to becoming dependent on relatives or friends. But her parents taught her better than that. She was raised to be a survivor and a fighter, and she's naturally independent to the bone. If not for the loneliness, she would have been content. She earns enough for herself, for food and other necessities, by performing in the village's only tavern as a singer, usually at night, when more patrons are coming to relax after a hard day's work. With such a lovely voice that attracts many listeners, the tavern pays more than willingly for her services. Maybe it's not quite a handsome salary but she can always trust the tavern keeper to be honest and fair with her, for he was her father's best friend. All in all, she's settled. Even without her sight, she was living a comfortable and quite ordinary life. Not too shabby for a blind girl. One summer night, while on the balcony of her room, having just returned from the tavern and enjoying the cool night breeze, Tala begins to hum softly and then sings a beautiful song she remembers from a dream the night before. She has never heard of it before but it is now ingrained in her memory for the dream had been lovely…or at least, what she remembers of it, which isn't much, only that she was dancing with the wind. And she had woken up very happy, with the song echoing in her head all day. Here comes the north windTo take my cares awayHere comes the north windTo ease my soul's despair Through the long dark night I battle demonsLurking under my bedpulling me undermessing with my head But all through the dark nightsthe north wind rattles my windowand I'm never alone, no, no...Not alone...not alone...as long as the north wind still blows And now the dawn is nearingand I feel the blessed wind risingand I wonder, I wonderWhat they mean when they sayThat life is a game we all play unfairThe more I think about itThe more I see the truth the time spent in lovingWas the best part of my youth... At the end of the song, a masculine voice joins her in a low and soothing baritone voice as she finishes singing the last words. She turns her head to where the voice comes from. "Hello? Who is there?" she calls. "What a beautiful moon I've been blessed with tonight. I have finally found you."

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