
Renaissance : Alliyah Bailey (English)

female lead
small town

I was murdered brutally.



I don't know what happened, but I came back to life... in my past.

I was given a chance to know who killed me.


It broke my heart to know who it was.

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White. All I could see was white. I looked around and there was no sign of anything. Just plain white. Was this heaven? I roamed my eyes at the ground and saw fogs covering all over it. Or was it clouds? My heartbeat suddenly quickened as I remembered what had happened to me. I was stabbed by someone I didn't know. I did not saw her because she was behind my back. Yes, her. I knew it was a woman. Based on her touch and her shadow. But because I was a coward, I didn't dare to fight back for my life. Instead, I stood still, and shock crept in me. Everything went so fast. In just a jiffy, I was lying on the floor, drowning with my blood. I could still feel the sharp edge of the knife buried on the side of my stomach. And the pain it gave me when she drastically disjunct the knife out of my body, was excruciating and tormenting. My hand immediately covered the wound but the blood wouldn't stop. She was not yet satisfied, because after she stabbed me on the side of my stomach, she then thrusted the knife on my left shoulder. I could already feel the blood rushing out down to my chest. Strength was slowly abandoning me and I was like a withered flower falling to the ground. I thought she was done but I was wrong. She faced me and because my room's light was turned off, it was only her shadow that I could see. I saw her lose the tie she was holding. I came back to my senses and immediately closed my eyes. I didn't want to remember what happened next. My palm turned into a fist. Just remembering that tragedy I was in, gave me goosebumps. I didn't know who was she. I couldn't recall that someone had a grudge against me. Everyone in town were my friends. So there was no way that someone could kill me that brutally, as if I had done something wrong. So, I guessed I was in heaven now. I couldn't survive that horrible incident. It was impossible to be still alive from that ruthless misfortune. I was startled when someone suddenly appeared in front of me. Her back was facing me that was why she didn't notice my presence. She was eating, I guessed. I was hearing her gobbled and the sound of a spoon on a plate, which made my supposition true. I was sure she was not an angel. She was like an ordinary girl with what she was wearing. She didn't have wings or halo either. I saw her move her head, "Oh come on! I'm eating can't you see?" She was pissed off by the tone of her voice. But to whom was she talking? Was she seeing something that I couldn't see? Was it a soul? A ghost? She was now turning slowly to face me. My eyes widened as she finally faced me. I stepped backward as my heart started to thump abnormally. "What? You scared of me?" she asked a bit annoyed. I couldn't find the right answer to her question so I remained silent. "You scared of someone who doesn't have a face..." she added as if she was used to telling it to other people. "What a weakling." She didn't have a face. It was blank. But based on her voice, I assumed she was a woman. What made me shocked even more was when she threw the plate and it just disappeared. "Yeah, I'm a woman." She could read my mind? "No, of course. I'm not a mind reader." She put her hands on the side of her hips. "You're expressions are too obvious." "Who are you?" Finally! I had opened my mouth and talked. She crossed her arms and tilted her head a little bit sideward. "I'm a nobody." My forehead furrowed at what she just said. Was she playing games with me? She moved forward two steps drawing closer to me. "I'm just someone who hates weak people. And obviously, I hate you." "Wha-What?" I asked in confusion. Why would she hate me? I didn't know her in the first place. "Let me ask you something... why are you here?" Somehow confused, I still managed to answer her. "Be... cause I'm dead?" "Yes, you are!" But I knew she has something to tell me. So I waited for her to speak again. "You were killed by someone you don't know. You never fight back to save your life. You trust people that easily. You befriend those filthy human beings and at the end of the day, talking behind your back. You're a total piece of trash. You're smiling at everyone even they don't smile back. Yes, you're rich, beautiful, but you don't have the brain." She paused for a while. "Oh, you have the brain, but once in your life, you never use your brain. Just sell it, for cheesecake's sake!" I was speechless. She was lying, right? "No, it's not true." As if I'm telling it to myself. "Oh geez!" She pressed her temples using her hands. "Wake up!" I shooked my head in disbelief. It couldn't be. Everyone was smiling back at me. Everyone liked me! Everyone— "Okay... if you say so. Then how come you're here?" It was like a bomb exploded in front of me. Yeah... why would I be here? "Sorry to tell you, but not everyone likes you. You can't please everyone. There's someone out there that envies you so much." I wantED to cry, but my tears were not cooperating. As if they were forbidden to come out. "I will give your life back." I looked at her confused. "What?" "You'll be back in your past life with the memories, of course," she answered. "But this time, a different you." "I... I don't understand." "I'm a witch, I'm was cursed by someone. To make the long story short, I appeared here every time someone got killed helplessly. I'll give back their lives and make them what they should be— fearless and strong." The wind blew that gave me chills. "But... you need to find out who killed you. Remember the date of your death. If you'll find out who killed you before your death, congratulations!" She clapped her hands. "If not, then you will never have the chance to know who killed you and you'll live here for the rest of your life." Am I dreaming? Or I was just hearing words? "There are two rules you should always remember. First, don't tell anyone. The moment you'll mention it to someone, you'll be back here and lose the chance. Of course, who would believe you?" She laughed, insert sarcasm. "Second, don't trust anyone." How? "Oh, before I forgot." She flipped her hair making it rest on her back. "Don't smile, you look like an id*ot." Still confused about what was happening, everything just went black.

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