Chapter 24: The Run

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Caleb's POV "Alab, are you ready? We will just go for a stroll" "Ready, my strength and speed is all yours," I saw Matthew and Jason on the motorcycle and signaled theme to go. "Where are we going, Boss?"  Matthew mind linked me "We will visit Halea, I wanted to know if she's my mate"  I started to run and to my amazement, I felt like gliding. I feel the wind swiftly passing through like I was flying. I can see Matthew and Jason behind and I stopped at the end of the pack's territory. I need to slow down if I don't want anyone to see me. I've waited for them for a few minutes. And when they saw me I continued slowly running just at the same speed as the motorcycle. I smiled at Matthew and Jason, I can see their excitement in their face seeing me move this fast. We are now near her house, I smell another creature inside and the smell is blocking my senses. We heard a dog barked. And I heard Matthew growl trying to intimidate the dog. But the dog didn't give in, surprisingly this dog feels different even its smell is not like any ordinary dog. Its bark is no longer a warning it sounded like it's ready to attack.  "I like this dog, its bravery to protect its owner is outstanding," I whispered to the guys "Yeah, imagine how it surpasses my growl. I am a Thalon and it is just a dog," Matthew said Then we heard a loud whistle, there we saw Halea peek from the window. It seems like she was the one who called the dog. She then closes the window. I asked Alab, "Did you see her? Can you smell her?" "I saw the human girl, but I also sense a fire creature nearby,"  "Do you not sense anything from the human girl?" "I cannot sense anything from her, I do not want to give you high hopes but I also don't want to take it. But think of it this way, I am not fully transformed and my wolf ability is in question until we completed our quest I cannot provide you with a definite answer," His answer made me feel sad, "Very well, I understand. We should go back home now,". I told Matthew and Jason to head back home. And I ran once again, this time I don't care if anyone will see me they won't be able to catch me anyway. I felt my heart broke into pieces knowing that I do not have the answer I seek right now. My attraction to her grows more every day, that is for sure. When I smell her presence during the ceremony, it gave me hope thinking that it might be her. Just the thought of her during that time eased my pain and because of that, I want to live more to be with her. I need to distract my self, I must concentrate on the quest instead. That would remove my mind from thinking of her. Halea's POV Another day comes and it felt different from the days that went by. Rahul picked me up in the morning and now that we are officially a couple we didn't need to hide it. While walking to school he held my hands and so was I. "The school break is coming soon, what are your plans?" I asked Rahul "I don't want to think of it yet, I may need to postpone my plans there are a few things I need to set-u here," "Are you sure? Or is it because you wanted to stay longer with me," I  teased him biting my lips. I know he is doing it because of me. "Don't let me interrupt your plan, I would only be here until you come back," "I know that but there are also a lot of things that need to be done, including the operations at the shop," "Alright, just give me some time to be with you before you leave," "It's still a few months from now so I think we have enough time," "If you say so. By the way, I plan to get a summer job and take a few new courses if ever," "That's good to know, where do you plan to take a summer job?" "I'm still looking, I wanted to gain some experience either fieldwork or office set-up is fine," "Do you want to try in the seafood shop at the dock? Arnold is looking for extra help on the inventory control," "What do I need to do?" "Basically to check and match the inventory record and actual count, make some reconciliation if there are a discrepancy and input delivery orders on the system. There's a lot to learn and since its a part-time job you only need to complete a 4 hours job." "That sounds fun," "I'll talk to Arnold for you," "Yes please," We arrive at the school and before we parted he pulled me close and peck on my forehead. and he whispered, "I'll pick you up later," I smiled at his gesture.  "See you later," and I pressed his hand I saw Amelia and Adrienne waiting for me at the gate.  "Hi girls, how was your weekend?" "Mine is boring, my Nana is starting this herbology thing with the young Babaylans and she wanted me to join it. She is preparing for this summer, so I went with her to gather some herbs in the forest during the weekend," "But that was fun, don't you think?" I said "What's the fun in that? I'm a teenager who wanted to do teenage things,"  I laughed at her, "do you think your Nana would accept a student like me?" I asked her since I like to learn traditional medicines  "Yeah, me too. It would be fun to have you both during summer," Amelia said "How about you Amelia, how was your weekend?" "Well I just a lot of chores," she said I suddenly felt someone looking at me, a very warm feeling enveloping me. I had this same feeling before which I cannot remember where. But I like it, it gives me that tingling feeling so I held my upper arm crossing my hands on my chest and breath when I hear a voice from behind. "Are you alright?" the familiar voice so I turn and look at the owner of the voice. Then I saw Caleb. "I'm fine, I somehow didn't recognise your voice. It sounded deeper and stronger," "oh, I didn't notice it," he said in his deep low voice "I can feel you like a different person, there's something about you that felt so new," I said "Oh, really. Can you tell me what is it?" I chuckled from the thought that flashed in my mind, "You felt like you came back from the dead," then I close my eyes and in my mind, I can see a figure of a handsome creature with a familiar flame. "Is that a joke?" he asked laughing "My imagination is driving me wild, to be honest," and I chortle again "Tell me about it? I wanted to know what you think and feel" and he smiles. I just realize how mesmerizing he is and I cannot remove my eyes in his smile and in his eyes who is now looking deep into me. I suddenly felt like I know him and when he blinked I abruptly I'm back to my reality and looked away. "You're no longer the dog boy, I like how my mind imagines you now," I said and went ahead to class. Rahul's POV  Did she just say that she liked me now? She appears to know that I have suddenly changed. But Alab can only sense her as human. "What a strange human she is? She resembles someone I used to know. I felt like she can see me" Alab said talking in my mind "She must have seen you, you took control of my eyes for a minute there," I said remembering how he took a peek of her as she looks back at me "Apologies, I just need to look at her closer. She resembles so much of my beloved," "We need to focus on our quest, she shouldn't be a distraction for us," "I understand," he said I walked inside our classroom and sat beside Halea.   
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