Chapter 19: Being Friends

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It's been days after Rahul's birthday but they still cannot get over it. The news in the school spread like fire, like every girl either envied Halea or hated her for being Rahul's girl. Although they don't deliberately show they are in a relationship the people who were in his party shared it with everyone. And she did not escape the interrogation from Adrienne and Amelia. Right after the first break, they pulled her in their hang-out to spill the news.  "Is it really true about you and Rahul?" Adrienne whispered giggling while she held Halea's hand. They were walking past the rose garden to Jurassic Park. While Amelia holds the other hand. She was a bit embarrassed, and her cheeks started to get red, she nodded, "Yes, it's true," she said when she saw Caleb looking at her from a distance and now coming towards them.   And he called her name, "Halea, is it okay to talk to you for a minute?" he asked "What is it about?" she asked "I would like to ask you in private if that's okay with you," he said. Amelia and Adrienne heard so they went ahead of her. "Alright just talk to him first we will wait for you at our hang-out," Adrienne When the two ladies were far enough he then speaks, "So you decided to be with Rahul," he asked "You can say that," she answered "I was too late then," Caleb said "What do you mean?" "I like you Halea but I hope we can still be friends or what we have doesn't change," he said. She then remembers his effort of making friends with them. It may have been awkward to see her with him and the boyz now that she's Rahul's girlfriend. But they were always like a group and never alone plus it wouldn't change her feelings toward Rahul. "I don't think it would change, us being friends or classmates," she said and she paused, "but I don't think it would be appropriate for me to go out with you guys without Rahul's knowledge. That I think is something that you understand," she said "Can we still hang-out with you girls during the break?" "I think it's fine," Halea said, "I'm going now if you want to come then just come," she said, and took out her phone from her pocket just enough to see Rahul's message. Rahul: Have you had your break? Me: I'm still going to meet my friends and you? Rahul: Does that include the three musketeers? I'm having snacks right now. Me: Yes, including the musketeers. I hope that wouldn't be a problem any way he knows we're together. I was supposed to tell you but you asked first. Rahul: I appreciate your honesty, Halea. I am now missing you Me: I miss you too and thank you for understanding. I will see you later. After texting Rahul she's now with Adrienne and Amelia. And the 2 boys were there with them. "So where's Caleb?" Matthew asked "I am not sure I thought he was just behind me," "You owe me and Adrienne something and you have to pay for it during lunchtime," Amelia whispered to her and giggled. "Alright, I know we have plenty of time even after class. Because I'm not sure if the boys will be here during lunch," Caleb came with some snack, "Hey guys I brought some snacks," he said, "Next time it's our treat, okay," Halea said and they dug in. This has been the scene after everybody knows about her and Rahul. Everyday Rahul and Halea would meet, going to school and going back home holding hands. And regularly exchange messages even in school. Their first week of being together quickly passed so fast. And Rahul asked her to have lunch with his family in their house. He wanted to introduce her as his girlfriend. Halea's POV Halea woke-up with Luna's kisses as well as Aspin's bark, asking her to wake up. "Guys 5 more minutes, I still want to replay last night's event in my mind," she said talking to her pets. And you can hear Luna's meow as if complaining, while Aspin patiently waits for her to wake-up. Halea remembers how Rahul asked her to be his girlfriend and the kiss they have shared. And how Arnold teases Rahul along with the guys who have now carried Rahul and showered him with champagne. Arnold had it ready supposedly for his plan to greet him for his birthday at the island but since the island happening has been postponed and he heard Rahul shouting his victory with Halea the occasion was just right. After the party, Rahul brought her home and before they parted they once again kissed. And this is what she keeps repeating in her mind. Her phone rang, she knows who is it so she answered, "Hello," "Good morning Love," Rahul said on the other line. That was new, this is the first time he called her Love. "Love? Since when did we call each other love?" "Every day I am loving you so starting today I will call you Love," "It's too cheesy, I like the BF and GF or I'll call you 'Hul' which is the syllable of your name." "I'm okay with that GF, Hally then Love," he said, teasing her. "Are we running today?" he asked "Yes, I'll be up now, see you soon BF," "See you soon GF Love," he said laughing and then he turns the call off. Halea now awake prepares herself for their weekly run with Aspin. After getting up she saw Aspin, "Aspin, did you run somewhere? you look so dirty you should take a bath after the run," After breakfast, she headed out with Aspin who is now clean. Elmo gave Aspin a quick bath. "Thanks, Tata Elmo for Aspin's bath and Nana Rosa for the breakfast," she said while going out of the gate. Rahul was already there stretching, "Morning GF, you look beautiful when your hair is up like that," "Why when it's down, I don't look beautiful anymore?" she asked "That's not what I mean," Rahul laughed and Aspins barked at him when he tried to get close to Halea. "Woah, Aspin, you still don't like me," Aspin barks again as if confirming his question, Halea laughs, "He just said yes," while she laughs again Then went into their normal run in the neighbourhood. He sometimes teases her but was not able to come closer because of Aspin. After running for 30 minutes they were back at Halea's house. She gave Aspin to Tata Elmo and went out to ask Rahul, "What time are you picking me up?" "I'll come around 11:30 am,"  "Okay, I'll be ready at 11:30 am, I'll see you later," Halea was supposed to go when Rahul grabbed her and gave her a peck in the lips. Halea's eyes widened, "What are you doing? My Mom might see us," she said and strike him with her hands. "Tomorrow, I'll talk to your Mom and Dad about us," he said and run home Although worried, Halea felt that tingle and made her smile so big. Her Mom saw her, "And what was that smile about?" she asked "Nothing!" but her smile is still there so she bit her lips, "Is it Rahul?" She was swaying her body, "Yes, it was him," "Do you want to tell me something? Or should I ask?" "Mom!" she said with a little embarrassment. She then hugged her Mom, "We're trying the GF/Bf thing?" she said in a low voice, still a bit shy. And her mom laughs, "Now you have to tell me how it happened," she said giggling like a teenager.  "Mom, you're making me anxious," faking her cry while her Mom teases her. "Alright, if you don't want to tell me," she said laughing, "Ask him to come lunchtime today so we can talk to Dad about it," "Mom, He's going to introduce me today to her Mom as well. Can that be tomorrow?" "Okay, tomorrow lunch then," "Okay, I'll tell him. I'll go up and shower," she said
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