Chapter 16: The Starks

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"Veronica!," Mrs Stark hurried to see her daughter. They puller her in along with Arnold and the rest of the man who went to look for Veronica in the water. It could have been an exciting site because of the number of dolphins that showed up but because of what happened to Veronica Majority is focused on her. After she was brought back to the boat, Dr Arthur started to check and after a few second he started CPR and after 2 attempts she woke up and started throwing up water. They gave her a towel to cover herself. Mrs Stark was relieved to see her daughter breathing.  "Arnold, Thank you for finding my daughter," Mr Robert said  "Not at all Mr Robert, anyone would do the same as I did," he said They took Veronica to the Guest Cabin to change and rest, Mrs Stark stayed by her side.  After Rahul saw that Veronica is safe he went to his cabin to change and get Arnold a robe and handed the key to his cabin. "I'm sorry about your party Rahul," Mr Robert said "It's not your fault, we didn't expect this to happen. I have ordered that captain to cut our trip short and get back to town immediately so we can get Veronica checked in the hospital,"  "Thank you, Rahul," "No worries Uncle, I just hope she is alright," In the Guest Cabin, Veronica lies down after her Mom helped her changed. She is having a headache because of the stunt she made. "Good that you're safe now according to Dr Arthur," her Mom said "What happened to you? How did you fall? "I cannot remember," She said not wanting to discuss what happened "Did Rahul saved me?" "She went in to also look for you, but it was Arnold who got you first," "Not Rahul? How is that, I saw him run to my rescue first" "He did come to save you, but Arnold got to find you first. We were afraid because you guys went missing from the surface, but we were thankful that Arnold found you," "Where is Rahul, now?" They heard a knock on the door and it was Robert. "How are you Pumpkin?" "I am still alive, where is Rahul, why he didn't check on me?" "He went to aks the captain to turn the boat back so we can get you the Hospital and get you checked," he said as he sat beside his wife "He needs to check on his guests and make sure they are okay after what happened to you," he said, "and Dr Arthur said you needed to rest" "Daddy have you seen how he is getting close to Halea? He's not even looking at me anymore," "What are you talking about, I saw you with him when he arrived, he has spent his time with you during the boat ride. You are not his only guest, he also needs to care for his other guest," "How did you fell off the boat Veronica?" his father is now asking her in a very strong manner, "Did you jump, just because Rahul is talking to Arnold and Halea?"  She didn't look at him, "You promised me, Rahul will be my future husband," she said like a child in a tantrum "Veronica, this has gone too far. Why do you have to make a scene like that just to get his attention? What if Arnold and Rahul didn't manage to get you on time, we may have lost you. Have you ever think of that? Do you think he would want to marry by doing this?" Veronica is now crying, "Daddy, I want Rahul mine," she said hugging him "I will talk to him again about it but I cannot promise, he is a man of his own and not bound by David," "You have spoiled her too much, look at what she's doing at her self," Mrs Stark said, "do you think you can fo*ce him to marry your daughter? You heard what his step Dad said, his real father needs him to do something after graduation and there is no guarantee that he will stay in Vale," He even introduced Arnold today, who would be taking over his business," Mrs Stark said "I will try to reason with him," Robert said "And what if he said no?" Mrs Stark "Then Veronica need to accept it," he said Veronica's cry has become louder and like a kid, she's screaming in the pillow and stomping her feet. "Veronica, you have to stop it now," Mrs Stark said, "You're grown woman and not a kid," her Mom said "Just leave me alone," Veronica said "I will check where we are now, you have to prepare. When we land, we will bring you for a check-up," Robert said he stand and left. Robert went outside to check where they are. He found everyone is enjoying themselves even the boat is just a few minutes away to the port. Alcohol and more food are now being served. He saw Halea dancing with Arnold while Rahul is talking to some of his friends. He saw the closeness of Rahul and Halea but it was also the same closeness that Halea has with Arnold. And this whole marriage thing is just too much for Rahul who just turned 18, he can see that there's so much ahead of him marriage will not even be in his list if ever. Robert grabbed a drink and went to Rahul and his friends. "Uncle, how is Veronica?" Rahul asked "She is resting for a while, but she seems to be fine," "I've called your driver to stand by any minute now since we will arrive soon, I told him it's emergency and he will drive you to the Hospital," "Thank you, Rahul, What about your party?" "These hooligans they just wanted to drink and dance which we can do here at the boat so you don't have to worry about it," Captain has announced their arrival at the port. And this is a cue for Robert to get his wife and daughter. "Robert, let me come with you so I can tend to Veronica in the Hospital," Dr Arthur said "Thank you, Arthur, I appreciate the concern," "Not at all, I'm a doctor and this is my job," Robert fetches Mrs Stark and Veronica and brought her to the car. The doctor has accompanied there along with his wife while Halea stayed, "Don't worry Mrs Caelestes I will bring her home before 9 pm," Rahul said "Thank you, Rahul,"  At the car, Veronica looks at the laughing Halea and Rahul. She can see how Rahul looks at Halea and how he smiles more when he's with her. The car left the port and went to the hospital. Dr Arthur and his wife followed using their car. 
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