
2054 Words
 Celestina’s POV   This world is so much more than just humans, animals, and plants in it. There are species, factors of the world that are in the dark hidden from the limelight. Some humans know about it some don’t but they all prefer to stay away from us. I don’t know what I am but I know one thing that no supernatural being is willing to accept me as their own. I don’t like this world but I have learned to fight and survive. I want to make something out of my life, use these supernatural powers for good and find my destiny.   Before I take you through the journey of my life, I would like to introduce you to the biggest players of the supernatural world. There are shapeshifters, sirens, rugaru, dragons, wendigos, Topa and so many more but they stay hidden in dark for their own safety. The real players are witches, werewolves, and vampires who in the disguise of humans stay among the folks and live their life. Almost all the supernatural beings belong to the old world, Europe but after the war, they scattered all across the world; exposing them to the greater area.   Witches reside in covens and they have the powers of magic, elements of earth, souls, and many more. Witches consider themselves the most powerful being amongst the supernaturals as they have been here in this world since the dawn of time. They cast the spells to create many more beings. The witches and wizards belong originally to the Latin world.  The original families of the witches are Divine, Ostara, Wilma, Enchantress, and Beltane. These are the strongest covens of the world. They keep to themselves but can be fatal if triggered. These are the ones who pass as humans easily. My mother belongs to one of these covens, Divine but she likes to maintain her distance from them.   The balance of mind and body is very vital to the witches. There have been wars in the past due to exercising the powers for greed. Now, they have come to reside in peace with humans, the environment and the world. There are some who still want to fix things and get into power but there is a huge entity that prevents it from happening. I have been in search of that entity for a while now and I am very close to finding answers. I have to keep pushing to reach the finals step.   The next players and one of the strongest with their strengths are the werewolves. These beings are humans and wolves crossbreed. They were created by a curse by moon goddess on the humans. Six brothers from Italy revolted against the god and were cast with a curse of turning into a beast every full moon. The brothers were Lucius, Valois, Sirclair, Blackwood, Felix, and Rutherford. These are the originals of the werewolves and they are the strongest of all. They were originally from Italy.   Every werewolf has to turn on the full moon but these original families can alter it with their extreme concentration; other has to turn on the full moon. They have a wolf in them since the age of 12 and turn at the age of 15. The alphas turn at 14 making them the strongest in the pack. Many original families among the brothers are disappeared from the face of the world but a few original descendants are in America and Italy. The werewolves reside in packs with various ranks and their mates. I barely know anything about the mates and their connection but I will learn that soon.   Werewolves have a strong sense of smell, hearing, strength and they can feel the emotions around them. In their beast form, they have a heightened sense of literally everything. Their eyes reflect a different color if triggered by any emotion. I can turn anytime I want to; I can turn back on my own will. I have a heightened sense; I can recognize other werewolves around me. I think I got that from my father who is the direct descendant of the Lucius clan.   Werewolves were increasing in population all across the world. Before the war, the beasts were becoming a threat to the human tribes. A human tribe leader; Balthazar connected with a divine witch and created the most fatal supernatural being of the world. Thus, the third player was born; the Vampires. They feed on human blood and some on animal blood. They are the most hated species because of their diet but also their immortality. These supernatural beings believe in one thing that there should be a balance in nature and nature must not be defied. The making of the Vampires was against every principle of theirs and thus creating hate for the Vampires.   The turned vampires traveled around the world turning people and increasing their population. Now, in the 21st century, they have a dominant number and reside amongst humans in their own locality. They are originally from Rome but they don’t have a definite home. They have to keep on traveling as they don’t age and residing among the humans becomes difficult. Venus and Mars were the original brothers turned by Balthazar. Divine witches are the only ones who could cast the spell for the vampires and they have deserted the witch who helped Balthazar and termed them as a rogue.   This was the history of the three main species of the supernatural world and they are residing with humans in peace; well most of the time. I was able to know about these things from my parents but there are still many factors, secrets I have yet to discover. I am traveling around the States in hope of finding something that will explain my existence. My existence is alone a threat to many people but I don’t understand; I don’t want to hurt anyone, I have never hurt anyone.   Humans and supernatural beings live in a peace treaty but they know that danger and evil reside among them disguised as human beings. There are bodies, authorities who play as the bridge and ensure peace.  The population is denser in the eastern part of the States. So, I have been going around these places reading books, lores and meeting people.   My parents Marcus and Athena Lucius are the werewolves from the Lucius pack and witches from the Divine descendant in Greek. My dad was an Alpha living in his glory and leading his pack in Greece but he fell for a witch. That was completely unacceptable for their clans and covens; so they flew to the United States and resided in a small town in Florida. Felix Blue moon pack took them and my parents hid their real identity. Their life was back to normal and happy with each other.   I came along after few years and I was given a name after the moon goddess but none of us could keep Lucius last name. So, I was known as Celestina Jones daughter of Marcus and Athena Jones. I really considered my birth as a normal one but I couldn’t be more wrong. In my later years, I started to develop the tendency of witchcraft and was able to control things with my mind. My parents thought that I had inherited my mother’s side powers. But when I was 10 I started to feel the wolf inside me rising and struggling to come out. Then, they realized I was a hybrid but there were more secrets to uncover with time. I always maintained a low profile to keep us out of danger but at the age of 15, something blew my cover.   The pack didn’t want me and my parents in their pack and were ready to announce us rogue. So, I left Florida to save my parents and give them a happy life. I knew my absence would worry them but I can’t risk their lives. So, I did what I had to do and I started to move around and work in different places. My main mission of mine was to uncover the secrets and find my ancestors. I was not a hybrid but I didn’t know what I was?   My last stop for research and uncovering my complete essence was Fall Rivers. This town gave me a sense of home after a while of being on a run from Florida but at the same time, I felt danger lurking in this town. This town was a beautiful place with humans and nature but I was about to be surprised soon. Every year I come closer to discovering the facts about my power and I am sure at the age of 18 I will be able to uncover the whole true form.   I have been homeschooled till age 15 and I was glad my parents ensured my safety. I learned witchcraft from my mother but right now to prevent from alerting any witches I have kept my power in check by a restriction and cloaking spell. Now, I am here in Fall Rivers to complete the last year of high school. I wanted to enjoy my life as a normal teenager for once, go to proms, and enjoy parties. So, I enrolled in Fall River high school and took a break from online schools. My classes were supposed to begin tomorrow and I am here sitting in the town park preparing myself for my first day in high school.   I was here with my best friend Natalie Marshall. She was a human but her family knew about the things that lived in dark. She still doesn’t know completely about my identity as she left Florida when we were 12. Her parents were happy to have me here and they let me stay at their cabin near their house. I didn’t want to be a burden so I chose the cabin rather than their house. In the woods, I felt safe and I could let out my wolf anytime I wished without spooking them. The Marshalls were one of the few families who were aware of the supernatural aspect of the world.   Natalie and I were about to start our first day of senior year and I was nervous. There were new people, students and being the new toy for everyone was not something I wanted for myself. “You will be fine.” Natalie assured me whenever she saw I was worried. I picked up my sketchbook from the bench and packed my tote bag. With my coffee in one hand and last glance at the twilight on the sky, I left for the cabin.   We all had dinner together and I went back to the cabin to manage everything for the morning. In this little room, I have decorated with my old photographs, books, and little crafts which I used to make when I was little. So, tomorrow I was going to start my work as a part-time librarian in an antique book shop and as a waitress in the town’s infamous Mac’s restaurant. I needed the jobs to sustain myself without being a burden to anyone. Before I could go on with an attempt of normal I decided to let my wolf out for a run.   I took off my clothes and folded them near a tree and transformed into my wolf form. I started running in lapses around the woods and could feel the air hitting my fur. I kept on increasing my speed to let out all my frustration and feel free. After few lapses, I stopped near a river to clench my thirst. I heard some sounds across the river, my hearing got alerted. My wolf form can attract attention as it was milk-white. Only the original descendant’s families have complete white and black fur; others have some color mixed in their fur.   I took few steps back and got ready to run but I came across an absolute black wolf bigger than my size. His green eyes were fixed on my blue eyes and I felt like time stopped moving…
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