Chapter 2

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Xavier looked at him. He could see that he was hurt. He did not know why but he assumed that maybe he thought that after he was married he will no longer come visit him or catch him whenever he fell from the tall trees. Alexander put on a smile on his face trying to hide the emotions he was feeling “Wow that is amazing. I am happy for you. Even though we won’t spend as much time after you are married I am still happy. I bet your wife to be is very pretty. She must be nice as well. You should not be this quiet after you get married or else your wife will be bored of you. Ohh yes, what is her name?” Xavier stared at his friend as he kept talking. He did not know how to feel. He thought that… “Xavier tell me her name.” Alexander asked with the smile on his face. It was beginning to fade. He could not fake it anymore. He was hurt that his only friend was going to get married and he will be alone again. “Her name is Alice but...” “She has a beautiful name”. With that said Alexander turned away from Xavier. He lay down and a tear fell from his eye. “Alexander I …” “Xavier I am really tired I will rest now. You should also rest.” Alexander said as he faked a yawn and wiped the tears in his eyes before Xavier could see them and closed his eyes. Xavier was about to reach out for him when the lady walked in. she was surprised that Alexander had slept already. She thought that he was going to stay up all night talking to Xavier. It is not always that he would sleep over actually this was his very first time. He handed the blanket to Xavier and she left for her room to sleep, leaving the boys alone. Xavier shook Alexander trying to wake him up but in vain. He thought to himself that he must have been really tired and he let him rest but little did he know that Alexander was awake as ever. He wanted to chat with his friend all night but now he regretted asking him what was wrong. Xavier also decided to hit the hay. In the middle of the night Alexander woke up. He called for Xavier in a whisper a couple of times. After making sure he was asleep he stared at the handsome face. He seemed so calm. He has never seen such a beautiful yet manly man before. Alice was sure a very lucky woman. As he stared at his flawless face he did something never in a million years he thought he would do. Thinking that nobody saw him he went back to sleep not knowing that his mother was watching him. Her heart instantly broke as she saw her son’s actions. She was not at all hurt by what he did because she knew her son very well but she was hurt by the secrecy. She knew then that something was not right between the two boys.   BACK IN THE MANSION Xavier’s father was not happy at all about his son's behavior. He felt as if his son betrayed him, disrespected him and tarnished his reputation in front of the Abram family. What must they be thinking of him now? They probably think that he is a weak man who cannot control his son. Penelope has tried everything to coax her husband but he was still angry. “I will beat that son of yours into pieces, do you hear me? How dare he acts like that towards me? Who does he think I am? I will hurt him, do you understand? I will hurt him just wait till he comes back!” Alfred was pacing up and down shouting at his innocent wife. He has had enough of Xavier and he was no longer going to tolerate it. “Ellen! Get over here now.” Alfred called for his trusted guard. Ellen has been working for the Quinn’s for as long as he can remember. He knew that Alfred was angry by the way he called for him. He quickly went to his master to avoid being scolded. “Yes master?” he asked politely with his head down. “Tomorrow morning, right after my son comes back from outside the city, gather men and destroy everything there. I don’t want even a cat left alive there.” Penelope was shocked as much as Ellen to hear what her husband was saying. How can he be so heartless? “Darling please don’t do such a thing. Xavier will be devastated if you do something like that. You know how much he dots on that boy. He is his only friend. Please don’t do this you will only push him away from us.” Tears were visible in Penelope’s eyes as she tried to keep calm as she yelled at his husband. Alfred on the other hand was not giving a damn about anything his wife said. His ego has been hurt by his son in front of some low lives and he was not going to let it go so easily. He shouted at his wife telling her that she does not understand that a man’s ego is very important and Xavier has hurt his ego and so he was bound to pay. That night lady Penelope did not close her eyes thinking about her son. This was going to break his heart and especially that it will be the doings of his own father was worse. Even though Sir Alfred assured her that Xavier was not going to find out about this matter, her heart was still not at ease. 
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