
Love me

LGBT+ Writing Contest
small town
first love

Xavier and Alexander have been friends since a very young age. As they grew up their bond became stronger not until Alfred , Xavier's father asked Xavier to marry a girl he had arranged for him. Of course Xavier was not going to agree because only one person ruled his heart. Because of being forced to marry, Xavier and his father's relationship perished and his one and only friend disappeared. Xavier was locked to never see his friend and the love of his life and forced to marry Alice. After years of being locked, he finally escapes and went on a long journey with many obstacles to find his friend. In what condition will he find his friend? Who is the one person who rules his heart and will that person ever love him back? Will they have a happy ending?

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LOVE ME ( chapter 1)
“Xavier catch me.” The 5 years old Alexander said as he jumped from a very tall tree. He carelessly jumps because he knows that Xavier would catch him no matter what. He closed his eyes as he fell and suddenly a pair of 6 years old arms caught him as he had expected. The two kids fall down but Alexander does not feel a thing as Xavier safely secure him by letting him fall on top of him. A happy Alexander could be heard laughing by his mother who was coming back from picking woods. She smiled as she saw his son at his happiest. Since they were out casts from the near town Basin, his son grew up without any friends. One day when she was returning from the town to buy some food for them, she saw a pack of wolves attacking Alexander. As she ran towards her son to fight the wolves, a boy almost the same age as Alexander suddenly showed up and fought the wolves fearlessly. The wolves ran away but the boy was badly injured. Even so not a single tear rolled down one of his eyes. ‘What a brave boy he is,’ she said. She took the boy and treated his wounds. He still kept quiet, but Alexander was crying his eyes out as if he was the one who was injured.   As she took a close look at the boy she was surprised by his features. He had flawless skin and a beautiful jaw line and bright blue eyes. She wondered to herself what the boy would look like after he grew up. He would surely be very handsome and women will throw themselves at him. Ever since then, the boy came once in a while to play with her son. Alexander grew really fond of him to such an extent that he trusted him with his life. Xavier did not speak much, he was unusually calm and collected for a 6 years old. “Alexander, Xavier, what are you two doing over there.” The two kids quickly got up as they heard the lady shout. Alexander ran towards his mother forever smiling. Xavier cleaned his clothes and stood at the same spot expressionless. “Mama Xavier and I were playing. Do you know what he did?” the lady looked at her son and smiled “what did he do?” she asked his son who looked so happy. “I fell from the tree and he caught me. Xavier is a very strong boy. Mama I also want to be as strong as Xavier so that I can catch him too.” The lady did not know what to say so she just smiled at his son and hugged him. Xavier approached them and when he reached them he greeted with respect to the lady. “I will leave first. It is getting dark hence I should head home.” Xavier said in a very sweet yet dominating voice. The words he said were very pleasant to hear. They flowed smoothly and they sounded as clean as he looked. After saying good bye Xavier left. He could hear the joyous Alexander telling his mother about what they did together. A rare smile formed in his thin lips and quickly faded away. He walked for about 6 minutes before he reached a beautiful mansion. It seemed like a place where a king would live. He walked inside towards the dining area. He sat on one of the chairs of the long golden table decorated with beautiful shiny vases and waited for his parents to join him. After a while his parents came down together and joined the little boy. “Xavier where have you been?” His father Alfred asked without even spearing a glance towards his son. Xavier kept silent and did not bother to answer instead he watched the maid as she served the food. “Xavier Quinn I asked where you have been!” His father roared. Even his mother Penelope was shook by his tone. “Darling please calm down don’t be angry he is still a young boy.” His wife tried to calm down her raged husband but went in vain. “He is not a mute he can answer. He’s been disappearing for days now and he won’t tell us where he goes. What if he causes trouble where he goes?”. “ I have been visiting a boy.” Xavier answered in the same sweet tone. “He lives outside the town with his mother.” After he said that he did not speak another word. He started to eat his food and after he was done he excused himself leaving his parents perplexed. They also did not understand their son like everybody else. Why would he even leave the town to discover people who lived outside the town? They did not know what to do with him and so they would let him be as he continued his visits to this boy. 13 YEARS LATER  The 2 boys were catching fish at the near lake. They have both grew into charming man. Xavier was very muscular and looked really innocent. He was a bit taller than Alexander. Alexander was less muscular but he did not lack the looks. He was goofy as always and he still jumped from tall trees and Xavier would catch him as he expected. Every time he caught him his golden brown eyes would glow with happiness. “Xavier I think these are enough. I am exhausted can we go back now.” Alexander said as he got up from his nap. He has been sleeping ever since they came to the lake and Xavier was the one doing all the work yet he was the one tired. Xavier did not say anything but he just nodded and took the bucket full of fish and carried them back to the house. When they reached they found the lady starting a fire to cook. She was surprised by the amount of fish they caught such that her mouth was left hanging. “So much, how did you two do it?” She asked. “I did by myself mom because I am very responsible, right Xavier?” Xavier smiled an almost unnoticeable smile as he nodded and let Alexander take all the credit for his hard work. His mother was not buying it though. He knew his son very well and he knew Xavier too. She did not do anything but smile and look at Xavier as she shook her heard.  “Xavier will you join us for dinner today. You always leave when we are about to eat. Tell me how will you know my mother’s amazing cooking skills if you do this mmh?” Alexander childishly argued with Xavier. With that said Xavier could not find it in his heart to refuse him again. This was probably the thousandth time he had asked him to eat with them and he always refused. Every time he did he could see the hurt in Alexander’s eyes. Today he could not refuse him as he was begging. He had even kneeled in front of him. He could not bear it so he agreed to stay. They had dinner and Xavier enjoyed eating with them. Alexander was not lying when he said his mother was a great cook but most importantly he liked eating with Alexander. He thought he was cute while eating. He would put too much food in his mouth making his cheeks look chubby. Though Alexander continuously stole food from his plate he did not mind at all. After having dinner they cleaned the dishes. It was already dark when Xavier left for home. As he got inside he met his furious father. “Where have you been? We waited for you for so long and you never showed up. Where you with that boy again? Didn’t I tell you not to meet him anymore! We had guest today. Do you know who they are?” Obviously Xavier did not know who they were but he still took a glance at them. It was a family along with their daughter. She looked very pretty but not amusing. She was acting all shy. Xavier looked back at his father and asked calmly, “what is happening father?” His mother quickly approached as she saw that her husband was not having whatever attitude Xavier was showing. She had to handle this before things go out of proportion. “Son please take a seat and let’s talk ok.” Xavier obediently took a seat with his back straight and chin up making him look ridiculously handsome. His mother proceeded to say, “Xavier you are now an adult and you need to start your own family. You need to have people you can love and protect with your life.” Xavier was moved by the words his mother said yet he did not change his expression. He knew what his mother meant yet he couldn’t help himself from asking what she meant by what she said. “What do you mean what does she mean? You are smart I know you know what she means.” His father roared. Xavier took an almost unheard deep breath and looked at the young lady seated at the sofa besides him and looked back at his mother. “Mother I will not marry this girl. I will chose who I will marry and when I will marry.” He said very calmly and stood from his seat. “If there is nothing else I will go and rest.” His actions triggered his father as he shot up from his chair and yelled at his son. “We were not asking for your opinion. You will marry Alice and that is that or else you can leave my home.” With that said Xavier began to move towards the door. He was about to reach when his mother called him. “My boy please. Your father did not mean that. Please come and sit and let’s talk about this. Alice is a really good girl she will make you happy and she is very beautiful as well. You will have beautiful babies.” His mother said with a smile even though her voice was filled with worry. She knew her son very well and he was not going to agree to this but her husband was stubborn. Xavier did not even turn as he told his parents that he was not coming back home that night and he will see them tomorrow for breakfast. His father was raged and quickly summoned the guards to follow him. After the guards came back, they told their master that Xavier went outside the town. His father knew exactly where he went and he was not happy about that. As Xavier approached the little hut in which his friend lived he could still see the light on. Alexander was surprised to see him enter the house at the same time he was very excited. “Xavier why are you here? Will you sleep with me tonight? Why did you leav…” Alexander was cut by his mom as he asked the trail of questions not even noticing one of the questions sounded a bit inappropriate. “Xavier please come in. I will go get a blanket for you in the laundry line.” The lady said as she walked out to get a blanket for Xavier. Alexander looked at the quiet Xavier. He is very quiet but at this moment his silence was unusual. “What is the matter Xavier? Why are you so silent? I mean you are usually silent but right now it is different. Are you hurt somewhere?” Alexander asked trying not to sound worried as he searched for the nonexistence wound. Finally Xavier raised his eyes and looked deep into Alexander’s eyes making Alexander stop his search. “My parents want me to marry.” Alexander gasped to his words an almost unheard gasp but nothing can escape Xavier’s ears. That is how he heard the little boy 13 years ago crying for help when he was exploring outside the town. He was walking along the path when he heard someone scream. It sounded like a little girl crying for help. As he rushed over he saw a pretty face that looked a bit untidy with tears running down its face. He followed the direction of the golden brown eyes to see a pack of baby wolves charging towards the child. He did not understand why they would be alone here without their mother. Maybe she had died. The screams of the boy brought him back. He rushed towards him. He stood before him with a stick and tried to shoo the wolves away. At last the wolves left but they left some scratches on him. A woman came running towards them. He assumed she was the boys’ mother. She quickly carried them both into her arms and ran towards a small hut probably consisting of three rooms. She quickly cleaned his wounds. The boy was still crying very much and Xavier found him very cute. How he can cry when he is not hurt, he thought to himself. The boy’s face was wet with tears and the traces of the tears could be seen from his dusty face. His cheeks were very chubby making it very hard for someone not to pinch them. His lips were small and plump and very pink. They were glossy like the boy just had some candy. That means they must taste very sweet as well. “What?” Alexander asked. He heard what Xavier told him but he could not believe it. He asked him again his eyes with a hint of tears, “what did you say?”.      

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