Chapter 17: Under the Moonlight

1120 Words
After Veronica and her family left Rahul felt relieved somehow. He went around checking on his friends and guest for those who still wanted to stay and party. The boat moved again just enough for some people to jump off and be able to swim or snorkel. After the boat has settled, he grabbed some beer and stayed at the top deck and looked at the horizon. He didn't notice Halea who is now by his side. "How are you doing?" Halea asked  "What do you mean?" Rahul  "Well after Veronica's incident and your birthday party plan, how are you now? "It's a bit stressful, I panicked for a while when I was not able to see her when I jump. I was really thankful when Andrew got her. For a moment there my mind stopped thinking," "Good that ok now, my Dad said she will be fine," "I just cannot imagine how did she fell," "You may want to ask her later-on and check how she is," Halea said "Yeah, I'll do that. How about you are you having fun at this party?" "Yeah, your cousin is fun to be with and also your classmates Ria, Beth and some of the boys. I was congratulating them on your win and I asked how did you do the decorations," That's good to know, that you are enjoying," The waiter came by and gave them some snacks. They were munching, when a wet Arnold came crushing the moment.  "What is this your eating?" he asked "It's an assorted cheese dip, there's tots, nachos, mini pizza and so on," Halea answered "Grr, it's cold I'll gonna grab some drinks first and get some towels," after he has a bite of shrimp "You will be graduating this year right," Halea asked after having some nachos "Yeah, two more months and I am done schooling," "What are your plans afterwards?" "I'll gonna take a break first, there’s something I need to do," "Is it okay to know what is it?" "It's a bit complicated but let's say, I'm trying to find out who I am," "Okay," "You've met David, right? He's my step, Dad. I am not his son and I wanted to know the other life I have apart from my Mom," "I see, it's understandable. Some people do want to know who they are and want they want. I heard of those even go to the monastery just trying to find answers,"  “I’m glad you understand,”  “Will you still stay in Vale?”  “I may need to travel from time to time but whenever I’m in Vale, I’ll spend time with you," he paused a little and continued, "Halea, I am not gonna ask you now but I want you to know how special you are to me. And when the time comes and you feel that you're ready for a relationship I hope even I am not here you would give me a chance,” he said looking at the blushing Halea.  “I don’t know what to say about it, I do enjoy your company a lot and I want to enjoy what we are having now. I don't think we need to complicate things," Halea looked at the wide sea as far as her eyes can see and looked back at Rahul who is closely watching her, "I am a little bit confused; you somehow make me confuse," she said. She somehow doesn't understand what Rahul's true intention, is he just investing in her feelings then would leave but would like her to also wait but he is not sure when he would come back. "What do you mean?" "Why do we need to worry about tomorrow, when we can start living today? Why do we need to complicate today for the uncertainty of tomorrow, don't you think by doing that you can ruin both today and tomorrow," "I am sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that, but I guess I am just being honest with you," "What is it that you were not supposed to say?" He took her hand and holds it, and she looked at him. And he placed her palms in his cheeks. "I like you Halea, and I am afraid that you are not ready to try this with me yet, so I am trying to secure a spot for the future," he then brought his lips to her wrist and gave a gentle peck as he closes his eyes, then opened and looked right into her. She felt that shivering sensation running through veins and that overwhelming emotion. There was that pull that makes her want to be in his embrace as if she just wanted to feel all of him.  She took her hand and say, "Why can you just simply ask me, you have been bold most of the time,". This is what she sometimes doesn't understand with Rahul, he will be sweet and gentle and then suddenly become bold and brave on another.  Then she saw that green light in his eyes again. Rahul once again took both her hands and looked at her in the eye. Halea felt the blood rushing in her veins and it felt like her face is so red and the weather becomes suddenly hot.  "I am honestly new at this," he paused and then continued, "Halea can we try, can you be my girlfriend?"   She can feel her heart and that overwhelming electric flowing out of it and bursting in her being. She maintained her composure, "I thought you would never ask," and she smiles, "Yes, I wanted you to be my boyfriend," He suddenly hugged her tight, "Yes, yes, woohoo," he said breaking his embrace and raising his hands as if he won a competition or something and been shouting at the ocean, "Did you hear that, she's my girlfriend and I am hers, woohoo," "Hey, stop screaming!" Halea said stopping Rahul He hugged her once again and so was she. The ocean and the moon were their witnesses, and it felt like the moon beamed brighter to them and the sky became clear from clouds and the stars twinkle above. Halea knows that it is all proceeding too fast, she was not expecting this will happen today, but after all the things that they are experiencing she felt that this was just right, it's better to experience all of this now while they are young. After all, they won't be able to come back in time just to make it happen again.   "You make me so happy Halea," he said while he looks at her, "Can I kiss you?"  She nods in confirmation and their lips locked, it started from a peck and then his lips move and she slightly opened her mouth gently, passionately, squeezing their body together, her hands move holding the back of his head while his hands wrapped her waist. They've shared the sweetness of their first kiss and eventually parted to grasp some air.
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