
Love is War

enimies to lovers

Year 4026, in a country called Gyro States where law and governance is broken, outlaws are everywhere causing chaos to its citizens. There are two major organizations at war, both are major illegal high-tech gun suppliers in the city. Reikou the heir of the throne inside the Yoshida organization, famously known as the Shinigami, is a quick witted warrior and an expert marksman who never miss his bullets. Vanessa also known as Nova is the second daughter of a mafia group led by the Smiths is famous for her ability to strengthen her muscles when she goes berserk that traumatize her enemies calling her the demon queen of the battle field. These two famous and dangerous entities are fated to face each other in their every battle.

Will war lead them to a more intimate relationship or war will take them to death of one another?

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“NOVA!” Alexis called onto me while she is busy shooting the enemies. Another turf war with the Yoshidas again. When that strange guy informed my family that they are planning to bring us down this war between families started. “We need your help! The Shinigami is here!” she shouted and I became more alert when I heard that damned name. One of the most fearsome individual in this war and once he sees you he will leave you dead with a bullet inside your head. But bad for him because I am not one of the people that is afraid to him because to my enemies I am a demon and known as berserker. I pulled out my knives and I started to crawl to find a better position where the Shinigami can’t see me. I acknowledge his skills with guns and the superhuman accuracy, and I will use this as my advantage in our battle. Hmm... This will do. I sneak behind these two goons that didn’t notice me because they are too busy firing their guns to my allies. I did not hesitate to stab them in the neck that resulted to their blood spraying everywhere. I splattered their blood on my knives to the ground because I don’t want it to dry up. I am confident in my overall physical strength and my speed? It’s too fast that my enemies can’t follow up. I dashed and slashed all the enemies that become in contact with me. I can proudly say that no one can defeat me in close range combat and when I am in the zone, this is when my enemies fears me the most. Some says that they saw a demon and some were left behind suffering from PSTD. I can’t blame them because I am well aware that I am that scary.. I saw the Shinigami’s whereabouts and it seems like that he still did not notice my presence. I saw him killing more of my men and if this continues our defeat will be inevitable. 30 fights and 30 draws and this is the day where I will dominate him in the battle. I decided to stop killing his men that may expose me to him and it is better to keep a low profile. I am relieved that I stopped those people who tried to reveal me. I entered this building quietly and this is where his sniping spot is. It is wise of me that I sharpened my blades earlier. Consider it as to honor his death. I went to the stair because he is in the 3rd floor of this building. My movements are fast but my footsteps are quiet so he can’t notice me, and when I reached the 3rd floor he is still busy raining down bullets. I ready my knives and I tiptoed towards him. “Oh no you don’t,” an unknown man quickly appeared from the shadows and tried to ambush me, he has a black mask that covers his entire face except for his eyes. A ninja perhaps. And because my senses are too sharp I easily blocked his katana. A lound cling can be heard from the entire place that ruined my sneak attack. “You still have a long way before you dream on defeating me,” I mocked him and he forced his katana to my blades. But when it comes to sheer strength I can easily overpower him and break his guard that causes him to lose balance. I quickly look at Shinigami but he is still busy raining down bullets to my men. I felt insulted for not bothering himself to notice. Is that how small am I to you? Well I’ll crush this fragile assistant of yours to gain that attention of yours. I quickly dashed towards this puny ninja and  I tried to crush his skull with these two knives but he quickly blocked it but I noticed his foothold that is about to collapse because he can’t handle my force the I use to pin him down. He broke my attack but he was outbalanced and he tried to stab me but I threw my knives into the air and catch his sword in time before stabbing me in the stomach. I kicked his left knee that resulted to lose his balance and I threw the sword back at him and catch my knives just in time. I slashed my knives at him but he successfully guarded my attacks. What happened? It’s like he became more faster than before. I back off, not to surrender, but to devise another plan to defeat this guy. I looked around at this place and noticed the pillars that would help me to move around with agility. I ran as quickly as possible and wall jumped on this pillars. He also jumped at the pillars, wall jumping the same as me. Looks like I got to use my abilities to defeat him. They call me berserker for no reason. I have the ability to pump my blood because of my strengthened organs and my physical strength will ramp up. My fighting style will change into a wild animal that attacks aimlessly at my enemies. No one ever won while I am in this state. My rage is incomparable than my normal self. My senses were sharpened and I felt my muscles stiffening. My veins are showing and I tightened my grip on my knives. I became faster and sharper. I pounced at this guy and pinned him into the ground. “No escaping now huh,” I hissed at him and pointed my knives into his neck but I don’t sense any fear nor see fear in his eyes. “This is the way of the ninjas,” he said and raised his hand with a casket in his hand.  The smoke suddenly came out of the casket in his hand. The smoke easily gets inside my mouth and suffocates my breathing which is my major weakness in this state cause I can be easily exhausted if I exited this state and before I enter this I accumulate oxygen inside. He easily escaped me and I used my hands to sweep the smoke around me. When the area is cleared with smoke and I coughed continuously, and both of them are gone. AGAIN! THERE IS NO WINNER! I’LL END THIS WAR BETWEEN US. I heard the wails of the sirens of police mobiles and I quickly fled the scene.

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