
Betrayed and Divorced what now?

second chance
kickass heroine

What happens when the life you thought that was once perfect becomes a complete nightmare overnight?. Vivian thought she had the perfect life married to the man she loves but she's left completely heartbroken when he betrays her and has an affair with another woman. Now all she wants is revenge to make them pay for hurting her.

Filled with hatred and revenge will she be able to move on from the hurt that was inflicted upon her or will a new prince charming with secrets of his own sweep her off her feet and teach her to love again?

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Episode 1
Vivian POV "Okay, that's all for today guys," I said dismissing the class as I collapsed on my yoga mat from exhaustion. Lily, my friend and receptionist, walked into the room with a teasing smile on her face. "Are you excited for tonight," she said practically grinning from ear to ear. I smiled at her as she pulled me up from the yoga mat. Today is my wedding anniversary with my husband Wilson and I had been excited about it for a very long time. I had pulled out all the stops in making a small candlelight dinner celebration for just the two of us and I can't wait to see the look on his face as he sees all my efforts. "I know. I'm so excited. I can't believe it's already been two years since we got married," I said excitedly, "I just hope he hasn't forgotten about our anniversary today. He's been acting a little bit distracted lately and I don't know what's wrong with him" I didn't want to tell Lily about my problems especially on such a special day but Wilson has been acting so distracted lately it was beginning to really bother me. He is always on the phone these days even when he's home and he has been keeping late nights at the office too. I had tried asking him on many occasions to find out what the problem was but he would always wave it aside as just stress from work. I knew it wasn't easy managing a law firm so I had made sure to ease his worries by making dinner ready for him when he came home from work and even assisting him in menial duties at his law firm so he wouldn't need to hire an intern. I didn't mind doing all these things for him, In Fact I felt happy doing it for him. As long as Wilson was happy, I was happy. "Well he had better remember and be preparing a very good anniversary present for you this time," Lily said with a shrug snapping me out of my thoughts. I smiled. "Wilson has never remembered to get me a present in the two years we've been married. It's a waste of money anyway besides spending quality time with each other is always the best present he could give me" "What I don't understand is how he has never gotten you anything for your birthdays either. I know spending quality time is good but it's also not a difficult thing to buy something small for the person you say you love," Lily argued, not backing down. "It doesn't matter, Wilson expresses his love for me in different ways," I said loyally, ignoring the voice in my head that was silently agreeing to what Lily said. Wilson loved me and that was all that mattered to me. She sighed knowing fully well I couldn't be convinced otherwise. Lily had never really gotten along with Wilson in the first place so it was hard to always hide his shortcomings from her. I decided to change the subject before things got weird. "Come on Lily. Let's lock up the studio together" She cast me a dirty look noting my subtle change in the subject but didn't press further about it. "You are way too nice Vivian and way too good for Wilson. I only hope one day he realizes how special you are and finally treats you right before someone else snatches you from him" I giggled and hugged Lily grateful for the compliment. She really was a good friend. We both locked up the yoga studio and parted ways. The night air was cold as I walked outside while humming to myself. I braced myself as I endured the walk to my home wrapping my arms around myself. The studio was only a few blocks away from my apartment so I hadn't bothered to bring my car. I shivered and hastened my steps eager to be out of the cold as soon as possible. My heart thumped in my chest with excitement with every step I took. Today is going to be the day I finally tell Wilson everything I had been hiding about me, about my true background and my family. I didn't want there to be any secrets between us anymore. I rounded the corner that led to the entrance of my apartment and my brows creased together in surprise as I saw Wilson's large Mercedes in the driveway. My annoyance gave way and I wondered why he was home so early from work. He wasn't supposed to be home for another two hours. It looks like my surprise dinner will not be a surprise, I thought to myself. A wave of disappointment washed over me as I bit my lips in sadness. I had hoped that today I could finally get him to put down his phone and pay attention to me without any distractions so we could finally enjoy our anniversary together. I sighed, my earlier excitement of the night ahead beginning to wane. I trudged towards the door when another thought hit me. What if Wilson was also planning a surprise candle light dinner for the two of us to make up for being so inattentive lately. That was the only explanation I could think of for him being home so early from work. My heart lit up with joy as the thought began to make more and more sense to me. Giddy with excitement I raced towards the door almost tripping at the steps in my excitement. I hastily dug through my bag and brought out my keys unlocking the door. I let myself in and gently closed the door so as not to alert Wilson that I was home. I stood at the entrance of the door in confusion. The whole room was shrouded in darkness and Wilson hadn't even bothered to turn the lights on. Was he already asleep? Or even worse was he sick?. I became worried as I took in his briefcase, shoes and ties hastily flung on the sofa and on the floor. "I should probably check up on him" I made my way towards the stairs and headed quietly towards the bedroom. "Oh Wilson, harder, harder," a woman's voice moaned. I stopped in my tracks. For a split second I felt the world spiral around me as I blinked in confusion . I stood there for a few seconds not moving forward nor backwards. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. It wasn't possible. Wilson wouldn't do that to me. "Oh my God. Yes," Wilson moaned. I couldn't feel anything as I heard the unmistakable voice of my husband. I was numb as hot tears trickled down my face at his betrayal. It hurt so much I could barely breathe. To think he didn't even have the decency of respecting me that he'd brought a woman to our home and was sleeping with her. Was I a joke to him?. After everything I had done for him. It was like a knife was being pierced into my heart and I was slowly dying from the pain. I pushed open the door gently and I saw the two of them on the bed. My husband was on top of a woman whom I recognized very well, it was none other than Bianca Thomas, a rich heiress. I had previously met her on several occasions as she was a client and friend to my husband. Wilson had told me they had met through mutual friends while he was just starting his law firm and had stayed in touch. I didn't like her because she was always flirting with him even right in front of me and when I had told Wilson about it, he'd waved it off as me being paranoid and jealous. I couldn't believe how naive I was to believe him. They were so busy screwing each other that none of them hadn't even noticed someone was standing at the door let alone registering my presence. "Wilson, how could you do this to me?" Bianca gasped in shock as they both scrambled to get out of the bed. A look of discomfort and guilt crossed Wilson's face as he looked at me. "I was going to tell you, Vivian. I swear" "What were you going to tell me?. That you have been sleeping with her right in my own home. What is wrong with you Wilson?. How could you do this to me on our anniversary day," I said, raising my voice as I lost my cool. His eyes widened in surprise as he pushed his hair backwards guiltily. "It's our anniversary. I totally forgot it was today," he muttered under his breath while Bianca was grinning to herself as she watched the two of us arguing. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore so I marched towards him and slapped him across the face. His face remained emotionless as he looked at me without blinking. I could no longer see any trace of love in his eyes for me like they used to be. "I didn't want you to find out this way but now that you know, I don't have to hide the affair anymore," he said coldly. "Is that all you have to say to me after cheating on me," I gasped in outrage. He didn't even feel remorseful that he'd been having an affair behind my back. The pain hurt so much I could barely breathe. I took a deep breath and stared at him straight in the eyes. "How long have you been having an affair with her," I bit out. "You don't need to know," he snapped. "I need to know," I said resolutely, not backing down. "Seven months," he said reluctantly. I felt air escaping my lungs and I almost collapsed from the pain. My husband had been cheating on me for seven months. I felt so sick I wanted to throw up. He went to where Bianca was still lying on the bed, with a smug look on her face and held her hands as he stared at me and said those four earth-shattering words. "I want a divorce”

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