Chapter 25: The Invites

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Halea's POV The day passed by and I noticed the change in Caleb. He has been more welcoming and approachable though he looked like he is always on trance. "Girls, was it only me or have you also noticed the change in Caleb?" I asked Amelia and Adrienne "We've noticed it, he becomes sweeter whenever he's with you," Adrienne teasing me "No, seriously don't you feel the difference?"  "I can see him smiling more now, compared before," Amelia said, "but this is whenever we are with you," then she chuckles "You guys are not helping. So you haven't found him strange lately?" "No. I don't think so. I think he is just affected knowing that you are together with Rahul," "What do mean by that?" I asked "Oh, you didn't observe that he likes you?" Adrienne asks "I never thought of that, as you know I find him arrogant during our first meeting," "You could have tried to know him a little bit more if you're not with Rahul," Amelia said I shook my head not agreeing with their comment, "Okay, there's plenty of time for that. I'm still friends with him anyway," "Oh, by the way, have you spoke to your Nana about me wanting to learn traditional medicine?" "Not yet, it's too early to say," "Well, I need to know what would be the schedule so I can arrange my summer job," "You're going for a summer job? where?" "Yes, I plan to be busy during the summer. I will be working with Arnold at the dock," "Who's Arnold?" Amelia asked "He is Rahul's cousin who is now managing some of their business," "Oh okay, can I join you?" "Me too, I want to join!" "I need to ask Rahul," "We can ask him. When are you going to introduce us to him and also hang out with him and his friends," Adrienne asked. Come to think of it, I haven't introduced him to them officially, and she's correct we haven't gone out with him. "That's a great idea, let me talk to him and I'll let you girls know," "Okay," they both said in unison letting out a giggle. While we were in the park having our break, I saw Veronica heading on our direction. "Hi, Halea," "Hi, Veronica," "My friends and I are having girls break this weekend at my house, it's a sort of girl bonding activities just to get to know each other. There would be 3 of us, we'll be having manicure and pedicure, trying some make-up products,  snacks, & maybe play some games. I would like to invite you and your friends," I looked at my friends and waited for their answer which is readily apparent in their eyes, as I can see the hidden giggles and sparkles of them wanting to join, "What do you say, girls?" "I'm in if they are in, I said," and there you go they were bursting with excitement "Sure," they both agreed on coming "What time and what do you want us to bring?" I asked "Come by at 2 pm, you can bring a change of clothes in case we decided to go dirty or something. No need to worry about anything, I will take care of it," "Alright, see you then," I said though I felt a little uneasy about her invitation at least I won't be going alone. I looked at her as she leaves with her friends. Strangely I saw the boy she was with during Vale festival, he was holding her. His hand has been wrapped around her shoulder and they were laughing. Has she really accepted me and Rahul? I hope so, I don't want to have any enemy. Veronica's POV I am trying to connect and make friends with Halea, I want her to be comfortable with the idea that I am fine of her having Rahul. I wanted Rahul to see that I am a good sport, that I would always be beside him. I am not really sure if she would accept my invitation, but it's a good thing that her friends were up to it. It's a good beginning. This should go smooth, my girls think that I'm up for revenge which I am but not something petty like this. My invitation to get to know her is real at least I would be able to measure our differences. As the saying goes, "Keep your friends close, your enemy closer".  And for the meantime, I accepted Mark's proposal on dating just to show people around me that I am not affected on Rahul having Halea. Mark also belongs to the wealthy family in Vale, he has been wanting to ask me out since last year. This shouldn't be difficult since I like him plus his gallant and love to spend on gifts. He is our sponsor for this weekends girls break.  I know Halea's looking at us so I gave my sweetest smile for Mark, so she can see. While the girls tease us, I just chuckle in his every corny joke. Until they finally left their place at the park. And I let go of Mark and shoo him away. "So what's the plan?" Leslie asked, "Just have fun, that's the plan. I do really want to know her and I want to gain her trust. So don't do anything stupid," I said. "If you say so, we will be kind to her. That's one the easiest thing to do," Ivy said "Who will get for the pedi's and manicure? Do you want me to book Cindy Salon or their rival Singapore Salon? "You know better than me, so I leave this with you," "Hey, I heard about this new fortune teller do you want to invite her?" "That will be fun, what do you think Veronica," "Okay, Let's have our fortune told while we do our manicure and pedicure," "Great, we're all set then. You will ask your maids to prepare snacks right or do you want to order?" "I'll take care of the food and the set-up, Mom just bought in new bean bags so that should be good," So everything is going to plan. We will be having a mini girl party at home. I know my Mom would enjoy it, she might even join us. She likes this kind of thing.  
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